A Few Dumb Questions

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A few dumb questions
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Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Nikolce
Posts: 20130
By Shiva.Nikolce 2011-05-13 10:31:56
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Cerberus.Liandaru said:
Are there any must have (will carry me through 90+) AF and Relic pieces I should work toward? Or should I stick with the Blessed, Nobles and Orison?

I need to make a header....
inb4 Nikolce is both lazy and moderately HELP I AM TRAPPED IN 2006 PLEASE SEND A TIME MACHINE taking anything he says seriously can be used against you at a trial to determine your mental competence.

And with that being said I think my setup is perfectly adequate for a rookie, or a lazy bum like me. All easily obtainable with minimum fuss or gill and with relic dropping like snowflakes it would be even easier now.
MOST IMPORTANTLY Wearing my setup lowers the expectations of your fellow party/alliance members. You're just starting out, you want to keep expectations LOW.

Tweek has some sweet *** gear, when you get three or four more years of whming under your belt you can don it. But keep in mind, when wearing a setup like his you will be expected to solo heal two alliances from outside blindfolded for eighteen hour at a time without any bathroom breaks all while performing other miracles like dropping a solace cure bomb stoneskin on someone with their shadows down the milisecond before he eats an EES.

When you find yourslf pulling stuff like that out of your rear on the regular, go get the roundel.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 7227
By Leviathan.Angelskiss 2011-05-13 10:42:49
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Shiva.Msthief said:
Oh and although I whole-heartedly agree about Surya's, it's far from free. It took me two days with three accounts (DD and Blm/retrace ***) to finish it up. I could have made a couple mil in that time, so it depends on your capability to make money - but please don't call it free.
LOL are you seriously complaining about the best staff in game for a whm..hell any job that can equip and not calling it free for the trade off?

It does not cost you gil = Free.

Time sink does not equate to gil when there is NOTHING out there for a whm that you can buy for the weapon slot that equals 22% cure potency that full time staff. Not sure why you needed three accts either. lol. I did it duo in two days.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Jarbino
Posts: 125
By Quetzalcoatl.Vileplume 2011-05-13 10:46:57
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Cerberus.Liandaru said:

Are there any must have (will carry me through 90+) AF and Relic pieces I should work toward? Or should I stick with the Blessed, Nobles and Orison?

Yes. The AF1 part, the legs and body are real nice. (Legs give 15 Divine magic skill, Body gives Enfeebling skill). The other pieces, not so much.

Relic(Cleric's) body, legs, feet, and hands are all great.

As far as Orison goes, all pieces are recommended to have, but the most important is probably the hat and legs, after that you can work on body/feet/hands.

The Blessed pieces will be used for a long time; I still use the legs/body(9/10 Orison seal: body. Freaking Shaula won't put out!)/hands.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Chairman
Posts: 10
By Quetzalcoatl.Chairman 2011-05-13 10:49:50
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Shiva.Nikolce said:
It's dirt simple, we got us a new 66 whm here that we are trying to show the ropes too but rather than simply explain <stal> and "Go get the dryad staff off Roc"

Dryad staff is trash at any level.
Server: Gilgamesh
Game: FFXI
user: Tweeek
Posts: 2169
By Gilgamesh.Tweeek 2011-05-13 11:03:27
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Asura.Leonlionheart said:

Although even with blinkmenot I still personally use <stal> for everything, even haste since it won't go out of party anyway.

Hey just to set the record straight here Haste can be cast outside of party and alliance. It's one of the very few spells I keep in my normal macro book as a <st> because I'll often throw a tank outside my alliance a haste to help them out on an NM we are waiting for. Also it's kind of like a "hey hurry up and kill dat NM!" but more it helps them, then I'll just do in game menu cures to them if they need it.

Regen, Erase, Refresh are party only spells. all the -na's can be outside party or alliance but I personally keep all those macros as <stal> still.

*Something to note is you can Accession -na spells for people in your alliance in the other party. So like you could Divine Seal or Accession -> -na spell on your own party and then Accession -> -na spell another party in your alliance.

Reikouki said:

Make sure that you actually go to your magic menu or make a seperate macro to cure people out of party, if you do plan to go PL some people, as you won't be able to target them with <stal>.

