Azure Lore -- A Guide to AoE Burning on Blue Mage
By Xenshi 2011-07-30 06:38:33
well, for me personally, i blu burn for two reasons, crour and KI chests. Since they changed what key items load into chest, it's alot easier and u can simply get people to hold pops for you. RARELY will anyone turn down either free exp or crour. Also can knock out an weapon really really fast if you wanted to.
Server: Shiva
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By Shiva.Xellith 2011-07-30 06:41:50
Basically a blu can kill about 50+ monsters in about 60 seconds or less. Exp is based on your character and not anyone elses. Amount of people in alliance is not a factor in your exp or cruor calculations.
BLU burn is good for many things. Once lights are at an acceptable level you will notice a massive difference.
For example. If I was to take an alliance to do cats in tahronghi. We would need to keep pulling constantly. Have multiple healers, and DDs and other things like that to make sure it all ran smoothly. Even then monsters are on a set repop time and will roam a bit.
A THF in theory could pull every single cat and the blu destroy them leaving them to repop about 2 mins later. While waiting on this repop you can be openning the chests which drop. (And if you kill 50 mobs then you have 50 boxes potentionally).
The boxes can have Key items, NPCable items, Cruor, exp time.
Its much much much more efficient since you can send the rest of the alliance off to farm KI's or just have them stand there and do boxes.
I'm sure you knew most of what I posted but I figured id cover it anyways for the sake of argument.
Server: Carbuncle
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Posts: 455
By Carbuncle.Grandthief 2011-08-01 21:13:14
First of all, thanks a lot for this thread, it's a nice collection of info and it's very helpful.
Shiva.Xellith said: Basically a blu can kill about 50+ monsters in about 60 seconds or less. Exp is based on your character and not anyone elses. Amount of people in alliance is not a factor in your exp or cruor calculations.
BLU burn is good for many things. Once lights are at an acceptable level you will notice a massive difference.
For example. If I was to take an alliance to do cats in tahronghi. We would need to keep pulling constantly. Have multiple healers, and DDs and other things like that to make sure it all ran smoothly. Even then monsters are on a set repop time and will roam a bit.
A THF in theory could pull every single cat and the blu destroy them leaving them to repop about 2 mins later. While waiting on this repop you can be openning the chests which drop. (And if you kill 50 mobs then you have 50 boxes potentionally).
The boxes can have Key items, NPCable items, Cruor, exp time.
Its much much much more efficient since you can send the rest of the alliance off to farm KI's or just have them stand there and do boxes.
I'm sure you knew most of what I posted but I figured id cover it anyways for the sake of argument. this, pretty much.
Along with the fact that you have way more control over every single factor you need to have, except luck with what is in the chests, of course.
You can decide when you do it, where you go (do you have all aby zones or only a few) and what mobs you will be killing.
Furthermore, you have the option to decide what you are actually wanting there, if it's only exp and/or cruor or augmented items or just TEs to farm something completely different later on.
It's completely your choise.
Also, once you have accumulated enough time inside of abyssea, you can play the game as if you wouldn't have the limited time in those areas. You can take breaks, watch movie(s), do the household, homework, go shopping even or sleep (given you have farmed enough time lol).
And all of this is also pretty effective because you're the person who decides which lights you want or don't want. In exp alliances you always have ppl who can't work together or just can't play well whatsoever (those douches who love to ruby everything by WSing at 10% and below when you don't have enough other lights to back that up).
So all in all, you have way more flexibility with blu solo-burning (or with a few helpers) and can do things way more efficiently than if you rely on big groups.
That being said, it's nothing to spend your whole time withbecause that's kinda not the point of an MMORPG. ^^
But it's useful in many ways.
To the guide:
I don't know if this has been just overlooked or if it doesn't matter much but it says Magic Fruit as healing spell in your guide.
Now, I know that it's a very efficient cure spell but wouldn't be Plenilune Embrace a much better spell to get your HP up with, due to the whole situation? You don't have mp-issues that much that you need a more efficient cure but you can certainly use the MAB this spell gives you, to maximize dmg-output.
I like to use it when I arrive at my cleaving spot and after sleeping the mobs, cure up (and add MAB) and then use the other spells to weaken INT, use drink etc.
Server: Fenrir
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Posts: 3012
By Fenrir.Leoheart 2011-08-01 21:18:47
I dunno if it's just me, but I hate using plenilune embrace because I always get a slight stunned effect when it casts :/
Server: Valefor
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By Valefor.Prothescar 2011-08-01 21:21:48
Cures aren't really a requirement, but I'll add Magic Fruit to the guide for posterity.
Edit: After rereading the spell section, it seems I do have Fruit listed already. Soooo
By attilas 2011-08-01 21:29:51
Dont like it too. Used for a month then decided to get back to Magic Fruit. Magic Fruit have a lower cast time and much lower recast.
You can almost throw 3 magic fruit by the time you casted 2 Plenilune and people doesn't see that annoying spotlight over their head each time you cast it on them !!
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 455
By Carbuncle.Grandthief 2011-08-02 23:27:22
attilas said: Dont like it too. Used for a month then decided to get back to Magic Fruit. Magic Fruit have a lower cast time and much lower recast.
You can almost throw 3 magic fruit by the time you casted 2 Plenilune and people doesn't see that annoying spotlight over their head each time you cast it on them !!
Well, I wasn't talking about general situations or when you need to cure other ppl. It is simply regarding solo/low-man cleave, where you don't need this effective cure.
