drg or drk. wut you think?
Server: Unicorn
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Posts: 7
By Unicorn.Manhattan 2009-10-08 12:26:30
not puttin pup over a drk as far as power but i have more fun with pup than a drk and at least i wont die lol! drk has weak def as well!
Server: Remora
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By Remora.Laphine 2009-10-08 12:30:20
well i actually think of sam as a loljob, just as much as drg and drk lol. Sam just has a big bandwagon to it though. Although pole+birds is ok, sam is just lackluster with katana as Vegetto said before.
Meh, even on hard stuff. My thf used to beat the crap out of most pimped sams we had on gods.
Server: Asura
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By Asura.Slamm 2009-10-08 13:03:04
Laphine said: well i actually think of sam as a loljob, just as much as drg and drk lol. Sam just has a big bandwagon to it though. Although pole+birds is ok, sam is just lackluster with katana as Vegetto said before.
Meh, even on hard stuff. My thf used to beat the crap out of most pimped sams we had on gods. pimped sam doesn't mean good sam a sam with a brain even in nq AH gear will do decent dmg, same can be said about any dd job just not as much. problem is most people are too HELP I AM TRAPPED IN 2006 PLEASE SEND A TIME MACHINE to know what to macro in and when to do it. any sam who tp in askar needs to wake up (unless they have relic of course)
Server: Ramuh
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By Ramuh.Sagittario 2009-10-08 13:05:15
Haseyo said: You put Pup over Drk? Okay now you are officially a joke. +1
Server: Unicorn
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Posts: 7
By Unicorn.Manhattan 2009-10-08 13:22:28
lol it could be pup over drk, a *** whm over drk lmao i dont care drk's gets no love! im out this *** :) peace!
Server: Ifrit
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By Ifrit.Kungfuhustle 2009-10-08 13:23:50
Sagittario said: Haseyo said: You put Pup over Drk? Okay now you are officially a joke. +1 +2 and the fact that Manhattan is a total idiot troll who wants everyone to feel the flames he feels in his anus
Server: Kujata
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By Kujata.Segaia 2009-10-08 14:42:50
the only time drk gets my attention is when i need to fkin heal their lazy *** in dynamis... That's all about it. Since the implementation of Drakesbane i see in my dyna parses a lot of changes... and both are brutally close together so.. "it depends".. like with anything in this world.
Server: Ifrit
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By Ifrit.Kungfuhustle 2009-10-08 16:01:19
I want cookies !!!
Server: Ramuh
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By Ramuh.Sagittario 2009-10-10 08:41:43
I hereby provide evidence for the loldrgs who claim DRK cannot out damage a DRG, and just to rub it in I thought I would provide it on DRGs "speciality mob". I would like to add that this comparison is against 2 quality DRGs who had good gear (Arazin turned up in full Aurum and both had Antares Harness). EXHIBIT 1   EXHIBIT 2   EXHIBIT 3   EXHIBIT 4  Not only was I consistently outparsing them, my phys attks were also higher 2/3 of the time and with dread spikes up and lvl3 desperate blows I could provide twice the damage on top of that than they could from jumps. Souleater was not used at all as its hardly suitable for a merit PT, so with that in mind that alot more potential damage. In terms of my gear over theres, there was no real difference, my WS gear consistted of Olibanum Sachet, Pallas braces and Wyvern Helm, the DRGs had Alky bracelets and one had Aurum pieces macrod in for his WS. Lets see any lolDRG's come up with an excuse now. Oh and I realise that a DRG with Drakesbane would comfortably outdamage me for WS, but seeing as Penta Thrust is still supposedly superior to Guillotine on birds, both are multi hit and both have a STR mod, I think this is a very fair test.
Server: Lakshmi
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Posts: 345
By Lakshmi.Aaroca 2009-10-10 09:40:37
In all fairness, that guy is wearing ohat and SH for birds at 75? I don't have drk or drg lvled but I can spot a loldrg when I see one.
Server: Sylph
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Posts: 164
By Sylph.Oxbloodravenxo 2009-10-10 09:48:55
That Drg has brought shame to all the drgs out there ._. ....
I myself am a dark but even on birds that drg should easily be pulling high numbers especially on birds, so that indeed is the most common breed of drg known as "loldrg".
Regardless drk may have weak defence but sub sam and your good to go! Seigan third eye dread spikes stun weapon bash what more could a drk want?