Yep again this is good advice, basically once you've perfected your main WHM macro make a copy for PLing and replace the <stal>'s with <st>'s I don't really get on enough any more to PL much but when I do I use a diff book.

Also one amazing thing about /SCH as a PL you can Accession -> Protect/Shell to give them all pro/shell outside your party/alliance. I often use this when I'm the only WHM in my alliance for the other party. Will also work with Cure I - IV so you can basically Curaga the party you are PLing, helps to keep hate on you and off the little guys.

Shiva.Nikolce said:

MOST IMPORTANTLY Wearing my setup lowers the expectations of your fellow party/alliance members. You're just starting out, you want to keep expectations LOW.

Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Nikolce
Posts: 20130
By Shiva.Nikolce 2011-05-13 11:14:31
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Gilgamesh.Tweeek said:
MOST IMPORTANTLY Wearing my setup lowers the expectations of your fellow party/alliance members. You're just starting out, you want to keep expectations LOW.

Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: misacat
Posts: 22620
By Bismarck.Misao 2011-05-13 11:27:51
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ugh, this tread has been half helpful, half bashing... lets stop it ok?

yeah some advices haven't been the best ones, but you can just give a better advice to it.

we aren't here to judge other's people whm's skill, especially if its cross-server. If you suck, you suck, if you don't, you don't, and it will only reflect on you in-game rep.

While advices have been given to the OP about gear and play style, If you really want to take whm seriously (as any other job), you have to experiment and find the best way to play the job to your available setup and play-style to make you more efficient.

myself? I don't like "pre-cure-cast". does it make me a bad whm? heck no.
Server: Gilgamesh
Game: FFXI
user: Tweeek
Posts: 2169
By Gilgamesh.Tweeek 2011-05-13 11:35:39
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Cerberus.Liandaru said:

Are there any must have (will carry me through 90+) AF and Relic pieces I should work toward? Or should I stick with the Blessed, Nobles and Orison?

Blessed hands/legs/feet are good forever* cause of the haste

Noble's good forever until you can replace with a good augmented Facio OR if can hit 49-50% cure potency without using a body slot. (Today this requires the best WHM gear in the game including a Roundel Earring)

imo.. WHM AF and Relic pieces are not game changers I was absent from the game for a few years and missed out on getting Relic. The only people who carry around some of these pieces have every imaginable best possible item set ready at their fingertips, they are good for specific situations but again it's not what you should be concentrating on. It's like the absolute final tools for your tool box to be the most complete WHM. Also with /SCH it's a little less important cause you can use Light Arts the skills will be ok.

Now that being said if you can build nice Enfeebling/Divine/Healing Skill (for Doom)/Enhancing/Elemental Resistance item sets these are useful.

Healing Skill set (Doom)
Orison Bliaud +2 - should be working on anyway
Healer's Mitts
Cleric's Pantaloons

Enfeebling Set
Cleric's Mitts
Healer's Briault

Orison Bliaud +2 - should be working on anyway
Cleric's Pantaloons

Orison Duckbills +2 actually replace Cleric's Duckbills

Regen (personally I don't cast Regen nearly as much as I used to)
Orison Mitts +2
Cleric's Briault

Keep in mind there are other bits and pieces to each of those item sets I didn't mention (Augur's Gloves, Beneficus for example) cause I'm only talking about AF/Relic

I don't really have all these sets, I would like them some day but just concentrating on others stuff first. If I had all the pieces I would use them though ;P
Server: Gilgamesh
Game: FFXI
user: Tweeek
Posts: 2169
By Gilgamesh.Tweeek 2011-05-13 11:40:17
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didn't see you ask about atma merits hopefully you just looked @ other topics but in case you didn't

Cure Cast Time 5/5
Bar Spell Effect 5/5

Shellra V 5/5
Protectra V 1/5
Martyr 1/5
Devotion 3/5

No matter what you do, go 5/5 on barspell and Shellra V, some people argue about details beyond that but very few serious WHMs argue with those 2 categories.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Nikolce
Posts: 20130
By Shiva.Nikolce 2011-05-13 12:23:18
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Quetzalcoatl.Chairman said:
Dryad staff is trash at any level.
<- Still uses it lmao

Gilgamesh.Tweeek said:
didn't see you ask about atma hopefully you just looked @ other topics but in case you didn't Cure Cast Time 5/5 Bar Spell Effect 5/5 Shellra V 5/5 Protectra V 1/5 Martyr 1/5 Devotion 3/5 No matter what you do, go 5/5 on barspell and Shellra V, some people argue about details beyond that but very few serious WHMs argue with those 2 categories.