Magic Fruit is practially useless, unless you have to cure-spam yourself or other ppl, for some reason.
Whereas PE adds a certain amount of MAB, which is what you want when cleaving, I thought.
Server: Valefor
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Posts: 19647
By Valefor.Prothescar 2011-08-02 23:34:43
Carbuncle.Grandthief said: Magic Fruit is practially useless
get out
Server: Sylph
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Posts: 529
By Sylph.Binckry 2011-08-03 01:01:52
Valefor.Prothescar said: Carbuncle.Grandthief said: Magic Fruit is practially useless
get out This.
Also, if it doesn't stack with the ascetic's tonic/memento mori, then what use does it have? <.<
I also don't like plembrace cause of it's mp cost. :s
edit: im stupid and realized this is for AoE burning when mp isnt really an issue and didn't know if drink/mab from plembrace stacked (so dont sue me on that. D: )
Server: Cerberus
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By Cerberus.Wolfshadow 2011-08-03 01:04:00
Sylph.Binckry said: Valefor.Prothescar said: Carbuncle.Grandthief said: Magic Fruit is practially useless
get out This.
Also, if it doesn't stack with the ascetic's tonic/memento mori, then what use does it have? <.<
I also don't like plembrace cause of it's mp cost. :s The howl sound effect totally makes it worth it though obv
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 19647
By Valefor.Prothescar 2011-08-03 01:09:42
the howl is the only good part
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 455
By Carbuncle.Grandthief 2011-08-03 22:34:04
Valefor.Prothescar said: Carbuncle.Grandthief said: Magic Fruit is practially useless
get out
I was more looking for some helpful statements for or against PE but I guess it's due to lack of knowledge or failing to read posts in their entirety, that things like this come as a response (even though, I've explained how it works and when to use it, twice).
Plus, I've never said that Magic Fruit was a bad cure (for any other situation than AoE burning).
I only try to help to make this guide (which is pretty good already) better. And if PE is a valid choise due to its MAB, I think it should be added over Magic Fruit or at least be mentioned as what it is and what it does.
Using one or the other doesn't make this much of a difference, I will admit this much. But ppl who are rather new to the job or new to AoE burning or simply just want to perfect their play-style might be interested in all facts.
Being lazy is ok and, like I said, the benefits might not be much but they are still there.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 620
By Cerberus.Kaht 2011-08-04 08:42:17
Carbuncle.Grandthief said: I was more looking for some helpful statements for or against PE but I guess it's due to lack of knowledge or failing to read posts in their entirety, that things like this come as a response (even though, I've explained how it works and when to use it, twice).
It's been said above. Cast time AND recast time for magic fruit are both lower, and you can cure more HP over time with the spell. Then there's the issue of being less MP to cast. Less spell points to equip. I think all of these have been mentioned already, and they're all helpful statements about why they're better than PE.
Carbuncle.Grandthief said: I only try to help to make this guide (which is pretty good already) better. And if PE is a valid choise due to its MAB, I think it should be added over Magic Fruit or at least be mentioned as what it is and what it does.
What does MAB even matter in this situation?
Whisker + Whirl + Plenuline Embrace = dead mobs.
Whisker + Whirl = dead mobs.
Unless you just have an enormous raging *** for how much damage you do with charged whisker, why would you even bother buffing with PE prior to CW? When you get the wall of text after all the mobs die, the damage scrolls off the screen anyway. Do you really scroll back up to see how much you did after each kill, or do it the right way and ignore it in favor of starting the rebuff cycle for the next pull? If the MAB boost from PE is the decisive factor on whether or not the mobs die, then you should probably stop burning and go improve your gear first.
Server: Odin
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By Odin.Blazza 2011-08-04 08:51:53
Cerberus.Kaht said: Whisker + Whirl + Plenuline Embrace = dead mobs wut
Plenilune embrace is Magic Fruit +100 (+cure potency), for 34 more MP. It also has a longer cast time and recast. The MAB effect for it varies with the moon, making it irregular, and memento mori tops it even at its best.
In laymans terms, one Plenilune vs one Fruit will do more to prevent you dying, but if you need more than one of either, Magic Fruit will save you more often, and for less MP.
In burning situations, you're only going to need a cure AFTER you've pulled mobs, except you're better off sleeping/killing mobs instead of standing there trying to cure yourself. I NEVER cure myself until every mob is dead, there's simply no need. This means that the only way you'd be gaining a boost from Plenilune for your aoe spells is if you're casting it on yourself with full health, which actually means you're tossing 60MP down the drain for a gimper version of Memento Mori.
The ONLY time I would ever suggest using Pleniline for ANYTHING, is if for some stupid reason you find yourself main healing as blu. And even then, if magic fruit can't cover your needs, get a better tank, because the one you have is an idiot.
Edit: I should read your whole post before replying.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 455
By Carbuncle.Grandthief 2011-08-04 09:20:29
Cerberus.Kaht said: It's been said above. Cast time AND recast time for magic fruit are both lower, and you can cure more HP over time with the spell. Then there's the issue of being less MP to cast. Less spell points to equip. I think all of these have been mentioned already, and they're all helpful statements about why they're better than PE.
Try to read posts before replying, pretty please. I've said tons of times that PE isn't nessesarily the best cure for AoE burning. You also fail to understand that when you don't need mp and when you don't need to cure spam, then you rather need stats to kill faster/more effectively.
Cerberus.Kaht said: What does MAB even matter in this situation?
Whisker + Whirl + Plenuline Embrace = dead mobs.
Whisker + Whirl = dead mobs.
