This Game Still Trash?

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this game still trash?
Posts: 2872
By Dubont 2011-03-16 00:16:42
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You learn to read you dumb ***. I gave you my answer many times and you still haven't acknowledged it. Many others have given you the same answer yet you still ask for an answer. IT'S RIGHT THERE! God damn, how stupid can you be...
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 14155
By Valefor.Slipispsycho 2011-03-16 00:20:20
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I rarely do, but I'm afraid I have to agree with Dubont. You've been given the answers you claim to be seeking by multiple people, and put in different ways, yet you still keep asking the same question over and over. It doesn't matter how many times you're still going to get the same answer.


Posts: 2872
By Dubont 2011-03-16 00:54:39
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<3 you too slip.
Posts: 2872
By Dubont 2011-03-16 01:03:49
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Alexander.Xgalahadx said:
I don't think so but I liked it before to.

Oh and wb Dubont.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Moondaddy
Posts: 429
By Odin.Moondaddy 2011-03-16 01:31:51
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well lets see, it's still a grind fest kinda like when you first started ffxi, crafting is more streamlined but still tedious, as someone else said market wards are close to being an AH other than having to go find the npc who is selling said item you are looking for. ummmm what else oh huge fix to skill points, its no longer maybe get a sp proc off random attack and more like ffxi where sp is now based off player lvl vs mob lvl. they fixed the journal so you can see all active quests at once and not have to remember what kinda quest it was. as for poor performance i have yet to notice smoother fps but im limited to my 9800gt atm and ffxiv is too much game for that card. so basically if you dont like to grind go play a diff mmo, ive heard tell that wow is quite the easymode game >.>
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Soube
Posts: 601
By Quetzalcoatl.Soube 2011-03-16 01:34:11
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This thread will surely end well...

Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 72
By Asura.Kayze 2011-03-16 02:08:52
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Wow, when I posted last night I was kinda in a bad mood, and thought I'd try rework my post to better present my opinion in a structured way. Then I realised OP was a douche. I dont justify myself to douches. Have fun finding out the answer to your *way too general* answer......
Posts: 246
By Cecilharvey 2011-03-16 03:43:24
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Odin.Moondaddy said:
well lets see, it's still a grind fest kinda like when you first started ffxi, crafting is more streamlined but still tedious, as someone else said market wards are close to being an AH other than having to go find the npc who is selling said item you are looking for. ummmm what else oh huge fix to skill points, its no longer maybe get a sp proc off random attack and more like ffxi where sp is now based off player lvl vs mob lvl. they fixed the journal so you can see all active quests at once and not have to remember what kinda quest it was. as for poor performance i have yet to notice smoother fps but im limited to my 9800gt atm and ffxiv is too much game for that card. so basically if you dont like to grind go play a diff mmo, ive heard tell that wow is quite the easymode game >.>

thats good someone talk about SP/Exp.

Basicaly they have been doing somes "fixes" to the game, they given more speed to animations such as crafting & mining/harvesting etc.

They added quests, made the menu(s) more simple, added a better ergonomy to the keyboard & a better control? for the controllers "altho i hate it" .

I'm not going to resume you everything, because as what ppl said in a good or bad way, Lodestone is where you will find the most infos to your questions.

To finish, i'll give you my personal opinion, to answer "seriously".

I like the game, i disliked it before because of its lack of content & because the amount of exp needed was ridiculous.

SE added somes contents, they added notorious monsters, they reduced the amount of exp needed to level / rank up.

Now i like it better, i still have somes troubles to rank up a craft, because i find it totaly ridiculous & outrageous for SE to make us do again & again & again & again the same thing for idk how much times just to rank up a craft.

Once you past the R20, you still need more than "20k" exp if i do remember well, & crafting the same thing again & again to get 300SP per synths in the hope to rank up to see that i'll have to do it even more after really discourage me.

Its all i can complain about, for the rest everyone can see that they are really trying their best.

So, you're free to come back & look, but give the game the time it need. :)
Posts: 195
By jdcho99 2011-03-16 07:58:53
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Dubont said: make me rage. How old are you? What's your IQ? Did you even GO to school? I bet you failed all of your research papers.