Retards will argue about anything! I merited regen back in the day and I just can't bring myself to change it... or level sch or finish the staff trials or +2 my hat... the round tuit list is almost endless
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: misacat
Posts: 22620
By Bismarck.Misao 2011-05-13 12:25:53
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funny you mention that Tweeek.

BarSpells have been one of my annoyance spots for the longest times.
I would run in, and BarSpell my party/tank, only to have a rdm, bard or whatever, run in a minute after (because I ran in and casted, rdm/bard/whatever was out of range) and cast a BarSpell of his own, and ends up overriding mine for a weaker version of the spell..... /wrist

^ for that reason, I never capped BarSpells, and tossed some at Regen
Server: Gilgamesh
Game: FFXI
user: Tweeek
Posts: 2169
By Gilgamesh.Tweeek 2011-05-13 12:36:10
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Bismarck.Misao said:
funny you mention that Tweeek.

BarSpells have been one of my annoyance spots for the longest times.
I would run in, and BarSpell my party/tank, only to have a rdm, bard or whatever, run in a minute after (because I ran in and casted, rdm/bard/whatever was out of range) and cast a BarSpell of his own, and ends up overriding mine for a weaker version of the spell..... /wrist

^ for that reason, I never capped BarSpells, and tossed some at Regen

these are people in your LS that you play with regularly? you could just tell them to stop lol. seems like a strange reason to edit your merits, everyone in my LS know my barspells are sexy so they wouldn't want to override em :)

Nik why do you even post man, people come to the forums asking advice because they want to try and be the best. You openly admit that you don't even care and don't try hardly at all but then you act as if you are a legendary WHM.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Nikolce
Posts: 20130
By Shiva.Nikolce 2011-05-13 12:39:22
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Bismarck.Misao said:
funny you mention that Tweeek. BarSpells have been one of my annoyance spots for the longest times. I would run in, and BarSpell my party/tank, only to have a rdm, bard or whatever, run in a minute after (because I ran in and casted, rdm/bard/whatever was out of range) and cast a BarSpell of his own, and ends up overriding mine for a weaker version of the spell..... /wrist ^ for that reason, I never capped BarSpells, and tossed some at Regen

Barspells don't work, just like misery.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 23653
By Shiva.Flionheart 2011-05-13 12:41:02
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If you have no money and can't afford the Fylgja torque then the item you get from the WHM emote quest is a free easily obtainable 1% cure potency for neck.
Server: Gilgamesh
Game: FFXI
user: Tweeek
Posts: 2169
By Gilgamesh.Tweeek 2011-05-13 12:43:20
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Shiva.Flionheart said:
If you have no money and can't afford the Fylgja torque then the item you get from the WHM emote quest is a free easily obtainable 1% cure potency for neck.

I'm pretty sure Ajari will beat it for Cure V/VI but I never tested I would need to calculate it
Server: Unicorn
Game: FFXI
user: Aleste
Posts: 34
By Unicorn.Aleste 2011-05-13 12:45:09
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Reducing a ~2-4K AOE attack down to 200 damage for 12 mp is godly mp efficient.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 23653
By Shiva.Flionheart 2011-05-13 12:46:09
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Hmm maybe, I just saw a freely quested 1% potency.

I doubt there'd be too much difference between them.

I'm kinda new to WHM though lol.
Server: Gilgamesh
Game: FFXI
user: Tweeek
Posts: 2169
By Gilgamesh.Tweeek 2011-05-13 12:47:23
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Shiva.Flionheart said:
Hmm maybe, I just saw a freely quested 1% potency.

I doubt there'd be too much difference between them.

