Clash Of The Titans

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Clash of the Titans
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Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: SSJAV
By Phoenix.Uzugami 2011-05-10 10:44:38
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Titan.Archeim said:

I totally understand. I despise racism in all forms, and i am not used to being the recipient of racist remarks, but my neighbors who live in the apartment downstairs (who are getting evicted btw) when ever they talk about is its "that tall white mother f..." and after they got 2 noise citations each (2 of them)from the police they were talking about how they were going to come into our apartment and stab us... what nice ladies they are... it's my first time getting threatened to be shanked :)

but yeah... that's why i normally only play with people i know (that and i'm still low level.)
It kinda made me lol while I was in the middle of it, I honestly throught he was joking until I read the comments, still surprised I didn't rage in the middle of it. Racist remarks really get under my skin, esp from people I don't even know. I'm a chill guy when you get to know me :p But I am an *** too lol, but this guy just like, randomly gets into it with.
Posts: 7
By thunders 2011-05-10 10:46:27
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there's ***on all places, that dosnt mean everyone have the right to judge all the ppl, i'm mexican and i understand what you talking about, but that doesnt mean all mexican are like that, you just meet the wrong persons, and it's reproduced on all countries, there are ppl that just dont have common sense... -.-;
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: SSJAV
By Phoenix.Uzugami 2011-05-10 10:46:54
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Phoenix.Urteil said:
Don't be sorry for me Uzugami, its really quite ironic - I was coming in here to compliment you.

Regardless I'll be the bigger man and do what I came here to do:

Great show, racism and rage are in fact the weakest forms of insults!

However so are proxy insults.


I wasn't aware cowards who hide behind race and such petty forms of conflict had feelings.
Don't feel sorry for them.
Its wasted effort.

Don't misunderstand my post, Not insulting you directly. I constantly hear people *** about you, I personally have no problems with you, I talk to you and I even look forward to pvping again, etc. Given how people from titan are, and given how you are. I'm pretty certain most of them won't get you either. (again, not insulting you, no problems with you etc.)
Server: Titan
Game: FFXI
user: Ardiem
Posts: 104
By Titan.Ardiem 2011-05-10 10:56:14
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I could just be wearing my Nostalgia glasses, but I honestly think Titan got the un-lubed end of the sodomy stick with the merger.

Had roles been reversed(as they should have been imho) Phoenix would have been left largely unmolested. A few syndrome of a downs might have tried to exploit the merger for their own gain, but the vast majority of Titans were good people, who just wanted to fight their NMs with their linkshells and move on with the day.
Titan had its fair share of sociopaths, morons, and all around bad people, but I'm astounded at the lengths Phoenies went through to ensure they pissed in the cheerios of people they'd never even met.

First impressions mean a hell of a lot, and stealing the Character and linkshell names of the people you're probably stuck with till FF burns is a pretty bollocks way of welcoming us.(can we even say Hell on these forums anymore?)

Uzu, I don't condone what Hachi said, but its hard not to feel a little bitter when this is the welcome your server had in store for us.
Posts: 7
By thunders 2011-05-10 11:02:56
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yeah Ardiem agree with you, i know dumb ppl on phoenix too
Server: Titan
Game: FFXI
user: Archeim
Posts: 114
By Titan.Archeim 2011-05-10 11:06:24
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the merge is what SE wanted to do, it's no one's fault... we're roommates now so we may as well make the best of it. i for one like seeing more people around... AND i got to keep my name. Posting right after Ardiem is one of my favorite things to do because of the name similarities. You keep your name on Phoenix?

My gameplan... friend the awesome people, blist the those that suck... figure out what LS to join... enjoy my game.

i've been having these wonderful moments where i run into low level players who either are dying or getting goblin raped and one case i had whm subbed, and kept healing the guy (lv. 5 monk) until he beat the sapling he was fighting... and then the goblin guy i took the other goblins off him and he was able to kill the one.

I remembered being that new person 4 months ago.. it's nice to return the favor. pay it forward... all that fun. Now why doesnt bastok sell hatchets?
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: SSJAV
By Phoenix.Uzugami 2011-05-10 11:08:03
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Titan.Ardiem said:
I could just be wearing my Nostalgia glasses, but I honestly think Titan got the un-lubed end of the sodomy stick with the merger.

Had roles been reversed(as they should have been imho) Phoenix would have been left largely unmolested. A few syndrome of a downs might have tried to exploit the merger for their own gain, but the vast majority of Titans were good people, who just wanted to fight their NMs with their linkshells and move on with the day.
Titan had its fair share of sociopaths, morons, and all around bad people, but I'm astounded at the lengths Phoenies went through to ensure they pissed in the cheerios of people they'd never even met.

