Pokemon City

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Pokemon City
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MSPaint Winner
Server: Excalibur
user: Leonkasai
Posts: 6368
By Leon Kasai 2016-04-10 16:12:51
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XYORAS players (in EU regions; don't know about anywhere else) can get Hoopa via mystery Mystery Gift code this month.
Code is HOOPA2016

Comes with a Focus Sash equipped and knows Hyperspace Hole, Nasty Plot, Psychic, and Astonish.

Also don't forget to go to a Poke Mart with it in your party to get the Prison Bottle from an NPC next to the counter.
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Server: Excalibur
user: AnnaMolly
Posts: 25995
By Anna Ruthven 2016-04-10 16:50:11
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Leon Kasai said: »
(in EU regions; don't know about anywhere else)
Not valid in US, sadly.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Sonoske
Posts: 81
By Phoenix.Sonoske 2016-04-12 12:58:17
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By chance anyone able to get the Hoopa event willing to trade for a Jirachi? Or a few 5 IV pokemon?
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1808
By Siren.Novadragon 2016-04-30 02:16:36
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For those of you in Europe and North America, a special gift is now available over the Nintendo Network. This gift gives you the Legendary Pokémon, Zygarde. It's not currently known how long this event will run.

Server: Siren
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Posts: 1808
By Siren.Novadragon 2016-05-01 12:24:59
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The Darkrai event has begun! The Darkrai distribution has begun its run globally and is obtained via code at various stores in multiple countries. This event is the fourth of 11 Mythical Pokémon distributions in the west and is being given to celebrate the 20th anniversary of Pokémon. This event runs until May 24th with the code redeemable until August 31st.

United States - Gamestop - May 1st through May 24th
Canada - EBGames - May 1st through May 24th
United Kingdom - GAME - May 1st through May 24th
Australia & New Zealand - EBGames - May 1st through May 24th
Spain - GAME - May 1st through May 24th
Germany - Gamestop - May 2nd through May 24th
France - Micromania - May 2nd through May 15th
Italy - Gamestop - May 1st through May 24th
Belgium - FNAC or GameMania - May 1st through May 24th
Netherlands - GameMania - May 1st through May 24th
Finland, Sweden, Norway & Denmark - BR Stores - May 12th through July 31st

Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1808
By Siren.Novadragon 2016-05-02 13:30:15
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Two new events have been announced for North America. Following the Zygarde event, which is due to end on May 8th in North America, a Shiny Xerneas is to be distributed on the Nintendo Network from May 11th through to May 17th. After that, a Shiny Yveltal is to be distributed on the Nintendo Network from May 20th through to May 26th. European distributions of these have yet to be announced.

Posts: 2046
By SpaceAnomaly 2016-05-10 07:32:05
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Aloha, 'mon.
Server: Excalibur
user: Lillica
Posts: 6427
By Grumpy Cat 2016-05-10 07:38:44
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The cat looks like a Yokai watch ripoff.

The seal looks like something a 3 year old drew.

Wonder how many trash-bag pokemon we will have this time around.
Server: Hyperion
user: mikuu
Posts: 800
By Hatsune Miku 2016-05-10 07:55:37
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Pokemon: Hawaii Edition.
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1808
By Siren.Novadragon 2016-05-10 12:59:20
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New Area is called Aloha.

Posts: 2046
By SpaceAnomaly 2016-05-14 17:23:23
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So which pokemon game would you recommend to someone who hasn't played since gen 3? Alpha/Omega or Y/X? (I also heard black/white was really good but no online kinda makes me not want to play that one)
Bug Hunter
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 34187
By Asura.Kingnobody 2016-05-14 17:30:45
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Alpha/Omega if you are starting fresh.
Posts: 2046
By SpaceAnomaly 2016-05-14 17:34:04
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Nice! Going to bully my niece into letting me borrow her copy. Thanks senpai
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1808
By Siren.Novadragon 2016-05-31 13:44:31
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The Manaphy event has begun! The Manaphy distribution has begun its run in Europe and Australia with North American release coming in the next few hours. This event is the fifth of 11 Mythical Pokémon distributions in the west and is being given over the Nintendo Network to celebrate the 20th anniversary of Pokémon. This event runs until June 24th.

You can get Phione if you breed Manaphy with Ditto

Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1808
By Siren.Novadragon 2016-06-02 12:52:51
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Pokemon Sun mascot Legendary

Sogaleo, Psychic/Steel, Ability: Full Metal Body.