How can you NOT find the patch notes in lodestone? How can you not find the info that was given to you of any help?

I gave you my answer. If you hated 14 then, you'll hate it now. It's far too easy now and there is almost no new content. The UI has gotten better but it could be greatly improved on. There are still no chocobos or airships..if that really matters to you like it does to one dumbass that trolls the hell out of my youtube vids regarding 14. Soloing is easier now than it was before. Parties are still extinct unless it's a leve party. Leves still haven't been removed like they need to be. The armor still looks like ***. The spells still look like ***. Armor still doesn't do ***. Spells still don't do ***. Mages are still useless. Battle system still sucks. Armory system still sucks. There's still no penalty for dying.

So...there's my answer. Not much has changed. Now...take this info and USE IT!

You really think so? THM has the best heals and best damage =/
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: lvicious
Posts: 42
By Bismarck.Setsunaa 2011-03-16 08:04:49
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If you wanted information on the patches and updates all you have to do is follow the links on this sites main page under lodestone news or just go to the SE official site for this game and read up on the changes or developers q&a.

Or even better yet since it's still free to play when the game comes back online log on and check things out for yourself. If you aren't going to play 14 then it's pointless to want to find out.
Posts: 195
By jdcho99 2011-03-16 08:14:58
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Cecilharvey said:
Odin.Moondaddy said:
well lets see, it's still a grind fest kinda like when you first started ffxi, crafting is more streamlined but still tedious, as someone else said market wards are close to being an AH other than having to go find the npc who is selling said item you are looking for. ummmm what else oh huge fix to skill points, its no longer maybe get a sp proc off random attack and more like ffxi where sp is now based off player lvl vs mob lvl. they fixed the journal so you can see all active quests at once and not have to remember what kinda quest it was. as for poor performance i have yet to notice smoother fps but im limited to my 9800gt atm and ffxiv is too much game for that card. so basically if you dont like to grind go play a diff mmo, ive heard tell that wow is quite the easymode game >.>

thats good someone talk about SP/Exp.

Basicaly they have been doing somes "fixes" to the game, they given more speed to animations such as crafting & mining/harvesting etc.

They added quests, made the menu(s) more simple, added a better ergonomy to the keyboard & a better control? for the controllers "altho i hate it" .

I'm not going to resume you everything, because as what ppl said in a good or bad way, Lodestone is where you will find the most infos to your questions.

To finish, i'll give you my personal opinion, to answer "seriously".

I like the game, i disliked it before because of its lack of content & because the amount of exp needed was ridiculous.

SE added somes contents, they added notorious monsters, they reduced the amount of exp needed to level / rank up.

Now i like it better, i still have somes troubles to rank up a craft, because i find it totaly ridiculous & outrageous for SE to make us do again & again & again & again the same thing for idk how much times just to rank up a craft.

Once you past the R20, you still need more than "20k" exp if i do remember well, & crafting the same thing again & again to get 300SP per synths in the hope to rank up to see that i'll have to do it even more after really discourage me.

Its all i can complain about, for the rest everyone can see that they are really trying their best.

So, you're free to come back & look, but give the game the time it need. :)

I like the game, i disliked it before because of its lack of content & because the amount of exp needed was ridiculous."

If They reduced the SP to rank up then there would be even more rank50 people crying about how there's not enough content =p Even with the amount it takes to rank up right now, theres alot of people with multiple rank 50's

"because i find it totaly ridiculous & outrageous for SE to make us do again & again & again & again the same thing for idk how much times just to rank up a craft."

But that's how you rank up DoW too, just kill things again again and again. If they made it easy to rank up crafting, then everyone would be a crafter and crafting would be useless similar to in WoW (until they added passive bonuses from crafting >.> )