First impressions mean a hell of a lot, and stealing the Character and linkshell names of the people you're probably stuck with till FF burns is a pretty bollocks way of welcoming us.(can we even say Hell on these forums anymore?)

Uzu, I don't condone what Hachi said, but its hard not to feel a little bitter when this is the welcome your server had in store for us.

Oh I get that completely. Im not aware of anyone stealing character names or linkshell names; Honestly that's not who phoenix people are. Majority of them, anyway. I can't see majority of us going out of the way to steal names/ls's; I even offered to hold names for people when merge was first announced, I even had people ask me when I was shouting after the update if I was seriously being an ***; I assure you I told them I was just having fun, and they were fine with it. (Hazing, etc.) While I will say some Phoenix people are ***, I highly doubt we'd go to that level. As for the welcoming, it's to be expected. Nobody wants the merge, Titan and Phoenix alike. It might get better, it might get worse, who knows? I see no point in bitching about and going to the lengths that this moron did. But you fully can't blame Phoenix people for saying gtfo Titan, When you have Titan people coming and saying ***like, they're taking over the server, and Phoenix people are just here to do their ***for them and no expect us to shout back. Just won't happen.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 28615
By Bismarck.Magnuss 2011-05-10 11:09:42
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Bismarck.Magnuss said:
Here's a little insight in what to expect with your server merge from someone who's been through one already (Seraph > Bismarck). At first, the newbies are thrilled about being in another server until they realize it looks exactly the same as their old one (I know, shocker!). Optimism first occurs, but there is an underlying tone in the air as you get people who purposefully change their names to Joeschmoediabolos. Server pride, yo!

Then, Linkshells begin to clash as event times collide. Some people may be working with other shells during the merger and prior to in order to smoothen things out a bit. Unfortunately, as we have douchebags in every Server, there will be a shell or two that will screw things up and create a general disarray (>.>). Frustration mounts and Diabolos people suddenly think your entire Server is filled with these people.

Pride flares and you have people refusing to play with anyone from their separate servers for a while. "{Diabolos} {Player} {No thanks}."

However, in a few months, people start realizing that this is a waste of time and breath as numbers continue to dwindle, and soon enough Diabolos players stop associating themselves with Diabolos and end up getting along with the others, and after a few months they begin to forget that Diabolos ever really existed. Sure, there's a choice few that still will have their loyalties, etc. But for the most part, eventually things are just peachy keen. Until the next server merge. O.o

;tldr version:

Drama, drama, drama; time heals all wounds.

Edited because I'm an idiot, lol.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 7227
By Leviathan.Angelskiss 2011-05-10 11:13:34
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I agree except for the part of where people stop associating themselves with their original server ~ you always remember where u came from :)
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: SSJAV
By Phoenix.Uzugami 2011-05-10 11:14:23
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I'm honestly finding it funny this dude hasn't been jailed yet. lol My sister gets jailed for a similar comment 5mins after saying it, and now this dude doesn't for saying it?>_>
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 28615
By Bismarck.Magnuss 2011-05-10 11:18:48
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Leviathan.Angelskiss said:
I agree except for the part of where people stop associating themselves with their original server ~ you always remember where u came from :)
I agree to a point. I know I'm from Seraph and all that, but I don't really have that whole Seraph Pride stuff anymore. Nowadays if I ever use it in conversation, it's usually, "Hey, that name looks familiar. Are you from Seraph? I think I was in an XP party with you once."
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 7227
By Leviathan.Angelskiss 2011-05-10 11:22:44
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Bismarck.Magnuss said:
Leviathan.Angelskiss said:
I agree except for the part of where people stop associating themselves with their original server ~ you always remember where u came from :)
I agree to a point. I know I'm from Seraph and all that, but I don't really have that whole Seraph Pride stuff anymore. Nowadays if I ever use it in conversation, it's usually, "Hey, that name looks familiar. Are you from Seraph? I think I was in an XP party with you once."
Eh I agree its not like i say nice to meet u im from REMORA HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAH SEMPER FI MOFO REMORA OR GTFO >=o

lol but levi isnt where i am from if people ask me :O

and my best memories in game when im a girly nostalgic will be from my home server with my friends who no longer play =/
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Wilsor
Posts: 34
By Asura.Wilsor 2011-05-10 11:37:50
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Titan.Archeim said:

I remembered being that new person 4 months ago.. it's nice to return the favor. pay it forward... all that fun. Now why doesnt bastok sell hatchets?

