Azure Lore -- A Guide To AoE Burning On Blue Mage

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Azure Lore -- A Guide to AoE Burning on Blue Mage
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Server: Ragnarok
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user: Sekundes
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By Ragnarok.Sekundes 2012-06-05 13:23:30
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I always go with BH, Lion and RR. I prefer having RR since the DEX offers a huge amount of damage as well as the capacity to switch to melee without sucking horribly. So since you don't have Lion, replacing it with Ultimate for now should be fine.

Don't forget to use an acetic's tonic when you can, it's more powerful than memento mori(they do not stack). That may help you one shot all of them if you aren't already doing it.

I assume you are using a thunder or jupiter's staff? If you aren't then that right there will give you what you need.

Another tip would be avoid targeting mobs directly since any mob claimed will level up when you kill it and thus get harder to kill. Randomly leveled up mobs often are the ones that live if you didn't resist.

Most is noted in the OP, I figured it wouldn't hurt to say some of it again.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
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user: AkiKrylon
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By Quetzalcoatl.Krylon 2012-06-05 13:29:58
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Bahamut.Dannyl said: »
Not too shabby Krylon,
I can see immediate improvements with your necklace and belt. But them Chigoes are easily killable so im glad you were able to finish that trial.

Its been awhile since I last posted my CW set, so here it is. I picked up on burning again recently, helping ls level their lowbie jobs.

When available, I use Thunderbolt + CW which gives really good results.



I actually switched out the Lemegeton Medallion for Love Torque since I figured the 5 DEX > 4 INT.

Just got back into the game so I'm steadily building up my wallet again to buy a few pieces that will improve these sets a lot (S.Medal, Thundersoul, HQ Ocelomeh, etc.)

But thanks for the suggestions :) I'll try Thunderbolt + CW next go-around.

Ragnarok.Sekundes said: »
I always go with BH, Lion and RR. I prefer having RR since the DEX offers a huge amount of damage as well as the capacity to switch to melee without sucking horribly. So since you don't have Lion, replacing it with Ultimate for now should be fine.

Don't forget to use an acetic's tonic when you can, it's more powerful than memento mori(they do not stack). That may help you one shot all of them if you aren't already doing it.

I assume you are using a thunder or jupiter's staff? If you aren't then that right there will give you what you need.

Another tip would be avoid targeting mobs directly since any mob claimed will level up when you kill it and thus get harder to kill. Randomly leveled up mobs often are the ones that live if you didn't resist.

Most is noted in the OP, I figured it wouldn't hurt to say some of it again.

Oh that works :) Thanks for the tip.

And yes, normally I would use Jupiter's but since I was doing a sword trial I had to wear that =/ I'm assuming this would have put my overall damage over the top but it ended up being just fine.

Next time I burn it may be for a trial again...STR Shikargar of course. 300 birds under firesday...I'm thinking birds in one of the aby zones? Maybe Frigatebirds in Mis. IDK how well CW works on these.
Server: Bahamut
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By Bahamut.Boogerballs 2012-06-05 14:25:13
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would Thaumas hat be a good head instead of oce+1?
Server: Quetzalcoatl
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user: AkiKrylon
Posts: 232
By Quetzalcoatl.Krylon 2012-06-05 14:37:46
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These guys probably know better than me but I THINK that even the NQ Oce Hat would be better than Thaumas if you're doing Whisker (12 DEX > 6 MAB when under Burst Affinity)

Again, this is all my speculation.
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Server: Phoenix
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user: Kluaf
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By Phoenix.Kluaf 2012-07-27 07:02:23
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My question is about dex mab and int ...
Im curious as to whats best of those 3 attributes?
Im using the Jupiters staff sounds like that makes a difference...
Also at what point is one better than the other?