I'm kinda new to WHM though lol.

yea they're very similar it would come down to how much MND you got given Abyssea and buffs etc and which spell you're doing I think.
Server: Gilgamesh
Game: FFXI
user: Tweeek
Posts: 2169
By Gilgamesh.Tweeek 2011-05-13 12:48:35
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Unicorn.Aleste said:

Reducing a ~2-4K AOE attack down to 200 damage for 12 mp is godly mp efficient.

No, Nik is right.

A MNK taking a Thundaga IV for 0 from Shinryu proves you shouldn't bother with barspells and that they're a waste of time
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: misacat
Posts: 22620
By Bismarck.Misao 2011-05-13 12:52:43
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Shiva.Nikolce said:
Bismarck.Misao said:
funny you mention that Tweeek. BarSpells have been one of my annoyance spots for the longest times. I would run in, and BarSpell my party/tank, only to have a rdm, bard or whatever, run in a minute after (because I ran in and casted, rdm/bard/whatever was out of range) and cast a BarSpell of his own, and ends up overriding mine for a weaker version of the spell..... /wrist ^ for that reason, I never capped BarSpells, and tossed some at Regen

Barspells don't work, just like misery.

Server: Gilgamesh
Game: FFXI
user: Tweeek
Posts: 2169
By Gilgamesh.Tweeek 2011-05-13 12:54:56
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it's too bad people can't be section banned lol. it might be physically possible but I doubt it would happen
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: camaroz
Posts: 320
By Fenrir.Camaroz 2011-05-13 12:56:51
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NIK is is just plain HELP I AM TRAPPED IN 2006 PLEASE SEND A TIME MACHINE. I almost dont wanna write anything else. However Barspells is a must as well as Shellra. Also afflatus misery with esuna is just win!
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 23653
By Shiva.Flionheart 2011-05-13 12:58:28
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Even with gimped skill I make an effort to bar-whatever and notice a whole lot of MP being retained because of it.
Posts: 584
By BorealisV2 2011-05-13 13:00:05
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Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Kiori
Posts: 298
By Cerberus.Kiori 2011-05-13 13:05:50
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Gilgamesh.Tweeek said:
didn't see you ask about atma merits hopefully you just looked @ other topics but in case you didn't

Cure Cast Time 5/5
Bar Spell Effect 5/5

Shellra V 5/5
Protectra V 1/5
Martyr 1/5
Devotion 3/5

No matter what you do, go 5/5 on barspell and Shellra V, some people argue about details beyond that but very few serious WHMs argue with those 2 categories.
The 5/5 barspells to me is just silly. How often and where do you use a lot of barspells? Before we could go pass 75, sure, I can think of a few places, Sky...Avatar Fights...that's what I think of...now adays. I cast it now again.

Am I saying WHMs shouldn't merit bar spells? No. I personally did Cure Cast time 5/5 and Regen 5/5...no problem curing, and my tanks like my Regen 4s with my af3+1 mits and cleric's briallute (sp). All I'm saying is it's not neccessary required to do 5/5 bar, not anymore.
Server: Gilgamesh
Game: FFXI
user: Tweeek
Posts: 2169
By Gilgamesh.Tweeek 2011-05-13 13:10:44
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Cerberus.Kiori said:
Gilgamesh.Tweeek said:
didn't see you ask about atma merits hopefully you just looked @ other topics but in case you didn't

Cure Cast Time 5/5
Bar Spell Effect 5/5

Shellra V 5/5
Protectra V 1/5
Martyr 1/5
Devotion 3/5

No matter what you do, go 5/5 on barspell and Shellra V, some people argue about details beyond that but very few serious WHMs argue with those 2 categories.
The 5/5 barspells to me is just silly. How often and where do you use a lot of barspells? Before we could go pass 75, sure, I can think of a few places, Sky...Avatar Fights...that's what I think of...now adays. I cast it now again.

Am I saying WHMs shouldn't merit bar spells? No. I personally did Cure Cast time 5/5 and Regen 5/5...no problem curing, and my tanks like my Regen 4s with my af3+1 mits and cleric's briallute (sp). All I'm saying is it's not neccessary required to do 5/5 bar, not anymore.