They barely have trees. It's against the law to chop the ones remaining. :P

I remember having to solo a lot of things because of lack of help, so I try to help people that shout for missions/quests.
Server: Titan
Game: FFXI
user: Archeim
Posts: 114
By Titan.Archeim 2011-05-10 12:10:28
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Asura.Wilsor said:
Titan.Archeim said:
I remembered being that new person 4 months ago.. it's nice to return the favor. pay it forward... all that fun. Now why doesnt bastok sell hatchets?
They barely have trees. It's against the law to chop the ones remaining. :P I remember having to solo a lot of things because of lack of help, so I try to help people that shout for missions/quests.

I went to do the Forge Your Destiny quest to unlock Samurai, and had to hack at a tree to spawn the guardian treant. Someone might want to clean up the dead guardian treant in The Sanctuary of Zi'Tah btw...

I did the other part of it (the bomb enemy) in konschat before... and before the maintenance started i was running to norg, and was almost at the zone and got killed. I'll do that part later. Now i gotta figure out something to play until then... but first... maybe some lucky charms?
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Wilsor
Posts: 34
By Asura.Wilsor 2011-05-10 12:17:26
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Titan.Archeim said:

I went to do the Forge Your Destiny quest to unlock Samurai, and had to hack at a tree to spawn the guardian treant. Someone might want to clean up the dead guardian treant in The Sanctuary of Zi'Tah btw...

I did the other part of it (the bomb enemy) in konschat before... and before the maintenance started i was running to norg, and was almost at the zone and got killed. I'll do that part later. Now i gotta figure out something to play until then... but first... maybe some lucky charms?

Nah, it's death nourishes the other plants. :P

That sucks. :( I hope you have the Lowlands OP. It's not that far back then.

/jealous I could go for some lucky charms. Booo!
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Jurges
Posts: 46
By Phoenix.Jurges 2011-05-10 12:31:50
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The other great part of the screenshots was the reference to FC parties. Did no one participate in these on Titan? My buddy was getting hate /t over it LMAO.
I have a feeling things were a little more low key on Titan. I am very sorry to hear that people were trying to scam names. Sadly, most of us can probably take an educated guess on the people that did the majority of it. Not a good start.

Oh, I'm sure our new friends probably enjoyed having their bazaars emptied as soon as they logged. Amazing deals were had on Phoenix
Guide Maker
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Seha
Posts: 13352
By Phoenix.Sehachan 2011-05-10 12:33:24
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Sadly, most of us can probably take an educated guess on the people that did the majority of it.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 210
By Phoenix.Crimsontears 2011-05-10 12:37:21
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I saw a shout yesterday, someone wanted a PLD to tank Palid Percy...

Kind of amazing to see how each server varies on the way they handle things, imo.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2025
By Phoenix.Kirana 2011-05-10 12:41:30
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Did Titan ever have fell cleave parties? Last night my LS did a FC and no one seemed to understand what FC meant.

edit: lol Jurges beat me too it >_>
Server: Titan
Game: FFXI
user: Prefalin
Posts: 2232
By Titan.Prefalin 2011-05-10 12:44:50
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Phoenix.Kirana said:
Did Titan ever have fell cleave parties? Last night my LS did a FC and no one seemed to understand what FC meant.

edit: lol Jurges beat me too it >_>
think a few were still flipping out from withdrawl c.c that or never met a WAR before...i was a bunny all nite long and i knew what it was
EDIT: and most FC burns on titan were strictly shell/group only if i'm not mistaken
Server: Titan
Game: FFXI
user: Endiirine
Posts: 15
By Titan.Endiirine 2011-05-10 12:55:03
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Phoenix.Kirana said:
Did Titan ever have fell cleave parties? Last night my LS did a FC and no one seemed to understand what FC meant. edit: lol Jurges beat me too it >_>

Not very often. A few LSes would offer spots to build TE/Popsets spam for Briarius/etc but for the most part people just waited around for Dom Ops invites or shout groups. I've seen a few small Whisker groups, but usually were 6 ppl at most. I've NEVER seen shouts for selling {keymaster} slots on Titan.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: misacat
Posts: 22620
By Bismarck.Misao 2011-05-10 13:03:15
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they should make a new server, and offer Free Relics/Mythic/Emp to ll ther server's Jerks.....

and then toss that new server to the sun~

the end

Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: draxx2120
Posts: 4
By Phoenix.Draxxus 2011-05-10 13:15:28
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Well I just wanted to say to all the Titans - "Welcome to Phoenix".
I'm sure I'll see most of ya this weekend. I'm kinda interested to see how many peeps we have on the server now. Especially this weekend.
Guide Maker
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Seha
Posts: 13352
By Phoenix.Sehachan 2011-05-10 13:20:25
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Highest number I've seen today was 4520 people @.@
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 210
By Phoenix.Crimsontears 2011-05-10 13:25:50
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Phoenix.Sehachan said:
Highest number I've seen today was 4520 people @.@
I havent seen those numbers since '05. Its nice :)
Posts: 1
By Chotaruu 2011-05-10 13:48:54
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Hello Phoenix. I will hump the legs of all I come in contact with.
Server: Titan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 156
By Titan.Guenhwyvar 2011-05-10 14:03:08
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Phoenix.Jurges said:
The other great part of the screenshots was the reference to FC parties. Did no one participate in these on Titan? My buddy was getting hate /t over it LMAO.
I have a feeling things were a little more low key on Titan. I am very sorry to hear that people were trying to scam names. Sadly, most of us can probably take an educated guess on the people that did the majority of it. Not a good start.