And also a probably a total dumb *** question but for /rdm as far as stoneskin phalanx etc for buffs does it give any bonus if your skills are capped at 49 or 99? I know im /rdm but does it give any more of a bonus to max out your skills at 99 cap if your just /rdm ...
Posts: 1546
By Ophannus 2012-07-27 09:00:15
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Some of the best mobs to burn in Mis Coast are raptors. Crap ton of them by conflux 7, they link and aggro sound and the best part is they move at enhanced speed so there's little chance that they'll deaggro you which is a huge plus.
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Server: Valefor
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By Valefor.Prothescar 2012-07-27 12:30:43
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Phoenix.Kluaf said: »
My question is about dex mab and int ...
Im curious as to whats best of those 3 attributes?

It depends on the values that you currently have as well as your gear and atma, however generally it's MAB > DEX > INT during Burst Affinity, which you should have up every time you're casting Charged Whisker anyway.

And also a probably a total dumb *** question but for /rdm as far as stoneskin phalanx etc for buffs does it give any bonus if your skills are capped at 49 or 99? I know im /rdm but does it give any more of a bonus to max out your skills at 99 cap if your just /rdm ...

Posts: 1546
By Ophannus 2012-07-31 00:52:02
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Thaumas Hands vs Mavi+2 hands?
MAB: 144
Blidning Horn/Hell's Guardian/Lion
Memento Mori
Burst Affinity
Jupiter Staff

Would the 8 DEX>10MAB on Hands?
How about 4MAB vs 5DEX(Strendu vs Rajas) or does Thundersoulx2 win?
Server: Sylph
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user: Basilo
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By Sylph.Krsone 2012-07-31 01:04:34
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Should be strendu and af3+2 hands, but you could always test them. Maximising CW abyssea dmg with the gear avaiable to you should be one of the easiest and clear cut things to self test. Afterall you're doing the same spell every kill for the same dmg on the same mob, until you change pieces of gear around.

edit :

Not sure why people bother with these atmas either (blinding/lion) especially if you're pulling yourself. After you've gathered lots of mobs and come to a stop ca/efflux/whirl > dflower >> ba/cw will kill all mobs even with razed/mm/ultimate. Its pretty hard although I know it is possible to pull yourself and just open with cw, so you're probably doing something similar to what I mentioned above. If someone else is pulling like a thf and all mobs are held unclaimed temporarily then I can understand 1 spell 7k dmg being of more use.

These are the 3 atmas I pretty much fulltime in abys anyway unless theres a period of more nms over cleave pulls id swap ultimate to ss or ghorn. Saves on keys for isl chests with minkin refresh too.

edit2 :

You say "I dont do all of that" well you are pretty much doing all of this, you just said you pull come to a stop sleep >> ba/cw. The only extra thing im adding in is efflux/ca which im doing as last few mobs get to me, whirl is very fast casting spell then I do dflower its hardly much more and the aoe stun is useful to ensure dflower gets off without an interrupt. Eitherway 7.3k dmg is total overkill and If you're doing a bit of cleaving as well as nms too aka an empy weapon farm, blu will be better off using razed/ultimate/minkin imo than blinding/lion.

Also again if ***surivives you're better off finishing with physical spells imo over setting thermal pulse and using 2 long casting magical blu spells, good positioning with B Typhoon can kill alot of mobs.

You are ultimately slowing yourself down using these atmas imo unless cleaving is the only thing you're doing for a lengthy period of time.

