Japan Earthquake/Tsunami

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Japan Earthquake/Tsunami
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Server: Caitsith
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user: taaz
Posts: 133
By Caitsith.Taazy 2011-03-13 17:32:28
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[quote2226: The delay in planned power cuts is due to smaller-than-expected demand, Kyodo News network is reporting Tokyo Electric Power (Tepco) as saying][/quote]

2227: Radiation levels at Fukushima 1 nuclear plant have again topped legal limits, Kyodo News network says.
Server: Caitsith
Game: FFXI
user: Neonracer
Posts: 2748
By Caitsith.Neonracer 2011-03-13 17:35:21
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Bahamut.Dasva said:
Caitsith.Neonracer said:
Ya true... I was talking to a few friends who don't play ffxi, and we got debating.. about nuclear issues.. saying that we know quite a bit about starting these nuclear reactors, yes, no problem, but its finding a way to shut these down, faster and safer. You see, building them, and getting them started, seems to be no problem and all. Its the "how to" getting them shut down fast enough to not become a safety issue, and being called a Nuclear Core and once started, I don't think you can shut them down very easily... its a intense procedure, and I kind of thought you could not shut down a reactor core, once its started.....

just my opinion...
It's actually alot easier to shut them down then start them up usually. Even a full shutdown procedure is much faster. And if something bad is happening you can just drop all the rods and be fully shut down in a second or so. This will pretty much always work unless the path ways are blocked which pretty much means you already had core dmg and things have already melted/buckled/deformed etc. And well even if everyone was braindead or just plain dead automatic protective electronics should force a scram anyways. Even in the event of something like that or recriticality from stuff melting back together and such we can always pump in boron to chemically shutdown the reactor. The problem with that is before you can start it back up you got to pretty much flush every last bit of boron out which is a hassle and a half. Plus you just made alot of nuclear waste you got to dispose of.

Depends on what you mean by shutdown. Yes there will always and forever be nuclear reactions going on. And fission products will continue to decay for a very long time as will activated material such as Co or Mn. Though most of them are done within a couple months. Well most is done within a day but yeah. Heck immediately after shut down you are producing about 7% of whatever thermal output you had before shutdown from just radioactive decay. But that drops off to half a percent after a day. A month or 2 ambient heat losses are enough to the point you actually have to heat the water up to keep it from getting too cool. But then again even before initial startup there were some spontaneous fissions that could go on to cause more. Without these "source" neutrons you couldn't start the reactor up regardless of the control rods without like shooting it with some.

But w/o those active cooling generators, its kinda hard to keep the cold water going, thus cooling down the rods inside the reactor. I don't know if back up generators are enough, though. Wonder how much does the amount of running water being provided to keep a outside turbine running, to keep cold water flowing into a reactor??? Can a generator or (s) do the same type?? I'm safely assuming so, b.c the Japanese are doing this already..

Server: Leviathan
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user: ChaosX128
Posts: 20284
By Leviathan.Chaosx 2011-03-13 17:46:27
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They've started to use seawater to cool the rods now. Good thing they evacuated people. Seawater is a last resort before meltdown.
Server: Lakshmi
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user: Jaerik
Posts: 3834
By Lakshmi.Jaerik 2011-03-13 17:49:04
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Dunno if anyone's mentioned it yet, but they've since upgraded the earthquake to a 9.0 based off more accurate measurements.

Situation hasn't changed much, though. Most of Eastern Japan (including Tokyo) are fine, but the coastal cities along the northeast, especially waterfront suburbs of Sendai, are pretty obliterated.

They've upgraded the confirmed dead to 1600 or so, which is still an absolute tragedy, but still pretty amazing considering the last earthquake + tsunami of this magnitude off Sumatra killed an estimated 250,000.

It may end up the most expensive earthquake in history, as far as property damage. Estimates are as much as US $100B, no small amount of which is due to the power plants.

