Got a feebas from a friend, if anyone needs a parent to make it bang a ditto or whatever I'll be hatching a few tommorrow~
Oh my god, ALL OF MY YES
It doesn't have to be anything fancy IV wise, maybe a lady for mass-breeding if that's possible :3
Milotec is one of my favorites but I guess it would take vaporeons place, oh the conflictions~!
All I have for exchange would be some jolly/adamant/bold/timid/modest/careful/calm eevee's with various IV's and all have wish, some with stored power/wish/curse/yawn and I have a few adamant talonflames and mawiles, and I believe jolly? maybe it was something else D; phanpy's with ice shard!
I'm probably going to be gone all day tomorrow, maybe after 5 P.M PST D; 7 hour drive tomorrow~!