I've been playing pokemon since yellow, but never really tried training the best pokemon eg IV and EV, I'm trying to get into it now. Can anyone recommend a good guide or point me in the right direction, I've been trying to get a good Eevee to make a really good Glaceon and Espeon just because I love those 2.
Any help would be greatly appreciated thanks.
the city you unlock after you beat the game (starts with a K, too lazy to open my game or google lol) has an npc in the pokecenter that will tell you the good IV's you have, at the end of what he says there are a few things he will say that will mean if the stats he mentioned are capped or not, cant remember exactly what it is but you can look it up. you usually want to start with a level 30 eevee/pokemon from a safari because those have at least two max iv's, do the same for ditto.
you can also find someone who has been breeding for a perfect 6/6, such as myself, and get one of theirs to start with. 4038 5997 7970 is my FC. using the GTS to find a level 30 ditto/any pokemon works well as well, i say level 30 because thats the default level of pokemon fresh out of the safari. my eevee's are 5/6, so one of those will be a good parent for you to start with. also a make sure at least one parent is from another country, greatly increases shiny chances. if you get your hands on a level 30-40 ditto, just GTS it online for another 31-40 because jp's are normally all over that, you will get a trade within minutes.
if you get into breeding, which is pretty fun in this latest game,
you should start using the pokemon markers via the pc to mark which max iv's a pokemon has(6 stats 6 diff markers). look up destiny knot and other breeding items, you will want both parents to be holding an item most likely to help with natures and carrying over stats. now this next part im not 100% about, but i try to have 2 parents that cover the most stats, sharing only a stat i care most about. every time you hatch a batch of eggs, check their iv's at the npc, when you get a better baby than the parent you started with, switch them out so the new better pokemon is the new parent.
that being said, make sure you get hatching o powers and a pokemon with flame body in your party! there are also decent youtube vids you can find on this stuff. GL!