While mostly out of danger at this point, a number of the reactors are well into "trillion-yen paperweight" territory, due to being flooded with seawater, and probably need to be scrapped entirely.
Server: Caitsith
Game: FFXI
user: Heimdall
Posts: 1318
By Caitsith.Heimdall 2011-03-13 17:52:17
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the last news report i watched said one reactor did explode from pressure and some people have been tested positive for low levels of radiation. also that least in one town 10k people thjey cant contact basically half the town pop.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: dasva
Posts: 13835
By Bahamut.Dasva 2011-03-13 17:52:45
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Caitsith.Neonracer said:
But w/o those active cooling generators, its kinda hard to keep the cold water going, thus cooling down the rods inside the reactor. I don't know if back up generators are enough, though. Wonder how much does the amount of running water being provided to keep a outside turbine running, to keep cold water flowing into a reactor??? Can a generator or (s) do the same type?? I'm safely assuming so, b.c the Japanese are doing this already..
Not really sure what you are trying to say here. Cooling is acheived by pumping water thru the core. As it travels thru the water heats up which in turn cools down the reactor. In this type of reactor it actually boils and alot of heat is transfered. The steam goes to a turbine which spins using up alot of the energy. Then it goes to a condensor which is just a heat exchanger to cool the rest of the way back down and condense it to completely liquid form and help increase pressure a little so it can be pumpped back into the core.

The problem comes from to run most steam turbine for useful power you have minium pressure requirements which you wont be able to achieve for long shutdown. And since they lost external power and back up disiel generators were down they couldn't pump any water back into the reactor. So it just kinda sits there and gets hotter. Pressure builds up... which they can vent but they don't like to. This is part of the reason navy uses PWR instead of BWR. We could just bleed steam real easy to cool the primary down. Which would cause natural circulation in the primary cooling system

In case of leak or something you can just pump water in and discharge/vent it out and not even care about going thru the whole cycle. Heat production is very low right now. Even without actual water flow there will be heat transferred to the water assuming there is some in the core and that will transfer to the piping to the outside air which at this point might be enough as long as the piping doesn't have lagging on it which idk about there plants but that's one of the things we can do for emergency cooling or just to buy time to get something better in the works.
Server: Caitsith
Game: FFXI
user: Neonracer
Posts: 2748
By Caitsith.Neonracer 2011-03-13 17:56:25
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Speaking of money, I was reading something about Generation IV reactors will be made soon in 2020 or so... ( we're still working with Gen. III Reactors atm.)

What Chaos was saying re: Seawater, that would def and ONLY be the last resort to back up, but still, what Dasva was saying, they may be by the water, but that still doesn't stop a nuclear power station, once a earthquake happens..

New article up apparently... Nuclear emergency e-vac. 200,00 are being evacuated on the hour....Christ!!!!!!!

Radiation has leaked from dmg from a reactor in Fukasimi Daini Reactor..

sounds worse then Hell in a Handbasket, if you ask me..

Several strong shocks have been felt and Radiation leaks are reported and meltdown is a continuing risk.

Jaerik.. idk was chernobyl a Gen 2 reactor? just wondering.. ( NVM I could google it and find out msyelf)
Server: Caitsith
Game: FFXI
user: Heimdall
Posts: 1318
By Caitsith.Heimdall 2011-03-13 17:56:25
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Bahamut.Dasva said:
Caitsith.Neonracer said:
But w/o those active cooling generators, its kinda hard to keep the cold water going, thus cooling down the rods inside the reactor. I don't know if back up generators are enough, though. Wonder how much does the amount of running water being provided to keep a outside turbine running, to keep cold water flowing into a reactor??? Can a generator or (s) do the same type?? I'm safely assuming so, b.c the Japanese are doing this already..
Not really sure what you are trying to say here. Cooling is acheived by pumping water thru the core. As it travels thru the water heats up which in turn cools down the reactor. In this type of reactor it actually boils and alot of heat is transfered. The steam goes to a turbine which spins using up alot of the energy. Then it goes to a condensor which is just a heat exchanger to cool the rest of the way back down and condense it to completely liquid form and help increase pressure a little so it can be pumpped back into the core.