Server: Fairy
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Posts: 3615
By Fairy.Vegetto 2009-10-10 09:48:59
The only thing you've proven here is that you can outdamage gimps, which anyone can, regardless of job. I don't see how you put "quality drg", along with pictures of barone pants, scorpion harnesses, and total ***for haste builds. Here is a parse of a real drg, along with myself and Kny (real sams). A) You can't exclude drakesbane, good drgs have it. You call these "qaulity" drgs and yet they don't even have their best WS? B) It's a comparison of job vs job, not Guillotine vs Penta Thrust, so I don't see why drg would be limited to it. If you want to compare the actual WS Guillotine vs Penta, then compare it to my sam's penta, which would have easily made yo useless in that party. I'll start with this. This is a real drg, and these are real polearm sams, quality ones. Not the ***ones you have presented. http://imagebeast.net/images/9ycrc43g8bkphveh2kyw.pnghttp://imagebeast.net/images/walxwg9ufccrteigx3b.pnghttp://imagebeast.net/images/e59prguu8fohyjltiwmm.pnghttp://imagebeast.net/images/1znti6fu734k51n3xquw.pnghttp://imagebeast.net/images/0zb59sg5ds2rk0zjct.pnghttp://imagebeast.net/images/69vo6j9vtz8z62p3j061.pnghttp://imagebeast.net/images/wow0rs3ijymzqimfzm7g.jpgAnd this is a real parse, from good DDs, not ***ones. Notice your highest WS in the pic is 1256?  Not a single one our Colibri averages are under that number, and that's the AVERAGE. Hell, even once you toss in the wivres, it's still barely lower. This was with 1 chaos roll, not enhanced by drk, corsair roll, and 2 marches, kabob for food. The drg in this parse is a "Quality" drg, not what you have presented, but we'll take this a bit further on the penta vs guillotine. That was with march x2 and 1 chaos roll, here's a pic of my petna dmg from an epeen dmg pt (min march, drk in pt chaos roll)  Penta smashes guillotine on birds, show me once where your AVERAGE was ever even close to that in a meripo.
Server: Fairy
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Posts: 3615
By Fairy.Vegetto 2009-10-10 09:55:12
Also, if he showed up in "Full Aurum" why the fk was he using Scorpion harness instead of Aurum Cuirasss?
Edit: Also, Vikk is the DRK in the 2nd parse, see that shitty average? Does that mean I'm saying DRK sucks because of that guy? Hell no, he's a shitty drk and should feel bad. Him on that parse is the equivalent of the drgs on your parse. If you can out DD them, so what? they suck anyways, anyone can.
Server: Ramuh
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By Ramuh.Sagittario 2009-10-10 10:09:20
lolvegetto, mr excuses.
they are antares harness' not SH foo.
Server: Ramuh
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Posts: 16303
By Ramuh.Sagittario 2009-10-10 10:10:00
Aaroca said: In all fairness, that guy is wearing ohat and SH for birds at 75? I don't have drk or drg lvled but I can spot a loldrg when I see one. Yeh he was using Ohat for TP and its an Antares Harness. Aurum cuirass pieces were macrod in for his WS.
Server: Fairy
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Posts: 3615
By Fairy.Vegetto 2009-10-10 10:10:53
Sagittario said: lolvegetto, mr excuses.
they are antares harness' not SH foo. Mr excuses? Ok then if those drgs represent all drgs than that drk in my 2nd pt represents all drks? If not I don't see how that's an excuse. Also, guess what antares harness sucks too You said quality drgs and you did not deliver.
Server: Ramuh
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Posts: 16303
By Ramuh.Sagittario 2009-10-10 10:17:16
oh and i forgot to add im using rice dumplings there not kabobs.
Server: Fairy
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Posts: 3615
By Fairy.Vegetto 2009-10-10 10:18:48
Again, like I've said, the only thing you've proven is that you can beat undergeared/skilled drgs. I can show you parses of my pup beating undergeared/skilled drks. Does this mean pup is better than drk? Hell no, does it mean that anyone w/ even half a brain can outparse gimps? Sure does.
Do either of them even have a 6hit? >.>
I'm a go mow the law, but I'll be back to hear your next defense and bragging that you can beat gimp players.
Server: Ramuh
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Posts: 16303
By Ramuh.Sagittario 2009-10-10 10:22:10
we were killing hella fast and they knew what they were doing, just because they didnt match me for damage does not mean they are crap, DRK simply beat em in this case. Yeh ok lets for arguments sake say that they are indeed loldrgs, il SS the same thing from my next merit PT with a DRG and the next and the next, because this happens 9/10 times i merit.
How many times I will have to do it before you will accept DRK is a better DD overall I dont know, but seeing as DRK can still outdamage DRGs on the mob of choice for a DRG, leaves little to argue against when you consider DRK will win hands down on anything else.
Server: Lakshmi
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Posts: 345
By Lakshmi.Aaroca 2009-10-10 10:32:43
Sagittario said: Aaroca said: In all fairness, that guy is wearing ohat and SH for birds at 75? I don't have drk or drg lvled but I can spot a loldrg when I see one. Yeh he was using Ohat for TP and its an Antares Harness. Christ thats even worse!
Server: Fairy
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Posts: 3615
By Fairy.Vegetto 2009-10-10 11:00:36
Sagittario said:
How many times I will have to do it before you will accept DRK is a better DD overall I dont know, but seeing as DRK can still outdamage DRGs on the mob of choice for a DRG, leaves little to argue against when you consider DRK will win hands down on anything else.