It really just boils down to this game isnt for everyone, some people like it some people dont. like someone said before, if you have a good Ls and group of people you can play with, this game is much more enjoyable. The grind isnt nearly as bad when you can chat with friend. From the start of the game i contacted people who were ranking up crafts together and we all formed a crafting shell...made finding items we needed easier and we were able to trade parts we SP'd with. (ie: alc SP'd off lenses, gave to GLD to SP off glasses). To me FF games have always been more of a social game where as WoW has just been a sit in raid 3-4hours a night on set nights and kill same boss each week till you get a drop then have enough DKP or w/e to make a bid on the item. Or do arena x amount of times a week to gain points to buy PvP in a sense WoW is a grind as well, every MMO is a grind.
P.S. i fired up cata since the quake in japan and they really catered WoW to the 12yr olds...tool tips now have...Tips ("Frostbolt - Good to be used as an opener", or something like that)
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 476
By Asura.Ashleh 2011-03-16 08:20:58
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Why is it that when you put a six year old on a forum they lose all sense of humanity and respect? It's really quite an odd and easily observable phenomenon. And by six year old I mean Dubont.would your mother be happy with your language and obviously failed schooling due to your comprehension skills? Does she even know you're on on the computer? Are you allowed to be?

The only person I disregarded the answer for was Slip. And then I even posted a response to some of your biggotry with acceptance and understanding. Maybe you got confused. I don't know. But personally I wouldn't be calling someone a dumb *** without reading their posts first and fully comprehending what they mean.
Posts: 197
By Alyssah 2011-03-16 09:41:56
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Ah, I would just ignore them if I were you, they just have nothing better to do then trying to pwn/flame people since FF servers are down. I'd waste time doing something else, not conversating with 40 year olds that still live with their mother. You're using the forum for what it's made for. Whether there are 100 forums with the same subject, it's not illegal to post another one.

-Don't be so butthurt that the servers are down guys. :3 Puts everyone in a bad mood. :'D
Posts: 3
By Cassandra 2011-03-16 10:04:04
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hey i'm from asura too (please excuse my laziness in the lack of using the shift key for capitalization ;P)

i mainly play Xi, and i just got into Xiv roughly a week and a half ago. in my personal opinion i enjoyed every moment of it (i play on an old work laptop with a video card that barely plays games built during the 90s era) and it is very laggy as in 1-3 second lag and somewhat a drag sometimes cut-scene-wise. given those circumstances i *still* enjoyed everything since the starting introduction fmv. i think that phenomenon though is correlated to the fact that i have played so much Xi that, like in Xi, any new (or different in this case) content is wholeheartedly welcomed and embraced (lolabyssea). my first impression involved familiar concepts with some different mechanics and lackluster animations - pretty much an extremely shiny, intricate seashell but void of any inside content

but to answer your question, i can't due to the fact i never played it during its beta-phase nor its initial launch. but i can say having started one and a half week ago, i enjoyed most things it had offered

my only complaints for the game (unless you have *massive* amounts of time to play) usually deal with reception. the learning curve is far too steep to harness a new crowd of people; only a small percentage would try it out, challenge it and learn it. if your goal is to lure old loyal members and new customers, it's going to be harsh since it'll most likely filter out those lazy or unwillingly to try something new to turning away prospective members from the starting audience. while it's a simple Ui (but maybe not as easy as) like Xi, it's practically, imo, you have had either prior experience with an oMmrpg or naturally learned from a lot of trial and error before you can start to fully enjoy the fun of the game. game-play balance itself seemed to suffer a lot to favor solo-intensive experiences. then again it's in its infant stage and has not seen the future release of its content (classes, regions, quests, missions, expansions, etc.)

but straight to the conclusion: the experience i had reflected that i had with Xi the first time (if you are wondering i thought Xi came out about 3'ish years ago which is of course not true). overwhelming experience with choosing a character and city, wanting to go everywhere and talk to all the npc's, going out to spend time exploring, and figuring out and making money to buy things from other people. however, the game did launch with great ideas it did so with poor direction, and i have noticed that with many of their products since the companies' merger.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 476
By Asura.Ashleh 2011-03-16 10:28:53
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Cassandra said:
hey i'm from asura too (please excuse my laziness in the lack of using the shift key for capitalization ;P)

i mainly play Xi, and i just got into Xiv roughly a week and a half ago. in my personal opinion i enjoyed every moment of it (i play on an old work laptop with a video card that barely plays games built during the 90s era) and it is very laggy as in 1-3 second lag and somewhat a drag sometimes cut-scene-wise. given those circumstances i *still* enjoyed everything since the starting introduction fmv. i think that phenomenon though is correlated to the fact that i have played so much Xi that, like in Xi, any new (or different in this case) content is wholeheartedly welcomed and embraced (lolabyssea). my first impression involved familiar concepts with some different mechanics and lackluster animations - pretty much an extremely shiny, intricate seashell but void of any inside content