Oh, I'm sure our new friends probably enjoyed having their bazaars emptied as soon as they logged. Amazing deals were had on Phoenix

I dont know about the rest of my former server, but I think charging to exp for any amount of gil is sheer laziness. Hell, I even have a problem with people leeching exp without being in charge of keys. Considering FC burning is boring as hell, and really isnt that efficiant, it surprises me this is used as a way to make gil on the server. Then again Titan's economy was way more stable. If something was ridiculous, wether it be an item or a service... Titans didnt pay for them unless they were new to the game.

Phoenicians pay for their fell cleave, Titans used to enjoy occasional shout wars in whitegate... something we havnt done in a very long time. Often times theyre funny, but there was always a certain line we never crossed. I dont think that respect is there.... yet.

As far as the hazing goes, Its definitely on both ends. You guys definitely inheireted some clowns from Titan, but I havnt exactly seen a warm welcome either. I probaby did myself a favor by blacklisting Urtiel within the 1st few minutes after seeing his comments, and I plan to keep the people I have blacklisted on Titan there as well. I also have a feeling that list will be growing on both sides. Titan people say: Were taking over the server, Phoenix says: GTFO. Very productive cycle here.

Come to the realization: that Phoenix doesn't belong to you, it belongs to SE.... That "titan only abyssea" shout was ***, and coming from someone who was no prize of the server either. Its best to just let it go. Keep in mind this may not be the last time the servers merge, and that someday the shoe will be on the other foot.

Dont prove to everyone involved in the merger just how immature you can be about it. We should be disproving. We arent Titans anymore, its gone. Phoenix needs to show some tolerance as well, they didnt lose their server. Anyone who has been on Titan as long as I have is still going to carry that with them.

My goal is to make some new friends and cut out the ones who feed me ***. the rest of you should follow suit.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2025
By Phoenix.Kirana 2011-05-10 14:08:28
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Titan.Endiirine said:
Phoenix.Kirana said:
Did Titan ever have fell cleave parties? Last night my LS did a FC and no one seemed to understand what FC meant. edit: lol Jurges beat me too it >_>

Not very often. A few LSes would offer spots to build TE/Popsets spam for Briarius/etc but for the most part people just waited around for Dom Ops invites or shout groups. I've seen a few small Whisker groups, but usually were 6 ppl at most. I've NEVER seen shouts for selling {keymaster} slots on Titan.

On phoenix, paying for a FC leech is very common. Usually a group charges 100-200k per hour of afk leeching. Keyers generally get to leech for free to offset the cost of the keys.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2025
By Phoenix.Kirana 2011-05-10 14:15:26
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Titan.Guenhwyvar said:
Phoenix.Jurges said:
The other great part of the screenshots was the reference to FC parties. Did no one participate in these on Titan? My buddy was getting hate /t over it LMAO.
I have a feeling things were a little more low key on Titan. I am very sorry to hear that people were trying to scam names. Sadly, most of us can probably take an educated guess on the people that did the majority of it. Not a good start.

Oh, I'm sure our new friends probably enjoyed having their bazaars emptied as soon as they logged. Amazing deals were had on Phoenix

I dont know about the rest of my former server, but I think charging to exp for any amount of gil is sheer laziness. Hell, I even have a problem with people leeching exp without being in charge of keys. Considering FC burning is boring as hell, and really isnt that efficiant, it surprises me this is used as a way to make gil on the server. Then again Titan's economy was way more stable. If something was ridiculous, wether it be an item or a service... Titans didnt pay for them unless they were new to the game.
As far as it being laziness, gil must be earned in the first place in order to spend it on the leech. As far as it not being efficient, you must be doing it wrong. For those in charge of the leech, you can make a large amount of money (1mil/hour or so split between those who are conducting the leech) and exp/cruor. For those leeching, you easily make the gil spent back in cruor from the kills (a 500k gil leech could net you 250k cruor or so). The FCers make a profit in gil, while the leechers break even and get free exp.
Guide Maker
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Seha
Posts: 13352
By Phoenix.Sehachan 2011-05-10 14:36:48
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Just logged back after maintenance and things got worse. /sigh
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