You only have to do it once if you do it right the first time. An actual GOOD drg is all that is needed. I don't need to see it 10 times, I don't need to see it 5 times, I need to see it once, a good drg, not a pack of shitty ones. Just look at it from my view, I can go grab some random drks lfp now and parse with them and if I won, what would you say? You'd obviously point out their deficiencies in gear and say that they are not quality drks (which they probably aren't since I'm getting them in a pick up party) and you would like to see a parse with an actual drk that you would consider to be good, right? If that's not the case, I'll go get 3 drks lfp tonight and show the parse of me beating them all. Edit: Also, an actual parse would be nice, not just hand selected screens showing what could be your highest ws not your average vs one of their shittier ws which isn't their average.
Server: Ramuh
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Posts: 16303
By Ramuh.Sagittario 2009-10-10 11:20:15
Thats fair enough the situation can be the same for both sides, you need to remember this was an example of DRK vs DRG on birds, to show that DRK can outdamage DRG even on a mob where DRG have a clear advantage, I would very much like to see a DRG out damage a DRK in a reverse situation on a mob that is considered to be particularly weak against a scythe. They were two of the better DRGs I have PTd with in my time, so if thats an average to go by then DRGs are not very good at all. However, like I said before, a skilled DRG with drakesbane will not be out damaged on birds, but a skilled DRG may not necessarily be able to outdamage even an average DRK against mobs weak to DRKs strengths.
Overall DRK will win, if you took an average DRK against an average DRG and tested them on every mob across FFXI the DRK would come out as the higer DD. This is not even including DRK magic.
Server: Fairy
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Posts: 3615
By Fairy.Vegetto 2009-10-10 11:25:32
Nobody is really interested in the average though. I'm only interested in good players. When I say drg, and as a drg, the average drg does have things like SH and barone legs. That is not me and I do not take that as my representation. As I'm sure the drks that TP in wyvern helm and ruby rings do not represent you.
Yes, those 2 drgs get extra dmg on birds, 25% piercing bonus Fail + 25% = fail. They still fail.
I have no doubt that you could beat those 2 particular drgs, at any camp, but I would like to see is a good drk vs a drg along the lines of Ligerzero that I posted in my parse/pics post.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 14
By Lakshmi.Sweetsnopea 2009-10-10 11:38:44
First of all: for all the ones that *** about drg and dark have nothing better to do what makes the job a good job is not the gear or what ever its how the person chooses to play the job
I haven't messed around with dark too much but I'm a lvl 75 drg and they can do more dmg than a lot of players out there if u like a dd and blm go with dark u get to do both blm and dd so I have heard I have been wanting to mess around with dark because of that
Server: Fairy
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Posts: 3615
By Fairy.Vegetto 2009-10-10 11:44:21
Sweetsnopea said: First of all: for all the ones that *** about drg and dark have nothing better to do what makes the job a good job is not the gear or what ever its how the person chooses to play the job
No, it's a combination of gear and how a person chooses to play the job. Yes, you can have raw skill in playing your job(Player A), but lackluster gear holding you back and beat someone w/ great gear but shitty skill(Player B), but when Player C walks in with equiv skill to Player A, but also equiv gear to Player B, he will blow both of them out of the water.
Server: Ifrit
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Posts: 24692
By Ifrit.Kungfuhustle 2009-10-10 11:45:56
Server: Fairy
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Posts: 3615
By Fairy.Vegetto 2009-10-10 11:49:13
Works the other way around too
Player D has the same gear as Player A, and the same skill as player B, he's going to the worst of the 4.
A better example though would be let's say you have average gear, and the guy you're parsing against has above average gear.
Now let's say you are winning the parse. If you two were to log off and switch characters and you applied your skills to his gear and he played your character the same way he played his, you would be winning by a higher percent than you were when you were playing your own character.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 14
By Lakshmi.Sweetsnopea 2009-10-10 11:52:31
yea i see what ur saying veg I was more focusing on a lot of players out there think u need the BEST of the best gear in order to be a good "what ever job it is" You don't need the best of the best gear to have a good job I heard someone the other day bitching about the ares gear being ***lol just trying to make themselves look more important
Server: Fairy
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Posts: 3615
By Fairy.Vegetto 2009-10-10 12:06:53
Sweetsnopea said: yea i see what ur saying veg I was more focusing on a lot of players out there think u need the BEST of the best gear in order to be a good "what ever job it is" You don't need the best of the best gear to have a good job I heard someone the other day bitching about the ares gear being ***lol just trying to make themselves look more important Well, if you're referring to ares body, it is ***. As far as drgs go, if your acc is uncapped, SH+1 beats it for TP'ing. Edit: good for jumps and solo of course, but I meant shitty as a TP'ing piece.
Server: Lakshmi
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Posts: 14
By Lakshmi.Sweetsnopea 2009-10-10 12:13:15
NO I wasn't I was referring in general you know the type that love to start fights just for the hell of it to make themselves look more important than everyone else that's what I was referring to in the first place But I think I struck a fight nerve with u because this is the 3d time u have responded to me in a fighting manner Fighting on games or on blogs is just plan stupid
So I've been thinking about raising another melee job. Specifically I'm debating on drk or drg. my drk is only 10, and my drg is already 43. this is going to be a slow climb to 75 b/c its just not that important to me however which do you all think i'd have more fun with. my other jobs are blu/rng/bst and soon cor. whatcha think and why?