Unless you just have an enormous raging *** for how much damage you do with charged whisker, why would you even bother buffing with PE prior to CW? When you get the wall of text after all the mobs die, the damage scrolls off the screen anyway. Do you really scroll back up to see how much you did after each kill, or do it the right way and ignore it in favor of starting the rebuff cycle for the next pull? If the MAB boost from PE is the decisive factor on whether or not the mobs die, then you should probably stop burning and go improve your gear first.
According to this, you practically also say that gearing for the CW is idiotic since you won't need MAB and 2-shot everything always.
And it's not for the epeen, it's for improving yourself as much as possible and if PE is a way to increase your nuke dmg, I don't see how that is a bad thing. Would you toss both earrings or af3+ +2 hands or feet just because you "should" do enough dmg anyway? I don't think so.
Please.. There has been nothing productive coming from you so far.
Up to -15MAB for a better cure when you don't need it?
I certainly see, however, that it's situational, but so is artemis' medal. Do you not use it because of that?
To Blazza: As I've stated in a previous post, I usually use PE once I've slept mob and before buffing/debuffing and using CW finally.
This helps, imo, if you have this odd resist or some lvl'ed mobs that just take a bit less dmg. if you don't cure up before your CW, you might even end up dieing if you don't kill all.
I just like to be safe than sorry though.
Server: Odin
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By Odin.Blazza 2011-08-04 09:28:48
Magic Fruit + Memento Mori. Only slightly more MP cost than a single PE, but you end up with a higher amount of MAB. Memento Mori also counts towards MAB trait (although so does Dream Flower/Sound Blast, Sound Blast being a good spell to use if you're not quite killing things). The other advantage is that if you're not hurt, you don't need to cast Magic Fruit, so you end up much better off for time taken, MP used and MAB gained.
Each to their own, but Magic Fruit out-weighs Plenilune Embrace left right and centre.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 455
By Carbuncle.Grandthief 2011-08-04 09:43:05
Odin.Blazza said: Magic Fruit + Memento Mori. Only slightly more MP cost than a single PE, but you end up with a higher amount of MAB. Memento Mori also counts towards MAB trait (although so does Dream Flower/Sound Blast, Sound Blast being a good spell to use if you're not quite killing things). The other advantage is that if you're not hurt, you don't need to cast Magic Fruit, so you end up much better off for time taken, MP used and MAB gained.
Each to their own, but Magic Fruit out-weighs Plenilune Embrace left right and centre.
Yea, that's indeed just personal preferance anyway. If you like to set the better cure spell, because you feel like not needing the extra MAB (when you dont have drinks available, since PE+drink stacks and Memento+drink doesn't) that's ok.
But I wouldn't go as far and say Magic Fruit is always superior, since it isn't.
I'm mainly just trying to point out that PE has a place and if you use it or not, that's up to you.
You also always have to take into account that not everyone has all the best already by default. Some lack an earring, some lack a +2 upgrade etc. And PE can make up for just that.
Server: Cerberus
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Posts: 620
By Cerberus.Kaht 2011-08-04 12:15:13
Carbuncle.Grandthief said: Try to read posts before replying, pretty please. I've said tons of times that PE isn't nessesarily the best cure for AoE burning. You also fail to understand that when you don't need mp and when you don't need to cure spam, then you rather need stats to kill faster/more effectively.
I've read your entire post. What I understand is that you don't need to waste blue skill points or mp or time to cast PE to improve your nukes. You can spend next to nothing on a set of CW gear and kill the mobs with 1 whirl of rage, and 1 charged whisker. My point is that it's completely unnecessary to use PE 100% of the time unless your character is so un-atma'd and so undergeared that the mab from PE is the decisive factor in killing the mobs, or not killing the mobs. If this is the case, stop burning right now and go get a cheap set of gear, and most importantly get Lion/Blinding Horn atmas. I think it's a good idea to keep a cure spell on hand, but that cure spell will never be PE.
Carbuncle.Grandthief said: According to this, you practically also say that gearing for the CW is idiotic since you won't need MAB and 2-shot everything always.
And it's not for the epeen, it's for improving yourself as much as possible and if PE is a way to increase your nuke dmg, I don't see how that is a bad thing. Would you toss both earrings or af3+ +2 hands or feet just because you "should" do enough dmg anyway? I don't think so.
Please.. There has been nothing productive coming from you so far.
Up to -15MAB for a better cure when you don't need it?
I certainly see, however, that it's situational, but so is artemis' medal. Do you not use it because of that?
Gearing specifically for CW? Yeah, I don't see a point in it. I already have Cuchulain's Belt for CDC, so why should I get a thiazi's belt for 1 more dex that isn't going to make a difference. The same with Aias Bonnet, Loki's, Nifty Mantle, etc. Someone pointed out above that Teal body was doing slightly more damage than Loki's. But is that worth an inventory slot? A dead mob is a dead mob, whether you killed it with Loki's or Teal body - and in both circumstances it's going to take the exact same amount of spells regardless of which armor you're using.
Additionally, I've mentioned it in this thread a few times already, but I don't even use Ultimate atma when I CW burn. Why? Because the mobs still die from whirl + whisker when I use MM instead. When I use MM I don't have to sift through blue boxes or use temp items to recover my MP, ever. You said above about needing stats to kill faster and more effectively - that's exactly what I'm doing is going for the most effective method. I don't waste time casting PE prior to a nuke. Half the time I don't use Memento Mori either - cause it's just a waste of time. The mobs die w/o it, so what's the point? I don't waste time with processes to get back my MP since MM's refresh takes care of it.