Full Metal Body: A Pokémon’s stats will not be lowered by the effects of an opponent’s moves or Ability.

Pokemon Moon mascost Legendary

Lunala, Psychic/Ghost, Ability: Shadow Shield.

Shadow Shield: With the Shadow Shield Ability, a Pokémon will take less damage from an attack that lands when the Pokémon has full HP.

Their unique attacks are shown to in video.

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Forum Moderator
Server: Excalibur
user: AnnaMolly
Posts: 25995
By Anna Ruthven 2016-06-02 13:01:15
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Siren.Novadragon said: »
Pokemon Sun mascot Legendary

Sogaleo, Psychic/Steel, Ability: Full Metal Body.

Full Metal Body: A Pokémon’s stats will not be lowered by the effects of an opponent’s moves or Ability.

Pokemon Moon mascost Legendary

Lunala, Psychic/Ghost, Ability: Shadow Shield.

Shadow Shield: With the Shadow Shield Ability, a Pokémon will take less damage from an attack that lands when the Pokémon has full HP.

Their unique attacks are shown to in video.

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My body is ready.

Also, got Manaphy today! I actually have calendar reminders on my phone for them. >.>
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1808
By Siren.Novadragon 2016-06-02 13:11:49
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Bug Hunter
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 34187
By Asura.Kingnobody 2016-06-02 16:25:09
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So, either Surf is going to be a required move or they will actually have boats to travel from one island to another.

Either way, this looks to be the biggest map ever. I wonder if we will have Latios/Latias version of Roaming on this game. Even better, if the route Fly option would come back.
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1808
By Siren.Novadragon 2016-06-10 21:35:34
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They are known in Japan as Nekkoala and Iwanko.

Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Siviard
Posts: 1328
By Shiva.Siviard 2016-06-10 21:56:05
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Siren.Novadragon said: »
They are known in Japan as Nekkoala and Iwanko.

I detect some serious "Winnie the Pooh" realness with that Nekkoala.
Posts: 194
By Gruknor 2016-06-10 22:16:58
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Anna Ruthven said: »
Siren.Novadragon said: »
My body is ready.

Also, got Manaphy today! I actually have calendar reminders on my phone for them. >.>

I have the exact same reminder.

Did you get the pokemon trainer news letter? It comes with a free mew code in case you missed the event. So maybe they are finally being cool about this and giving us multiple chances to get the pokemon.
Forum Moderator
Server: Excalibur
user: AnnaMolly
Posts: 25995
By Anna Ruthven 2016-06-10 22:18:44
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*stare* When did I.... Wait, what?

EDIT: No to the newsletter....no to the Mewsletter. \o/
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Siviard
Posts: 1328
By Shiva.Siviard 2016-06-14 11:39:53
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Seeing some new pokemon in the stream right now.

Pikipek - Flying type. Dual type maybe?
Yungoose - Normal type?

Pokemon from other regions are also confirmed. Route 1 in Alola Region has Ledyba

*edit* - Popplio learns Disarming Voice at Lv. 8. Fairy type move. Possible Water/Fairy evolution later?
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1808
By Siren.Novadragon 2016-06-14 12:30:27
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Pikipek, Yungoos and Grubbin revealed.

New game mode, Battle Royale.

1v1v1v1, at the same time.

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Forum Moderator
Server: Excalibur
user: AnnaMolly
Posts: 25995
By Anna Ruthven 2016-07-01 09:46:56
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Shaymin event (US) starts today.
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1808
By Siren.Novadragon 2016-07-03 10:26:03
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Tapu Koko






Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1808
By Siren.Novadragon 2016-07-07 09:03:20
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Poison/Fire, Ability: Corrosion.

Corrosion allows Poison/Toxic to land on Poison and Steel types.

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Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1808
By Siren.Novadragon 2016-07-12 11:28:36
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The bear is Normal/Fighting while the ghost is Ghost/Fairy.

Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1808
By Siren.Novadragon 2016-08-01 08:52:13
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New Pokemon Form called "Alolan form", it's a regional form called Alolan. It changes Vulpix/Ninetales into Ice/Fairy, Sandshrew/Sandslash to Ice/Steel. Exeggutor turns into a Grass/Dragon. And Z-moves which can be used once per battle for each type, basically like a Limit Break in Final Fantasy.

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Guide Maker
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: Seha
Posts: 24219
By Valefor.Sehachan 2016-08-01 08:56:40
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Siren.Novadragon said: »
Lol, evolved version pulls out toasts from its back? <_<
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