@ Helel fk changing atma every 20-30min I wouldnt even always remember. My point is cleave atmas arent even necessary to drop the mob, *** going to atma npc every 15-30mins just to change 3 about all that menu selecting and going to base camp each time no way at all is it better to keep swapping over instead of just fulltiming minkin/razed/3rd. While you were pissing around swapping them over at the npc you could of been doing something more useful.
Posts: 1546
By Ophannus 2012-07-31 03:15:36
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I don't do all that. I pull a ton of mobs, sleep>ba>mori>cw. Usually does 6.7k+ and oneshots everything. If ***survives I do Thermal Pulse. I never do Whirl because ***misses and it annoys me.
Server: Ramuh
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user: Austar
Posts: 10481
By Ramuh.Austar 2012-07-31 03:18:00
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So then don't whirl in a staff.
Posts: 1546
By Ophannus 2012-07-31 15:35:58
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I don't, I have Sword in my Whirl set. But when you pull 20-30 mobs and burn them and 1-3 survive there's still a chance Whirl can miss even with capped accuracy. Pulse > Whirl because it never misses and still does 2-3k with INT/VIT gear,MAB atmas and Mori up.
Server: Bismarck
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user: Xurion
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By Bismarck.Xurion 2012-08-05 03:33:10
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So if I wanted to get amber lights to a certain value before I started the AoE burn, what's the best WS?
Posts: 27
By Ceas 2012-08-05 03:52:53
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Sanguine Blade
Server: Bismarck
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user: Billzey
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By Bismarck.Helel 2012-08-05 04:09:39
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I would never use a hybrid atma set. If you're cleaving then use cleave atmas. If you're farming empyrean items then use DD atmas (SS RR apoc/omega/etc.).

edit: oops the post I was responding to was old.
Server: Bahamut
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user: Krizz
Posts: 3158
By Bahamut.Krizz 2012-09-01 15:05:51
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So as I near 99BLU, I'm looking at the cheapest gear to start out with. I've done little VW, and don't expect to do NNI anytime soon. Each set would currently cost me 200k or less to complete. Are there any super cheap (currently most expensive pieces are 50k) upgrades that I overlooked?

I believe the best atmas out of what I have available are Minikin / Razed / Baying Moon.

Pull set:

Shamshir +3 is PDT.

CW set:

I'm stuck on what to do for neck for cheap when Artemis is at its weakest. Also, I had Aurore body in at first, but, based off what was said in the thread about dex vs mab vs int, it seems that Teal would pull ahead by a small margin. Is that correct?

Edit: One thing I didn't mention is that we would be gearing two BLUs (mine and Sav's). That's one of the main factors in trying to be as cost efficient as possible.
Server: Bahamut
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user: Cantontai
Posts: 1008
By Bahamut.Cantontai 2012-09-04 20:39:03
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Going to hopefully be doing some whisker burning for KIs soon, just wondering how Athos Chapeau compares to HQ/NQ Oce. Headpiece, I can't remember the last time OP was updated.
Server: Sylph
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user: Binckly
Posts: 529
By Sylph.Binckry 2012-09-05 07:46:43
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Bahamut.Cantontai said: »
Going to hopefully be doing some whisker burning for KIs soon, just wondering how Athos Chapeau compares to HQ/NQ Oce. Headpiece, I can't remember the last time OP was updated.
I think Oce NQ/HQ is still better, with BA up? Which should be always if you're whiskering! Correct me if I'm wrong though.
Server: Bahamut
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user: Cantontai
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By Bahamut.Cantontai 2012-09-16 00:51:46
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Bumping to see if, maybe, if we all wash and comb our hair and smile nicely, Proth will throw together a new ideal CW set with current gear for us to look at.
Server: Fenrir
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user: Curty
Posts: 587
By Fenrir.Curty 2012-09-16 01:12:11
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I imagine my set is close to optimal:

Always been unsure of legs and head though.. and could possibly be some minimal upgrades elsewhere. Obviously switch in Obi/Twilight if you have weather/day up.
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Server: Valefor
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By Valefor.Prothescar 2012-09-16 01:12:20
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The set in the OP is still close ideal. Exceptions being Moldavite -> novio, rajas -> thundersoul, cuchulain -> wanion, and possibly an updated body, but I haven't looked at those. Honestly I haven't cared much about looking at whisker upgrades since it's already sufficient for one shotting almost everything.


Neck is tough, not a lot of good cheap options. Kubira bead or Shifting would be ok and better than a weak-time artemis neck. Have got it right on the body, 4 on the Aurore DEX is pretty wimpy. Would also switch Snow Sachet for THunder assuming you can fit it into your inventory
Server: Ragnarok
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user: Sekundes
Posts: 4201
By Ragnarok.Sekundes 2012-09-16 01:21:37
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I think I recall Praeco doublet being a decent body? I'm not good at these calculations on the fly ^^;
Artful belt (nq) is pretty cheap but somewhat rare.
Spear strap is also rare but very cheap.
Shifting necklace is also cheap but even more rare.
Aias bonnet is "free" if you are willing to proc and kill yaanei.
Thunder Sachet is better (under BA) IIRC Dex is only a bit better 1 for 1 than int when under BA.
Lemegeton Medallion for off phase is decent and cheap.