Try it yourself next time - you'd be surprised how overcomplicated a lot of people make CW burning out to be.
Server: Hades
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Posts: 367
By Hades.Tripster 2011-08-04 12:41:17
Cerberus.Kaht said: Carbuncle.Grandthief said: Try to read posts before replying, pretty please. I've said tons of times that PE isn't nessesarily the best cure for AoE burning. You also fail to understand that when you don't need mp and when you don't need to cure spam, then you rather need stats to kill faster/more effectively.
I've read your entire post. What I understand is that you don't need to waste blue skill points or mp or time to cast PE to improve your nukes. You can spend next to nothing on a set of CW gear and kill the mobs with 1 whirl of rage, and 1 charged whisker. My point is that it's completely unnecessary to use PE 100% of the time unless your character is so un-atma'd and so undergeared that the mab from PE is the decisive factor in killing the mobs, or not killing the mobs. If this is the case, stop burning right now and go get a cheap set of gear, and most importantly get Lion/Blinding Horn atmas. I think it's a good idea to keep a cure spell on hand, but that cure spell will never be PE.
Carbuncle.Grandthief said: According to this, you practically also say that gearing for the CW is idiotic since you won't need MAB and 2-shot everything always.
And it's not for the epeen, it's for improving yourself as much as possible and if PE is a way to increase your nuke dmg, I don't see how that is a bad thing. Would you toss both earrings or af3+ +2 hands or feet just because you "should" do enough dmg anyway? I don't think so.
Please.. There has been nothing productive coming from you so far.
Up to -15MAB for a better cure when you don't need it?
I certainly see, however, that it's situational, but so is artemis' medal. Do you not use it because of that?
Gearing specifically for CW? Yeah, I don't see a point in it. I already have Cuchulain's Belt for CDC, so why should I get a thiazi's belt for 1 more dex that isn't going to make a difference. The same with Aias Bonnet, Loki's, Nifty Mantle, etc. Someone pointed out above that Teal body was doing slightly more damage than Loki's. But is that worth an inventory slot? A dead mob is a dead mob, whether you killed it with Loki's or Teal body - and in both circumstances it's going to take the exact same amount of spells regardless of which armor you're using.
Additionally, I've mentioned it in this thread a few times already, but I don't even use Ultimate atma when I CW burn. Why? Because the mobs still die from whirl + whisker when I use MM instead. When I use MM I don't have to sift through blue boxes or use temp items to recover my MP, ever. You said above about needing stats to kill faster and more effectively - that's exactly what I'm doing is going for the most effective method. I don't waste time casting PE prior to a nuke. Half the time I don't use Memento Mori either - cause it's just a waste of time. The mobs die w/o it, so what's the point? I don't waste time with processes to get back my MP since MM's refresh takes care of it.
Try it yourself next time - you'd be surprised how overcomplicated a lot of people make CW burning out to be.
I didn't go through the entire thread but just reading this is enough for me. If you're going to CW and don't know how, just listen to what he is saying - cause it works the same for me.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 455
By Carbuncle.Grandthief 2011-08-04 14:15:38
Cerberus.Kaht said: Carbuncle.Grandthief said: Try to read posts before replying, pretty please. I've said tons of times that PE isn't nessesarily the best cure for AoE burning. You also fail to understand that when you don't need mp and when you don't need to cure spam, then you rather need stats to kill faster/more effectively.
I've read your entire post. What I understand is that you don't need to waste blue skill points or mp or time to cast PE to improve your nukes. You can spend next to nothing on a set of CW gear and kill the mobs with 1 whirl of rage, and 1 charged whisker. My point is that it's completely unnecessary to use PE 100% of the time unless your character is so un-atma'd and so undergeared that the mab from PE is the decisive factor in killing the mobs, or not killing the mobs. If this is the case, stop burning right now and go get a cheap set of gear, and most importantly get Lion/Blinding Horn atmas. I think it's a good idea to keep a cure spell on hand, but that cure spell will never be PE.
Carbuncle.Grandthief said: According to this, you practically also say that gearing for the CW is idiotic since you won't need MAB and 2-shot everything always.
And it's not for the epeen, it's for improving yourself as much as possible and if PE is a way to increase your nuke dmg, I don't see how that is a bad thing. Would you toss both earrings or af3+ +2 hands or feet just because you "should" do enough dmg anyway? I don't think so.
Please.. There has been nothing productive coming from you so far.
Up to -15MAB for a better cure when you don't need it?
I certainly see, however, that it's situational, but so is artemis' medal. Do you not use it because of that?
Gearing specifically for CW? Yeah, I don't see a point in it. I already have Cuchulain's Belt for CDC, so why should I get a thiazi's belt for 1 more dex that isn't going to make a difference. The same with Aias Bonnet, Loki's, Nifty Mantle, etc. Someone pointed out above that Teal body was doing slightly more damage than Loki's. But is that worth an inventory slot? A dead mob is a dead mob, whether you killed it with Loki's or Teal body - and in both circumstances it's going to take the exact same amount of spells regardless of which armor you're using.
Additionally, I've mentioned it in this thread a few times already, but I don't even use Ultimate atma when I CW burn. Why? Because the mobs still die from whirl + whisker when I use MM instead. When I use MM I don't have to sift through blue boxes or use temp items to recover my MP, ever. You said above about needing stats to kill faster and more effectively - that's exactly what I'm doing is going for the most effective method. I don't waste time casting PE prior to a nuke. Half the time I don't use Memento Mori either - cause it's just a waste of time. The mobs die w/o it, so what's the point? I don't waste time with processes to get back my MP since MM's refresh takes care of it.