The problem comes from to run most steam turbine for useful power you have minium pressure requirements which you wont be able to achieve for long shutdown. And since they lost external power and back up disiel generators were down they couldn't pump any water back into the reactor. So it just kinda sits there and gets hotter. Pressure builds up... which they can vent but they don't like to. This is part of the reason navy uses PWR instead of BWR. We could just bleed steam real easy to cool ***down

In case of leak or something you can just pump water in and discharge/vent it out and not even care about going thru the whole cycle. Heat production is very low right now. Even without actual water flow there will be heat transferred to the water assuming there is some in the core and that will transfer to the piping to the outside air which at this point might be enough as long as the piping doesn't have lagging on it which idk about there plants but that's one of the things we can do for emergency cooling or just to buy time to get something better in the works.

well couple thimngs they said was some the rods were partially exposed and may have partially melted. they tryed external genertors but that failed and they had replace cooling valves and they locked up once already. Presure build up from hydrogen becoming real prob and so far attepts to releive it have failed.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: dasva
Posts: 13835
By Bahamut.Dasva 2011-03-13 18:04:18
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Caitsith.Heimdall said:
well couple thimngs they said was some the rods were partially exposed and may have partially melted. they tryed external genertors but that failed and they had replace cooling valves and they locked up once already. Presure build up from hydrogen becoming real prob and so far attepts to releive it have failed.
Oh yeah they were without any cooling at the start when it was most needed and on and off later. From what I've read they actually would've been fine if it was just the earthquake since most there backup diseils were fine from that.. but the tsunami took those out. And trying to get temps/replacements has kinda been hit and miss. Hell just getting stuff there isn't easy.

Plus dmg from the earlier explosions pretty much garuntees a large leak(s) so they have to just pump water in from outside sources which is pretty much why they doing seawater.

Meh relieving pressure is easy. It's just weighting the risk of venting off steam to pressure buildup. Well and also a little of trying to keep the water more dense with pressure. And the japanese clearly place a higher value on small amounts of releases than to reactor safety. Which has and will probalby bite them in the butt again.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Jaerik
Posts: 3834
By Lakshmi.Jaerik 2011-03-13 18:09:26
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Caitsith.Neonracer said:
Jaerik.. idk was chernobyl a Gen 2 reactor? just wondering.. ( NVM I could google it and find out msyelf)
It was a 2nd gen, but the problem was the Soviet Union had built it on the cheap and didn't even have a containment building.

Worse, the whole reactor exploded all at once, starting a graphite fire that carried all the radioactive fuel into the atmosphere.

That isn't the worry here, thankfully.
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: Haseyo
Posts: 22442
By Ramuh.Haseyo 2011-03-13 18:11:26
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I don't know if this has been posted yet, but I just saw the news talking about a volcano that erupted in the southern area of Japan.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: dasva
Posts: 13835
By Bahamut.Dasva 2011-03-13 18:14:12
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Chernobyl was a crazy design. They are a type of BWR but missing a couple of things and graphite moderated. Pretty much only russia used them because no one else really felt they were safe lol. It was however made it cheaper to get/make fuel for and run. And they actually never even considered containment for severve casualities
Server: Odin
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Posts: 6558
By Odin.Zicdeh 2011-03-13 18:16:35
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Ramuh.Haseyo said:
I don't know if this has been posted yet, but I just saw the news talking about a volcano that erupted in the southern area of Japan.

Not surprising, given all the seismic activity still going on there.
Server: Caitsith
Game: FFXI
user: Heimdall
Posts: 1318
By Caitsith.Heimdall 2011-03-13 18:21:00
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Odin.Zicdeh said:
Ramuh.Haseyo said:
I don't know if this has been posted yet, but I just saw the news talking about a volcano that erupted in the southern area of Japan.

Not surprising, given all the seismic activity still going on there.

jeez i think only think left to happen is a damn meteor to come crashing down..
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: dasva
Posts: 13835
By Bahamut.Dasva 2011-03-13 18:22:21
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Caitsith.Heimdall said:
Odin.Zicdeh said:
Ramuh.Haseyo said:
I don't know if this has been posted yet, but I just saw the news talking about a volcano that erupted in the southern area of Japan.
Not surprising, given all the seismic activity still going on there.
jeez i think only think left to happen is a damn meteor to come crashing down..
You better not *** jinx it!
Server: Caitsith
Game: FFXI
user: Heimdall
Posts: 1318
By Caitsith.Heimdall 2011-03-13 18:24:40
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Bahamut.Dasva said:
Caitsith.Heimdall said:
Odin.Zicdeh said:
Ramuh.Haseyo said:
I don't know if this has been posted yet, but I just saw the news talking about a volcano that erupted in the southern area of Japan.
Not surprising, given all the seismic activity still going on there.
jeez i think only think left to happen is a damn meteor to come crashing down..
You better not *** jinx it!

