By Siren.Stunx 2013-12-10 01:16:40
gamesharks and pokemon hacks have been around just as long as the game has and although for the most part its still around now with all the workarounds, at least this time around people have to put in more effort than the previous nothing... as far as shiny value hatching goes.
that being said, there is still the pokebank on the way and pokemon has never had a very good encryption system, people have found ways to create perfect pokemon in save editors (previous games) that pass most/*** checks. ***, i think i even read you can set your pc up as a hotspot like gamestop and other stores do for self made event pokemon to be exactly like the real thing. and there is nothing gamefreak can do to prevent it other than not allowing people to transfer their old pokemon.. and we all know that wont happen.
and obv its just my opinion, but for shiny pokemon to have absolutely no bonus effect in battles, they are far too rare to justify being worth anyone's time.. imo they should be maybe a 10% chance from 4-6/6 iv pokemon hatches, i feel that is fair.
and the battle thing, idk much about, but where there is a will there is a way, im sure there are battle communities out there or soon to be, gamefreak has taken a big step in the right direction the last 2 gens, they will eventually reach something very close to perfection.