Try it yourself next time - you'd be surprised how overcomplicated a lot of people make CW burning out to be. Lmao. Well, all you are saying points into the direction that you only kill one type of mobs all the time and certainly never experience resists or lvl'ed mobs or the lack of gear/atmas.
None of anything you stated had anything to do with the issue at hand either if you are saying gear/atmas are moot.
Why respond if you don't try to make it as good as possible anyway?
Being lazy and not caring is easy but I don't think that threads like this are about that.
I beg you to just not give a statement anymore with no experience whatsoever. And burning detectors only is not experience in my book, they are too weak, even for ppl with the worst gear/atmas.
Besides, if you are all set with your stuff and can kill some mobs that easily without all atmas and decent gear, that's fine for you. However, that doesn't give you the right to generalize things and make it valid for every situation and for every player.
I'm personally set with my stuff also, be it atmas or gear but I use PE anyway, since I've absolutely no use for an mp-efficient and fast cure when burning.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 620
By Cerberus.Kaht 2011-08-04 15:07:52
Carbuncle.Grandthief said: None of anything you stated had anything to do with the issue at hand either if you are saying gear/atmas are moot.
For someone that *** about people not reading or comprehending your posts, you certainly don't pick up very much from the replies people post.
Cerberus.Kaht said: My point is that it's completely unnecessary to use PE 100% of the time unless your character is so un-atma'd and so undergeared that the mab from PE is the decisive factor in killing the mobs, or not killing the mobs. If this is the case, stop burning right now and go get a cheap set of gear, and most importantly get Lion/Blinding Horn atmas. I think it's a good idea to keep a cure spell on hand, but that cure spell will never be PE.
Carbuncle.Grandthief said: I beg you to just not give a statement anymore with no experience whatsoever. And burning detectors only is not experience in my book, they are too weak, even for ppl with the worst gear/atmas.
Not sure where you got the idea that all I burn is detectors. I'll give you a D- for a poor attempt at an insult tho. While we're on the topic of poor insults; sweet Badelaire, bro.
Carbuncle.Grandthief said: Why respond if you don't try to make it as good as possible anyway? Being lazy and not caring is easy but I don't think that threads like this are about that.
I guess you and I have different perspectives on what "as good as possible" is. When I CW burn, I kill the mobs as fast as possible so that my linkshell maximizes KIs from chests in the shortest amount of time.
It's apparent from your posts that when you CW burn, you like to see the biggest, shiniest, "goodest as possible" numbers. Had you said that from the beginning this whole conversation could have been avoided.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 455
By Carbuncle.Grandthief 2011-08-04 17:32:02
I'm really tired of argueing with ppl who just poke around the real topic and never bring anything up that is of any importance.
I do read your posts but you really don't seem to realize that nothing you say has anything to do with what is being discussed.
If your ways work for you, it's fine. It doesn't for everyone though and chosing the worst possible gear/atmas is certainly nothing I would do, that I agree with.
It's not about the dmg either, as I stated a couple of times already (hence your fail in reading), but it's about security (to make sure things die).
But it's pointless to argue with ppl who aren't capable of understanding simple facts, aparently.
I'll try to sum it up again, however. Maybe too many words confuse you.
2 cures available, none of them is mandatory.
MF = no benefits but fast/effective cures, else no point whatsoever.
PE = gives MAB if you need it.
It is not about using either all the time but admitting that PE has a place.
If you don't understand, I'm sorry.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 395
By Bismarck.Zagen 2011-08-04 18:05:40
Carbuncle.Grandthief said: since PE+drink stacks Um... no they don't >.>
Drink overwrites Embrace.
Edit: I can provide the uncropped images and additional testing if you don't believe me and are too lazy to test it.
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 19647
By Valefor.Prothescar 2011-08-04 18:11:43
If plenilune embrace's magic attack boost was worth anything it would be in the guide. Its reliability on moon phase and the fact that it's overpowered by every effect that's stronger than it, (almost every single magic attack buff out there), makes it far less useful than you're letting on. For curing, magic fruit is far more efficient per cure than embrace can ever be.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 455
By Carbuncle.Grandthief 2011-08-04 18:52:19
Bismarck.Zagen said: Carbuncle.Grandthief said: since PE+drink stacks Um... no they don't >.>
Drink overwrites Embrace.
Edit: I can provide the uncropped images and additional testing if you don't believe me and are too lazy to test it.
Not like I don't believe you (I can certainly be wrong) but I would, indeed, like some tests with numbers (same buffs/moon phase with and without PE) to see if PE doesn't stack with anything.
If that's the case, then this whole argument is void anyway and I shall thank you for enlighten me.
Valefor.Prothescar said: Its reliability on moon phase and the fact that it's overpowered by every effect that's stronger than it, (almost every single magic attack buff out there), makes it far less useful than you're letting on.
Like I said, if PE doesn't stack, it's useless to begin with, for anything. Bringing up the bolded part as evidence is kinda hypocritical though, if you're advising ppl to use Artemis' Medal in the gear sets.
Not saying that you are wrong about PE (if it indeed doesn't stack with anything) but it's not a good point to bring up either.
Edit: Tests not with same buffs, obviously, but same moon phase only. One test with drink only and one with drink+PE, as welll as one with memento mori only and one with memento mori+PE.
