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My Little Pony General
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Posts: 356
By Wafflechan 2011-03-27 03:39:25
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Google produced Blitzkreig Pony.
Server: Asura
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By Asura.Yunalaysca 2011-03-27 03:42:13
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Unicorn.Kaomii said:
Also! Everypony needs to watch this. xD (Especially if you've seen other "Night of ___" videos.)


Server: Bahamut
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user: dasva
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By Bahamut.Dasva 2011-03-27 04:21:20
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Server: Unicorn
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user: Kaomii
Posts: 141
By Unicorn.Kaomii 2011-03-27 05:17:29
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Related: Cupcakes!

Server: Diabolos
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user: Raelia
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By Diabolos.Raelia 2011-03-27 05:51:24
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Server: Bahamut
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user: dasva
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By Bahamut.Dasva 2011-03-27 13:22:55
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Server: Caitsith
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user: Jar
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By Caitsith.Jar 2011-03-27 13:32:54
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Bahamut.Dasva said:
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Server: Leviathan
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By Leviathan.Quetzacoatl 2011-03-27 15:28:02
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Diabolos.Raelia said:
oh god I lol'd

yes, I love Applejack and Rainbow Dash @_@
Server: Asura
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By Asura.Ashleh 2011-03-27 22:52:07
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Server: Carbuncle
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user: Kerokun
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By Carbuncle.Kerokun 2011-03-28 00:45:23
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Probably would have been better with an Ecco the Dolphin-esque story. D: Would have been BADASS.

Caitsith.Markus said:
Here's another one I stumbled across on FA Warning NSFW or for younger viewers (you have been warned)
Warning: Don't feed the trolls.
Server: Remora
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user: Mataniah
Posts: 111
By Remora.Mataniah 2011-03-28 00:47:00
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*Dies from laughter*
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Posts: 1907
By Leviathan.Quetzacoatl 2011-03-28 15:04:41
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Server: Unicorn
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user: Kaomii
Posts: 141
By Unicorn.Kaomii 2011-03-28 21:31:50
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Good luck getting this song out of your head. xD

By 2011-03-28 21:35:48
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Server: Odin
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By Odin.Zicdeh 2011-03-28 21:40:52
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Posts: 356
By Wafflechan 2011-03-28 21:58:22
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I give up, I like the emo looking pony, it reminds me of Stocking from PSG.
By 2011-03-28 22:05:34
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Server: Leviathan
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user: ChaosX128
Posts: 20284
By Leviathan.Chaosx 2011-03-29 00:21:22
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Wafflechan said:

I give up, I like the emo looking pony, it reminds me of Stocking from PSG.
This is the first case I can see of why the big Pony craze. Ponies definitely > twilight movies.
Server: Unicorn
Game: FFXI
user: Kaomii
Posts: 141
By Unicorn.Kaomii 2011-03-29 08:58:01
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This youtube user, Bandpuffs, has fantastic electronic remixes of many of MLP:FiM's singing portions.

As if "Winter Wrap Up" wasn't awesome enough already, here's the remix:
(slow intro is about 45 seconds, just like the actual song)
Also for laughs, here's the song in G-Major:
(if you've seen the episode "Bridle Gossip", it sounds like "Flutterguy" singing with chipmunks providing harmony)
Posts: 181
By Venlo 2011-03-30 22:26:46
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Unicorn.Kaomii said:
This youtube user, Bandpuffs, has fantastic electronic remixes of many of MLP:FiM's singing portions.

As if "Winter Wrap Up" wasn't awesome enough already, here's the remix:
(slow intro is about 45 seconds, just like the actual song)
Also for laughs, here's the song in G-Major:
(if you've seen the episode "Bridle Gossip", it sounds like "Flutterguy" singing with chipmunks providing harmony)

For as much as the original songs make me want to stab myself in the ears, I'll have to admit, his work is actually decent.
And even though Evil Enchantress was only 14 seconds (and hardly a song at that) to begin with, the remix he somehow managed to pull from it was really damn good:
Server: Diabolos
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user: Raelia
Posts: 1707
By Diabolos.Raelia 2011-03-30 22:42:52
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Leviathan.Quetzacoatl said:
I see your 300 Ponies and raise you PONY EFFECT:

Server: Unicorn
Game: FFXI
user: Kaomii
Posts: 141
By Unicorn.Kaomii 2011-03-31 19:14:51
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Venlo said:
For as much as the original songs make me want to stab myself in the ears, I'll have to admit, his work is actually decent.
And even though Evil Enchantress was only 14 seconds (and hardly a song at that) to begin with, the remix he somehow managed to pull from it was really damn good:

Here's another great song that was cute in the show, but made much better to an electronic beat.

My most favoritest song to date (it was also short in the show, but it's been extended in the remix.
Server: Fenrir
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Posts: 162
By Fenrir.Empedocles 2011-04-01 00:29:08
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By 2011-04-01 00:31:47
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Post deleted by User.
Server: Unicorn
Game: FFXI
user: Kaomii
Posts: 141
By Unicorn.Kaomii 2011-04-01 07:22:18
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Server: Fenrir
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Posts: 162
By Fenrir.Empedocles 2011-04-01 07:30:43
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Pandemonium.Spicyryan said:

Yes, yes I do. Can't find any "I *** love Ponies" MLP:FiM pictures, so here's some Twilight Sparkle.

Edit: I can't remember (been a while) can you make Poll threads on
Server: Leviathan
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user: Ninian
Posts: 2596
By Leviathan.Niniann 2011-04-01 07:41:01
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No ponies today :(
Server: Unicorn
Game: FFXI
user: Kaomii
Posts: 141
By Unicorn.Kaomii 2011-04-01 07:41:59
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