Server: Caitsith
Game: FFXI
user: Heimdall
Posts: 1318
By Caitsith.Heimdall 2011-03-13 18:26:42
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Server: Caitsith
Game: FFXI
user: taaz
Posts: 133
By Caitsith.Taazy 2011-03-13 18:32:05
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2327: Pumping seawater into damaged nuclear reactors in Japan should keep them from a catastrophic full-scale meltdown, but conditions are still so volatile that it is far too early to declare the emergency over, nuclear experts have told Reuters. It is probably the first time in the industry's 57-year history that seawater has been used in this way, a sign of how close Japan is to facing a major nuclear disaster, according to the scientists.
Server: Caitsith
Game: FFXI
user: taaz
Posts: 133
By Caitsith.Taazy 2011-03-13 18:34:30
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2330: The experts interviewed by Reuters warn it is still far too early to definitively say the day has been saved, especially as the information from the power company and the authorities is incomplete. But they say that with every hour that goes by, the chances of a major catastrophe are diminished - as long as water from the sea or elsewhere keeps reactor cores from overheating. Japanese authorities "appear to be having enough success to have forestalled a definite core melt accident that's difficult to control", said Mark Hibbs of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. "After three days that is very good news." But still, he added, it is "a touch-and-go situation".
By 2011-03-13 18:55:51
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Server: Caitsith
Game: FFXI
user: Neonracer
Posts: 2748
By Caitsith.Neonracer 2011-03-13 18:56:49
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Caitsith.Heimdall said:

Heim, I was about to laugh.. but... IDK.. hmm lol, the pic is funny yeah.. the meteor thing....

Bahamut.Dasva said:

You better not *** jinx it!

with all that has been going... head shake.. Y'never know...
Server: Caitsith
Game: FFXI
user: Neonracer
Posts: 2748
By Caitsith.Neonracer 2011-03-13 19:02:31
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Asura.Catastrophe said:

Lastly, people need to keep from buzzwording "meltdown". Unfortunately the last 50 years haven't been gentle to that word and I feel it's been somewhat subconsciously lost in translation.

That is why I was asking Jaerik, and i just googled a site that came across ideas about the benefits of nuclear energy was.. well here's the site for everyone to see...

What Are the Benefits of Nuclear Power? from Wisegeek.com

this was just from perusing the interwebz..
By 2011-03-13 19:07:38
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Server: Caitsith
Game: FFXI
user: Neonracer
Posts: 2748
By Caitsith.Neonracer 2011-03-13 19:27:25
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Asura.Catastrophe said:
Caitsith.Neonracer said:
Asura.Catastrophe said:

Lastly, people need to keep from buzzwording "meltdown". Unfortunately the last 50 years haven't been gentle to that word and I feel it's been somewhat subconsciously lost in translation.

That is why I was asking Jaerik, and I just Googled a site that came across ideas about the benefits of nuclear energy was.. well here's the site for everyone to see...

What Are the Benefits of Nuclear Power? from Wisegeek.com

this was just from perusing the interwebz..

That's weird since situations like Chernobyl technically aren't physically possible in PWRs or BWRs. People can't help but keep referencing it in the news because that's all they know.

That is usually the point the, the media tends to make ideas more known to the public, and there is still alot of stuff that people don't know about the Chernobyl accident either Chernobyl Disaster( being to young to know or haven't been told about the experience either)

I'm just hoping that fears of a "meltdown" don't go into a media cricus, because we know what that leads to... A big huge drama crisis where the Churches get involved, and then people start to worry and scramble, then chaos ensues.... then we get this...