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 19647
By Valefor.Prothescar 2011-08-05 16:56:15
Fact of the matter is Artemis Medal is a space saver and is almost always useful. You shouldn't need instruction to dictate when to use a DEX necklace over it. Plenilune embrace is not, and it does not stack with other magic attack buffs.
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 26
By Valefor.Sylvr 2011-08-05 23:25:41
If we're talking about space savers and time efficiency and all that stuff, then it might be worth mentioning that with a good enough CW set, you don't need Whirl at all. You can leave your STR set in your mog house and kill faster to boot. So saying that a crappy CW set is just as efficient as a good one is false.
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 19647
By Valefor.Prothescar 2011-08-05 23:52:12
Valefor.Sylvr said: So saying that a crappy CW set is just as efficient as a good one is false.
Who said this? The rest I can agree with. Even if Plenilune's MATK buff was worth it, why would you need it to begin with unless you were very, very far behind average gear?
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 455
By Carbuncle.Grandthief 2011-08-06 00:42:41
Valefor.Prothescar said: Even if Plenilune's MATK buff was worth it, why would you need it to begin with unless you were very, very far behind average gear?
Let's assume it does stack, best case, that would add more MAB than the earrings you "should" use.
Would you just not use those either, just because you're cool?
I mean, what kind of argumentation is that, seriously?
Some of you really make it sound like you just put on some random gear with absolutely no stats for CW and then also use melee atmas and still do 20k dmg and 1-shot everything regardless.
It certainly doesn't matter if or if not PE provides some extra dmg, I know to me it doesn't anymore, because it apears that ppl aren't open for criticism anyway.
Table of Contents
I. Introduction
II. Sub Jobs
III. What You Will Need
IV. Atma
V. Preparing for the Burn
VI. The Burn
VII. Lights
VIII. Conclusion
I. Introduction
I see countless BLUs wondering how to farm for time, key items, other things within Abyssea at the astounding rates of others. There are so many, in fact, that I feel compelled to write a guide expressing how exactly to perform this act. You may AoE burn alone or with others, having a healer helps but is absolutely not necessary if you have the gear and atma required. Usually, someone who is at the baseline of Blue Mage equipment will need outside help from a White or Red Mage.
II. Sub Jobs
Sub jobs are a matter of preference and what you'd be doing later on in the night. Essentially, /NIN offers nothing but a little bit of INT and /WAR offers absolutely nothing extra for a Whisker burn. /RDM, however, lends a variety of tools to your arsenal. Phalanx, Stoneskin and Aquaveil are incredibly useful tools, causing most monsters to hit for 0-20 damage each. Aquaveil protects you from being interrupted, which is also very useful. Again, the choice is yours based on what you're doing before/after your Whisker Burn, however /RDM is the superior sub job for this specific activity.
III. What You Will Need
Things you will need to make this as efficient as possible:
Blue Mage
STR gear
*NOTE: This set is meant to be used as a model of what to gear by. Use the items here to draw your conclusions on what to wear based on what you have. INT gear
*NOTE: This set is meant to be used as a model of what to gear by. Use the items here to draw your conclusions on what to wear based on what you have. INT+DEX gear
*NOTE: This set is meant to be used as a model of what to gear by. Use the items here to draw your conclusions on what to wear based on what you have. PDT- gear
*NOTE: This set is meant to be used as a model of what to gear by. Use the items here to draw your conclusions on what to wear based on what you have. Evasion gear
*NOTE: This set is meant to be used as a model of what to gear by. Use the items here to draw your conclusions on what to wear based on what you have. Movement speed+ gear
Atma of the Lion/Atma of the Blinding Horn/Atma of the Smoldering Sky/Atma of the Lone WolfAtma of the Minikin Monstrosity/Atma of the Beyond/Atma of the Baying Moon/Atma of the Ultimate/Atma of Hell's Guiardian/Atma of the Razed Ruin
*On PDT vs. Evasion: If you have an evasion set, it will likely be more effective than a PDT set for burning. Your monsters should never be above DC, for any extended period of time anyway, and thus evasion will almost always be high enough to outpace PDT.
IV. Atma
Atma choices are rarely situational. The best set for most monsters would be (1)Lion + Hell's Guardian + Ultimate or (2)Lion + Blinding Horn + Ultimate. For bombs or other lightning resistant monsters, you would want to switch Lion and Blinding Horn for Smoldering Sky and Lone Wolf. Generally speaking, if you do not have one or either of the lightning damage+ atmas, magic attack bonus atmas make for the best substitute; Atma of the Razed Ruin is also an acceptable atma to use as the 50 dexterity bonus that it grants adds plenty to your Charged Whisker when used in conjunction with Burst Affinity, which you should always have available on pulls anyways.
V.Preparing For The Burn
Now for the burn itself, it's a rather simple procedure. Based on zone and what you're looking to farm, the first thing you will want to do is farm up some Azure, Pearlescent and/or Amber. If you only want time and cruor, Azure+Pearlescent is the way to go, but if you want some augmented items, key items or empyrean foot armor/synthesis materials, then you'll want some Amber as well. The exact values of Amber depend on what item you're going for. Generally, key items only drop from upper tier large sized gold chests, high quality augmented items have an elevated chance of appearing in large sized gold chests, and everything else has a chance to appear inside of the smaller ones. If you're targeting Empyrean feet, then you'll want to limit your amber to around 70~80 at most. Further within this guide are a series of general guidelines of what to farm lights on based on zone.
