If its not about wealth, then what is it?
It is about wealth, obviously.
you cant make everyone a millionaire
Your definition of rich=be a millionaire.
My definition of rich=you can afford things that you want and live a comfortable life.
That's the difference.
and heres what socialists dont understand
I am not a socialist if I said "cut the tax!". More tax is socialist policy, cutting the tax isn't.
RMT generate billions of gil, cost of everything goes up because any jerkoff is sitting on a bunch of gil.
SE bans a shitton of RMT removing a bunch of gil from the economy, and the cost of everything goes down because people start being more careful with their gil because theres less to go around.
What you are describing here is similar to Fed QE(money printing). Yes, QE cause inflation BUT I've never say QE leads to everyone being wealthy, obviously not.
IMO one thing that makes the most noticable different in terms of people's wealth is tax rate. If your income tax is 5% then every month you lose 5%. If your income tax rate is 25%-40% then every month that's how much you lose.
In the long run, high tax makes you more poor because you save less.
So, by reducing tax rate you are technically making everyone more rich this way.