excuse the pic.. was random, and I didn't think until I posted it. unlucky random I guess hmmmmm =/
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: dasva
Posts: 13835
By Bahamut.Dasva 2011-03-13 19:29:59
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Asura.Catastrophe said:
Caitsith.Neonracer said:
Asura.Catastrophe said:
Lastly, people need to keep from buzzwording "meltdown". Unfortunately the last 50 years haven't been gentle to that word and I feel it's been somewhat subconsciously lost in translation.
That is why I was asking Jaerik, and i just googled a site that came across ideas about the benefits of nuclear energy was.. well here's the site for everyone to see... What Are the Benefits of Nuclear Power? from Wisegeek.com this was just from perusing the interwebz..
That's weird since situations like Chernobyl technically aren't physically possible in PWRs or BWRs. People can't help but keep referencing it in the news because that's all they know.
Technically Chernobyl is/was a BWR. However there are many different designs of BWRs and russia did silly things with their design.
Server: Caitsith
Game: FFXI
user: taaz
Posts: 133
By Caitsith.Taazy 2011-03-13 19:33:15
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0024: US search and rescue teams are "on the ground" in Misawa, northern Japan, the White House says. They number 144 people and 12 dogs trained to detect survivors trapped under rubble, and have 45 metric tonnes of rescue equipment with them, AFP reports.
By 2011-03-13 19:43:52
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Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: dasva
Posts: 13835
By Bahamut.Dasva 2011-03-13 19:48:31
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Asura.Catastrophe said:
Bahamut.Dasva said:
Asura.Catastrophe said:
Caitsith.Neonracer said:
Asura.Catastrophe said:
Lastly, people need to keep from buzzwording "meltdown". Unfortunately the last 50 years haven't been gentle to that word and I feel it's been somewhat subconsciously lost in translation.
That is why I was asking Jaerik, and i just googled a site that came across ideas about the benefits of nuclear energy was.. well here's the site for everyone to see... What Are the Benefits of Nuclear Power? from Wisegeek.com this was just from perusing the interwebz..
That's weird since situations like Chernobyl technically aren't physically possible in PWRs or BWRs. People can't help but keep referencing it in the news because that's all they know.
Technically Chernobyl is/was a BWR. However there are many different designs of BWRs and russia did silly things with their design.
I don't know, I figure RBMK differences in design and conditions are significant enough to be distanced enough from the term BWR so I differentiate.
Meh BWR just means that the reactor boils water pretty much lol. Ie no pressurizing system and the primary is used to spin turbines. The main difference from others is the graphite and the pressure channels thing really. Oh and when they built them they didn't even consider what if core integrity was breached so didn't give a single thought to containment past that lol. Which granted also had to do with making things cheaper so it would be easier to refuel while at power.

Hey at least they weren't using liquid sodium coolant too :).
By 2011-03-13 19:51:25
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Server: Caitsith
Game: FFXI
user: Neonracer
Posts: 2748
By Caitsith.Neonracer 2011-03-13 19:58:52
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Asura.Catastrophe said:
Bahamut.Dasva said:
Asura.Catastrophe said:
Bahamut.Dasva said:
Asura.Catastrophe said:
Caitsith.Neonracer said:
Asura.Catastrophe said:
Lastly, people need to keep from buzzwording "meltdown". Unfortunately the last 50 years haven't been gentle to that word and I feel it's been somewhat subconsciously lost in translation.
That is why I was asking Jaerik, and i just googled a site that came across ideas about the benefits of nuclear energy was.. well here's the site for everyone to see... What Are the Benefits of Nuclear Power? from Wisegeek.com this was just from perusing the interwebz..
That's weird since situations like Chernobyl technically aren't physically possible in PWRs or BWRs. People can't help but keep referencing it in the news because that's all they know.
Technically Chernobyl is/was a BWR. However there are many different designs of BWRs and russia did silly things with their design.
I don't know, I figure RBMK differences in design and conditions are significant enough to be distanced enough from the term BWR so I differentiate.
Meh BWR just means that the reactor boils water pretty much lol. Ie no pressurizing system and the primary is used to spin turbines. The main difference from others is the graphite really. Oh and when they built them they didn't even consider what if core integrity was breached so didn't give a single thought to containment past that lol. Which granted also had to do with making things cheaper so it would be easier to refuel while at power.

Hey at least they weren't using liquid sodium coolant too :).

Oh jesus. That poor Steam Generator. That's *** scary. D1G at prototype had a sodium line in it :D

Hey Cat, I'm no chemistry major, would you please explain to me what would happen? re: Sodium
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