Once you have lights, you get to the crux of the situation. You'll want to locate a suitable type of monster to pull multiples of and AoE down using specific spells for the greatest effect. Generally you'll want to find monsters that aggro and link, but sometimes this is not possible. As long as they do one or the other, you will do fine. You will also want to make sure that these monsters do not cast magic, as it will make the pulls more difficult and sometimes more dangerous. Depending on whether or not other people have been killing the monsters that you're targeting, (be respectful, don't pull over people if they are still there), then you may have to delevel them. I don't know how it works exactly, but after a couple of pulls the monsters will go from higher levels to Decent Challenge/Easy Prey. Keep pulls small until then.
You should also make sure you have the proper spells set for the job, the best spell set I've found includes:
Whirl of Rage
Benthic Typhoon
Charged Whisker
Thermal Pulse
Dream Flower
Sound Blast*
Memento Mori**
Magic Fruit
Actinic Burst
*Only necessary if you are not subbing RDM.
**Same as above, however this one provides a slight stat bonus as well at the cost of more set points.
With the rest of your points being allocated to stats or other enhancing spells of your choosing. Some may choose to put in more AoE spells such as Body Slam, Battle Dance and Grand Slam, however these are absolutely unnecessary, as most of the time monsters will die from the initial Charged Whisker, and if not a quick Whirl of Rage and/or Benthic Typhoon will finish them off.
VI. The Burn
The method for taking down your marks will vary slightly based on monster type, but for 95% of monsters, the cycle should look like this:
Pre-pull: Use your Ascetic's Drink and proceed to cast cocoon and occultation, then if you're subbing RDM, cast Phalanx, Stoneskin and Aquaveil as well. Put on PDT/Evasion gear as well as movement speed and prepare to pull.
Pull: Based on monster, you will have to do different things to pull. If you're new to AoE burning or the monster is particularly fierce, I would suggest keeping pulls down to 5-10. If you're an advanced whisker burner, or the monster is not very threatening, 15-20 monsters should be possible. If you have support, you may always try to pull more than 10. If the monsters aggro to sound, then it's easy to pull a large group: just run around in PDT/evasion gear and movement speed, gathering up however many monsters you feel comfortable with, then return to a safe spot to kill them. If they aggro sight, you can still do this, however it will require more work on your part. Magic aggro monsters are easier than either to get en masse, just start casting a spell like Occultation or Memento Mori in the middle of them and you'll have yourself a few at a time. When pulling, it's always important to make sure you aren't running too far ahead of the monsters or they will deaggro. Try to find the sweet spot in between or let them catch up every now and then.
The Burn: Now for the fun part. There are two ways to do this, starting with the beginner friendly variety.
(1) Start by using Chain Affinity and Efflux, and follow that up with Whirl of Rage. Immediately use Dream Flower to sleep the hoard, (you may need to cast Actinic Burst first if you do not have Aquaveil up), and heal up any damage you have taken. Continue by using Burst Affinity followed by a Charged Whisker or a Thermal Pulse depending on the monster, (generally only bombs will require Thermal Pulse due to their resistance of other elements). If this does not kill every monster in the group, (probably due to lack of atma or gear), then Whirl of Rage or Benthic Typhoon, followed by another Dream Flower and either Thermal Pulse or Charged Whisker if required. It will take a pull or two before you know if you can take monsters out in one-two shots or not, so try smaller numbers at first. If you're gear is in the mid-to-high range, then you're likely capable of the second option.
(2) If you are not subbing RDM, start the burn with Actinic Burst followed by a Dream Flower. Following that, use Burst Affinity and cast Charged Whisker. Most, if not all, of the monsters in the pull should now be dead. A few stragglers can and will persist, so clean them up with a Chain Affinity + Efflux Whirl of Rage.
If you follow those basic guidelines, you should encounter no issues.
VII. Lights
Now, every zone will have different monsters that are preferable over others for AoE burning as well as different methods of acquiring lights, (although this is mostly based on which expansion that the zone derives from). Below are the monsters and methods that I have had experience with and found easiest to manage. Feel free to deviate from this and try your own types of monsters if you want to experiment.
Abyssea - La Theine
Visions of Abyssea zones are a little more difficult to do this in, as the methods of farming lights are a bit more time intensive than in Heroes or Scars. Essentially, you'll want to buy a Clear Demilune Abyssite from the Cruor Prospector NPC (300 Cruor). VNMs, when killed with a melee attack, will supply you with pearlescent light 100% of the time. Any NM works in this regard, so if you're having trouble finding VNMs you can always pop any other easy T1 NM. Ephemerals Clionids supply enhanced Azure light at seemingly random intervals of 16, 32, 64 and 128 lights per kill. They can be tricky to find sometimes as in the Visions zones, Ephemeral mobs can be somewhat difficult to track down. Your general plan of attack should be to kill multiple VNMs/NMs and Clionids until you obtain top tier blue chests, (Intense Soothing Light, familiar stone fragment, princely amount of cruor, etc.), and gold chests if you're after those.
Generally, T1 VNMs in La Theine are found around the rabbits and the tigers in large quantities, though they can go as far as the corpselights.
Once you have your lights to an acceptable level, you will want to find a suitable type of monster to pull for AoE burning. In La Theine, you can try frogs, worms, birds, or puks for the easiest time. Frogs are on the top of the list with birds and puks in second, although puks can be difficult to pull due to them being somewhat spread out. Worms should be used as a last resort as you can not rely on pulling them, you must hope for them to clump together naturally and you must also contend with avoiding the Notorious Monster.
