My FFXI brain finally got the better of me, and after saying I don't like PLD for years but my brain pestering me with, "Oh look at that you have 70 in SIRD gear now... just a little more and 100 SIRD on PLD... You could make Duban 2 and basically have free Ochain..."
So last few nights I started solo cleaving on PLD in Doh Gates. Up to 174 JP already.
I remember when I first came back on Vyre to the post Adoulin iLvl era. I went to Foret de Hennetial and mass pulled toads and pugils to cap merits and earned 100 JP over the course of... idk 5 nights? Going at it hardcore.
This has been 3 sessions of like 2.5ish hours. With technique refinement/other people interfering with my mass pulls. And so much more progress. JP wise, anyway. I wanted to cap my merits to spam more Cloud of Darkness so I could gear my mules (Vyre and Dumakulem) in the accessories while I wait on Lady Luck to grant me a mask. 7/9 on accessories so far, just need 1 more cape and 1 more neck.
Really funny on Duma because he's only far enough in Rhapsodies to summon 5 trusts. His progress as a character has always been my most slack assed, mission wise. He still has an 85 Masamune I made for him in the Meeble BUrrows era, because the group I was in at the time needed more DD than his RDM or NIN could muster.