Those were taken a hourish ago in my driveway ...
the smoke pillar has died down to like a misty kind of smoke now, ash is falling a little bit but not horribly bad... smells horrid outside lol :< I keep hearing helicopters going by so they might be taking those to dump water ... or news copters I dunno... not even gonna go outside lol...
and just something to dispel the tension a little bit, a picture of my massive PC case :p I had it on my phone lol)

power is back on (thank god it was getting to be about 81F in the house ...) and I guess they are getting it under control (I hope...) brothers girlfriends sister works in the call center for the Fire and Police department so she is getting information from them. Now I just need my body to chill the *** out lol, I'm either having a bad anxiety attack or something I ate is hating me :| feel like I'm gonna hurl any second now lol ;; (ok it's better now but still uneasy feeling)