but to answer your question, i can't due to the fact i never played it during its beta-phase nor its initial launch. but i can say having started one and a half week ago, i enjoyed most things it had offered

my only complaints for the game (unless you have *massive* amounts of time to play) usually deal with reception. the learning curve is far too steep to harness a new crowd of people; only a small percentage would try it out, challenge it and learn it. if your goal is to lure old loyal members and new customers, it's going to be harsh since it'll most likely filter out those lazy or unwillingly to try something new to turning away prospective members from the starting audience. while it's a simple Ui (but maybe not as easy as) like Xi, it's practically, imo, you have had either prior experience with an oMmrpg or naturally learned from a lot of trial and error before you can start to fully enjoy the fun of the game. game-play balance itself seemed to suffer a lot to favor solo-intensive experiences. then again it's in its infant stage and has not seen the future release of its content (classes, regions, quests, missions, expansions, etc.)

but straight to the conclusion: the experience i had reflected that i had with Xi the first time (if you are wondering i thought Xi came out about 3'ish years ago which is of course not true). overwhelming experience with choosing a character and city, wanting to go everywhere and talk to all the npc's, going out to spend time exploring, and figuring out and making money to buy things from other people. however, the game did launch with great ideas it did so with poor direction, and i have noticed that with many of their products since the companies' merger.

Yeah, you hare having pretty much the same experience I had when I played Ffxiv. My computer can run Ffxi on max settings, but could barely run ffxiv. I too enjoyed the atmosphere and feelings of new beginings, i just couldn't really get past all the problems and since i was playing ffxi at the same time I saw no reason to spend anytime on ffxiv in it's current state.

Since you're from Asura and seem pretty nice, we should do some stuff ingame when the servers come back. If you see that i'm on when your own just give me a/ tell. I like making new friends ingame.
Posts: 3
By Cassandra 2011-03-16 10:34:48
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okay, i have backtracked to read previous posts (lol to avoid biased responses) and i have a couple of things to express:

1) while it is true that a forum is a *PLACE TO DISCUSS*, it appears some of the responders have given your partial answer. there is ''textbook'' and ''experience''. the textbook (not being a guide, a walk-through or review of sorts) in a sense is the patch notes aforementioned. knowing what you learned on your first experience and then understanding what changes were made will give you a general explanation.

2) the second thing, the experience, is quite obvious - you have to try it yourself. no matter how much you analyze the patch notes or technical details from others, you won't completely know until you are actively participating in it (sort of like going to school for a career and then finally settling into it until it's a daily grind; some people switchover flawlessly and for others it's nothing expected from textbook [i'm probably speaking to a small percentage of people suffering from something i dunno anxiety and their career options regarding people-skills] ;P) give it a try, you were disappointed the first time, big deal. do you give up? clearly you haven't stated that nor do you have to defend whatever stance you have. now that some time has passed, why not try it again? either disappointment or relief will be waiting for you on the other side and from that you can either give up hope on a potentially thrilling experience lacking timely improvements or ask at a later time again the same question at hand
Posts: 3
By Cassandra 2011-03-16 10:37:24
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lol i haven't been on Xi for like ever, as you can probably tell from my auction house >.> <.<

oh lol i forgot i am on Xiv sign-in XD /slap
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10
By Bahamut.Chiarodiluna 2011-03-16 11:33:21
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Asura.Ashleh said:
No. I do want to play FFXIV again.