Abyssea - Tahrongi
T1 VNMs in Tahrongi tend to be found most often East of Conflux 1 in the Clionids and Northwest of Conflux 2 in the Hecteye and Scorpions. Take caution if you go for the ones near the Clionids as a Notorious Monster that detects by low HP and is invisible until it aggros wanders amongst them.
Tahrongi doesn't have many choices, in fact, the only good choice here would be the scorpions as they are the only decent aggroing and linking monsters in the zone that are easy to manage. Sandworms and Manticores may work, in theory, but I have never tried these as sandworms are fairly spread out and manticores aggro to sight and are not very numerous. Gnats may also be eligible, but contending with the Notorious Monster may make it hazardous. Corpselights follow the same line, except instead of a notorious monster, you have to deal with their frequent magic usage.
Coeurl and bats work as an alternative as well. Thanks to Nightfyre and Raenryong for the suggestions.
Gnats are also a good choice. Thanks to Helel for the suggestion.
Abyssea - Konschtat
T1 VNMs in Konschtat are often found near the leeches and in the empty places between confluxes 4, 5 and 7.
Konschtat is open to more options than Tahrongi, thankfully. Leeches and Tonberries are tried and true families, and slugs may also work. In a pinch, corpselights are also applicable choices, however their frequent casting and ability to bind and stun you while pulling make them unattractive.
Abyssea - Misareaux
For Scars zones, farming for lights becomes a lot easier. Killing Ephemeral Murexes becomes a valid tactic as they are not nearly as rare as in the Visions zones and spawn in very predictable locations. There is one ephemeral in every monster family. T1 VNMs are still useful for Pearlescent light, however.
T1 VNMs in Misareaux are frequently found around the bomb clusters and the orobons/crabs.
The king of all monsters in Misareaux is the mighty frog. Unfortunately, finding these uncontested will be nearly impossible. Between other AoE burners or people camping the frog NM for their empyrean weapon triggers, they are often overcrowded and impossible to pull in frequency or at a decent level. The best alternative would be detectors, as they're easy to pull and not incredibly strong. Alternatives also exist in the crabs, orobons and flies, although flies can be hazardous due to the Notorious Monster and orobons may be too high of a level due to farming for the orobon notorious monster's pop item.
Apkallu are also a good choice. Thanks to Helel for the suggestion.
Abyssea - Attowha
Note that in Attowha, Ephemeral monsters don't appear to give enhanced lights.
T1 VNMs in Attowha can be a pain to track. I find them most often within the Coeruls and Cockatrice, so I would start there.
As for burn monsters, chigoes are the best in the zone. They're weak and numerous, however they are also highly contested. The Notorious Monster may also complicate things if it isn't being farmed. Mandragoras are a good alternative, as are wamouracampa, however the campa move very slowly which can be annoying on pulls. Scorpions and eruca also make decent candidates.
Abyssea - Vunkerl
T1 VNMs in Vunkerl can be found with frequency around the rabbits and puks, as well as around the bats.
Most of the time I try to do the djinns in this zone. They're easy to pull and aren't very strong. Unlike normal bombs, they do not resist Charged Whisker. In the event that they're taken, however, Vunkerl does not lend very many alternatives. Puks can work, as can spiders. As a last resort, corpselights are also viable but present the same issues as those in Konschtat and Tahrongi.
Tauri are also a good choice. Thanks to Helel for the suggestion.
Abyssea - Uleguerand
The Heroes zones are the easiest to farm lights in -- in fact, most of the time, you don't even have to. Due to morale buffs in these zones, you get a bonus to your lights just by obtaining visitant status. Normally I just pull like I would if I had already farmed lights and cap azure in a couple of rounds. Pearlescent will be capped through red chests soon after beginning as well, but doing a couple of NMs or just melee killing some mobs works too. For these reasons, as well as the fact that Elementals are incredibly annoying, I will not bother outlining T1 VNMs in these zones.
For burn mobs, I would suggest snolls as being the easiest to pull and to deal with. Even if you get the elemental in their ranks, thermal pulse and charged whisker will easily deal with it just like the snolls themselves. Detectors present a wonderful alternative, and if both of those are occupied then so do gears.
Abyssea - Altep
Altep's creme de la creme would be the mandragoras. They're very easy to pull and are incredibly weak. Two problems do exist, however: one, they are often contested and two, the Notorious Monster cactuar that spawns amongst them can be an annoyance. It isn't difficult to avoid, just make sure you're paying attention when pulling. Alternatives are all relatively unattractive, however often they are the only option. Detectors work, however the two elementals that roam within them may be annoying. You seldom have to worry about the chariot being alive long enough for you to have to worry about it, but do take caution. Puks are very spread out, but otherwise they work well enough. You may not want to pull many if you're alone just because of their distribution and how you'll be taking a bit of damage on the pulls. Bombs also work, but they tend to hit rather hard and pulling too many is not preferable.
Abyssea - Grauberg
Grauberg is very similar to Uleguerand in the types of monsters that work well. Djinns and Detectors are on the top of the list, and are often uncontested. In the event that they are, however, you will have to deal with much less suitable conditions. Goblins work, however they tend to be very spread out and deaggro easily. Puks are acceptable, but the Notorious Monster can complicate things.
VIII. Conclusion
That covers every zone, and pretty much wraps up this guide. Comments, suggestions and other such responses are welcome below or via PM. Additional options for monster types to farm are welcome and will be added if they are acceptable. Aside from that, thanks for reading, and I hope this helps those of you that are new to AoE burning on Blue Mage.