Well I disagree, I also believe most WHMs would disagree with you. if anything I would understand someone not meriting cure cast time because they used to hit cap (new cap if any is unknown on fast cast and cure cast) without the merits but usually those people swap not doing cure cast time and keep barspells/regen.

You want to talk about what used to be important and what's not important today? MP conserving.. the point of Regen was to conserve MP and reduce hate to the healer. I don't cast Regen anymore because I will just cure people to full HP even if it's ridiculous overkill @ 98% HP cause they're going to get cureskin from me. I also never have hate problems anymore.

I rarely use Regen today it's very situational for me, I use barspells all the time.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Kiori
Posts: 298
By Cerberus.Kiori 2011-05-13 13:10:51
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Shiva.Flionheart said:
Hmm maybe, I just saw a freely quested 1% potency.

I doubt there'd be too much difference between them.

I'm kinda new to WHM though lol.
Ya, it's the WHM emote one. You need to kill Orcish Fighters from there home base (can't think of it off hand) and get the Cathedral Tapestry (sp?) I got another one there while farming for the chest key for kahzam pass for a friend.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Kiori
Posts: 298
By Cerberus.Kiori 2011-05-13 13:14:09
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Gilgamesh.Tweeek said:
Cerberus.Kiori said:
Gilgamesh.Tweeek said:
didn't see you ask about atma merits hopefully you just looked @ other topics but in case you didn't

Cure Cast Time 5/5
Bar Spell Effect 5/5

Shellra V 5/5
Protectra V 1/5
Martyr 1/5
Devotion 3/5

No matter what you do, go 5/5 on barspell and Shellra V, some people argue about details beyond that but very few serious WHMs argue with those 2 categories.
The 5/5 barspells to me is just silly. How often and where do you use a lot of barspells? Before we could go pass 75, sure, I can think of a few places, Sky...Avatar Fights...that's what I think of...now adays. I cast it now again.

Am I saying WHMs shouldn't merit bar spells? No. I personally did Cure Cast time 5/5 and Regen 5/5...no problem curing, and my tanks like my Regen 4s with my af3+1 mits and cleric's briallute (sp). All I'm saying is it's not neccessary required to do 5/5 bar, not anymore.

Well I disagree, if anything I would understand someone not meriting cure cast time because they used to hit cap (new cap if any is unknown on fast cast and cure cast) without the merits.

You want to talk about what used to be important and what's not important today? MP conserving.. the point of Regen was to conserve MP and reduce hate to the healer. I don't cast Regen anymore because I will just cure people to full HP even if it's ridiculous overkill @ 98% HP cause they're going to get cureskin from me.

I rarely use Regen today it's very situational for me, I use barspells all the time.
I use regen a lot. A lot of the times I'm the only whm around in an 18 party alliance. Allure/MM/Apoc helps big time with cures, but I still run out of MP a lot if I have to start cure bombing alliance members. Even outsite of abyssea, I still do Einherjar. Maybe there is another whm with me, but between the two of us, some of the mobs still pack a punch. MP conservation is everything. I'm no taru, my MP pool is no where as vast as yours. Regen saves me time, and mp. Bar spells, on the other hand, do nothing for me.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: camaroz
Posts: 320
By Fenrir.Camaroz 2011-05-13 13:17:31
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I use barspells all the time, they are extremely useful.
Server: Gilgamesh
Game: FFXI
user: Tweeek
Posts: 2169
By Gilgamesh.Tweeek 2011-05-13 13:18:01
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Why do you think you're burning through so much MP? If you reduced damage given to your party of DDs that would be less MP you need to spend curing them.

Also I used to be the only WHM in our alliance on every LS event we did with 12+ people with a RDM or two. We only recently have been able to start bringing a second WHM with us and it's pretty nice let's me relax some.

I think you would find another 5+ refresh more useful than Allure you should try it out could help with MP. Did you do get all the HP/MP+ abyssites? If not you should tell your LS leader to take time for 1 event to go get them for everyone it helps I did it with my LS, I was thankful and my MNKs look like HP manimals. You can get them all pretty quick with a group.