Probably worth mentioning that since you have 2 blus you probably don't even need gear. When I'd dual burn with my wife I could nuke in an earthstaff and fastcast gear and still destroy most leveled up mobs.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
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Posts: 31
By Quetzalcoatl.Loneshadow 2012-09-25 01:28:25
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Akasha Chaps Rare Ex
[Legs] All Races
DEF:38 INT+13 "Magic Atk. Bonus"+6 Elemental magic skill +8 Enmity-2

New legs for CW, or are AF3+2 still better?
Server: Bahamut
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user: Krizz
Posts: 3158
By Bahamut.Krizz 2012-09-25 19:26:29
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Valefor.Prothescar said: »

Neck is tough, not a lot of good cheap options. Kubira bead or Shifting would be ok and better than a weak-time artemis neck. Have got it right on the body, 4 on the Aurore DEX is pretty wimpy. Would also switch Snow Sachet for THunder assuming you can fit it into your inventory
Aye. I don't have Thunder Satchet at the moment, so I figured Snow would be a good place holder.

Ragnarok.Sekundes said: »
Probably worth mentioning that since you have 2 blus you probably don't even need gear. When I'd dual burn with my wife I could nuke in an earthstaff and fastcast gear and still destroy most leveled up mobs.
Yeah, but I want to be able to function solo as well. She's often busy with schoolwork, so I'm often stuck finding something to waste time on.

Thanks both for the suggestions.

Edit: I updated the itemset with Spear Strap last week, but didn't edit the post so the change wasn't reflected in the post.
Server: Odin
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user: Seravolk
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By Odin.Drgg 2012-09-25 19:51:40
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Quetzalcoatl.Loneshadow said: »
Akasha Chaps Rare Ex
[Legs] All Races
DEF:38 INT+13 "Magic Atk. Bonus"+6 Elemental magic skill +8 Enmity-2

New legs for CW, or are AF3+2 still better?

Fairly sure the 15 skill on the AF3+2 still out-weigh the MAB
Server: Fenrir
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user: Nightfyre
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By Fenrir.Nightfyre 2012-09-25 19:58:59
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15 macc isn't going to do anything on fodder mobs.
Server: Lakshmi
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user: jokstr
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By Lakshmi.Antonios 2012-10-10 09:42:05
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This is my current set and I just rape just about anything in Abyysea to build lights
Posts: 614
By Aikawa 2012-10-10 10:32:21
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I use twilight cape and obi... My mule is sch.. So just have to pull, sleep and cw, don't have to waste time with buff or debuffing, 7k~ damage.
Server: Bahamut
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user: dannyl
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By Bahamut.Dannyl 2012-10-10 10:57:11
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Sylph.Binckry said: »
Bahamut.Cantontai said: »
Going to hopefully be doing some whisker burning for KIs soon, just wondering how Athos Chapeau compares to HQ/NQ Oce. Headpiece, I can't remember the last time OP was updated.
I think Oce NQ/HQ is still better, with BA up? Which should be always if you're whiskering! Correct me if I'm wrong though.

Athos Chapeau is great for straight up magical spells. I've replaced BA-CW with Thunderbolt, as many cases I can 1-shot mobs with Thunderbolt alone, or bring them down to 10-30% HP. Where a simple CW without BA or anything else can finish them off. Obviously this replies on ISL but that is hardly ever a problem.
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Server: Valefor
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Posts: 19647
By Valefor.Prothescar 2012-10-10 11:20:37
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Athos is far inferior to Oce, and I see zero reason to ever use an inferior spell over Charged Whisker.
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