Then go play it again.
Posts: 324
By Unmei 2011-03-16 22:32:54
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LMAO people are still playing this game? ^^

Rift ftw 8)

@ the op ...Yeah this game is definitely still trash although I've been updating my ff14 every patch release just in case a miracle happens and the game gets good but with Rift currently on the market and SWTOR about to come out I doubt many will play this game regardless of what they do to it and since the disaster in Japan you can almost be certain this game is dead...
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 14155
By Valefor.Slipispsycho 2011-03-16 22:52:42
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Unmei said:
LMAO people are still playing this game? ^^

Rift ftw 8)

@ the op ...Yeah this game is definitely still trash although I've been updating my ff14 every patch release just in case a miracle happens and the game gets good but with Rift currently on the market and SWTOR about to come out I doubt many will play this game regardless of what they do to it and since the disaster in Japan you can almost be certain this game is dead...
Weren't you like one of the biggest FFXIV fanboys there was?
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 199
By Fenrir.Xeonerable 2011-03-16 23:18:27
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yes he was. lol
Posts: 195
By jdcho99 2011-03-16 23:47:04
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Unmei said:
LMAO people are still playing this game? ^^

Rift ftw 8)

@ the op ...Yeah this game is definitely still trash although I've been updating my ff14 every patch release just in case a miracle happens and the game gets good but with Rift currently on the market and SWTOR about to come out I doubt many will play this game regardless of what they do to it and since the disaster in Japan you can almost be certain this game is dead...

i heard someone on rift capped out a character in 3days =/
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 23653
By Shiva.Flionheart 2011-03-20 22:04:49
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Valefor.Slipispsycho said:
Unmei said:
LMAO people are still playing this game? ^^

Rift ftw 8)

@ the op ...Yeah this game is definitely still trash although I've been updating my ff14 every patch release just in case a miracle happens and the game gets good but with Rift currently on the market and SWTOR about to come out I doubt many will play this game regardless of what they do to it and since the disaster in Japan you can almost be certain this game is dead...
Weren't you like one of the biggest FFXIV fanboys there was?

This is just so funny.
Posts: 13
By Klaus 2011-03-21 04:20:31
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Anyone who isn't playing is bad and will always be bad no matter how hard they try so it doesn't matter if you play or not.

You're forever a baddie.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Soube
Posts: 601
By Quetzalcoatl.Soube 2011-03-21 06:06:39
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How odd, I was one of the biggest critics for FFXIV for a long time and I'd just gotten around to actually playing it again a week or so before the servers went down. I've been enjoying it a lot since I came back. The community seems to have evened out and people are really helpful and fun, but the game still has a long ways to go before they start charging people for it.
Posts: 195
By jdcho99 2011-03-21 07:25:21
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Quetzalcoatl.Soube said:
How odd, I was one of the biggest critics for FFXIV for a long time and I'd just gotten around to actually playing it again a week or so before the servers went down. I've been enjoying it a lot since I came back. The community seems to have evened out and people are really helpful and fun, but the game still has a long ways to go before they start charging people for it.

Most of the cry babies from WoW left =p
Posts: 356
By Wafflechan 2011-03-21 08:09:04
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It is quite imbalanced still, the interface is still laggy as hell for me, and what's left of the community that isn't an RMT / spam bot is a community of players trying to scrape their money's worth in an overglorified version of Farmsville. LETS CLICK AND PRESS BUTTONS OVER AND OVER, AND THEN PRODUCE A PRODUCT!!! It isn't worth coming back to, and for some reason I find your avatar slightly arousing. >.>
Server: Gilgamesh
Game: FFXI
Posts: 422
By Gilgamesh.Thedreamer 2011-03-21 13:35:40
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What will interestin to find out: is half of the player gonna quit when game down ?
Well...the half left...
so the quarter or...
Do they'll get money one day with this crap ? lol
Posts: 195
By jdcho99 2011-03-21 14:40:44
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Wafflechan said:
It is quite imbalanced still, the interface is still laggy as hell for me, and what's left of the community that isn't an RMT / spam bot is a community of players trying to scrape their money's worth in an overglorified version of Farmsville. LETS CLICK AND PRESS BUTTONS OVER AND OVER, AND THEN PRODUCE A PRODUCT!!! It isn't worth coming back to, and for some reason I find your avatar slightly arousing. >.>

How would you like to craft? auto queue 20 embersilk cloths and press one button? (WoW) pretty much every MMO consists of just pressing a sequence of buttons to perform any action. people complain about this games button spam for combat, but other MMO's consist of the same thing, button spam =p im not defending this games faults or saying it doesnt need work, but arguments such as button spam are weak. This game really just needs more content, wider variety of mobs and equipment. =p