Random Thoughts.....What are you thinking?
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2322
By Bahamut.Negan 2025-01-17 18:24:24
Totally random question: If IT people remote in to your pc, I know they can see the files and stuff, but is the desktop just black or can they actually see the wallpaper?
Or maybe it depends how they're remoting in too They can see the wallpaper, looks just like yours
By Viciouss 2025-01-17 18:25:54
Next time, instead of just reading reddit shitposts and immediately believing them, do a simple google search and provide a source for your information. Instead of posting a completely fake update.
It's a post on a forum 10 people will see, calm your titties.
Lol, is this how you are trying to worm your way out of getting caught in a lie? Cute.
By Kaffy 2025-01-17 18:51:32
Gotta feel a bit sorry for radial, this forum of 10 people is probably the only place he can post his conspiracies without being ridiculed by a large group. Anyone who believes half the nonsense he posts would want to be careful who they shared it with.
By Zehira 2025-01-18 03:47:05
Gotta feel a bit sorry for radial, this forum of 10 people is probably the only place he can post his conspiracies without being ridiculed by a large group. Anyone who believes half the nonsense he posts would want to be careful who they shared it with.
He's been at it for years because SE just won't budge on what he wants for his favorite game, FFXI.
I do believe FFXIV is just a cesspool full of weirdos and has JP players calling for Yoshi-P to step down. But most of the time, I just play it for my own enjoyment.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 165
By Asura.Toeknee 2025-01-18 04:06:18
Gotta feel a bit sorry for radial, this forum of 10 people is probably the only place he can post his conspiracies without being ridiculed by a large group. Anyone who believes half the nonsense he posts would want to be careful who they shared it with.
It's weird af but also a great case study from the 'that weird side of the internet' type of person, and I can't help but tune in.
By RadialArcana 2025-01-18 05:31:17
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It's weird af but also a great case study from the 'that weird side of the internet' type of person, and I can't help but tune in.
I barely post here anymore tbh, Zehira baited me.
By Afania 2025-01-18 07:01:07
I barely post here anymore tbh, Zehira baited me.
You posted 39 posts in the past 2 weeks. If this is "barely post anything" then what is your final form then? 100 posts in 2 weeks? Lol.
By Zehira 2025-01-18 07:01:26
You can post whatever you like but keep in mind, this FFXIAH still has some people playing FFXIV. We want an honest opinion. Not a fanboy opinion. The "toxic positivity" is FFXIV's biggest problem and the community is still not recognizing it. The devs just look at it and still think the community is happy with the game.
YouTube Video Placeholder
By Draylo 2025-01-18 07:09:43
So you also see the countless videos of people being disgruntled with things that everyone else knew about for years. It's like they are all being blue pilled.
Radial contributes a lot to the forums and his viewpoint is usually interesting read. There are some posters who just remind me of fonewear and they are way worse. Or the ones who always post angrily.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2997
By Shiva.Thorny 2025-01-18 07:17:20
Radial is clearly a /pol/ degenerate and loves to hate. That doesn't mean he's wrong though, and dismissing everything he says as 'conspiracy theory' feels a bit too similar to MSM for my taste. If it's debunkable, just debunk it. If not, calling it a conspiracy theory doesn't really do anything. I'd rather he was here than someone like Viciouss, at least he's contributing ideas and content.
PirateSoftware's shorts always seem to tell a half truth and aim for clickbait rather than information. I don't actively watch streamer content, but every time someone sends me one of his clips it fails to impress. Dunno anything about the WoW drama, but seems like that made it clear he's also a ***.
At risk of bringing the autism debate up in yet another topic, I'm gonna say that it's probably the primary reason furries overlap with tech. Same goes for other sexual perversions and obscure hobbies. Don't think money plays into it, plenty of fields pay enough to afford leisure time and a fursuit. I also don't think it really matters that PS was a bit of a weirdo in the past, if he grew out of it then props to him.
By Afania 2025-01-18 07:30:33
That doesn't mean he's wrong though
Radial isn't always wrong but their posts are often superficial. As if the posts are made because Radial read 1 or 2 articles from influencers or journalists (who's goal is to generate traffic first, mind you), then use the imagination or limited understanding to the whole situation to fill the gap, then post a conclusion that is mostly based on surface level information and partial imagination.
Are those posts "wrong"? Technically not 100%. I just find it shallow and not all that informative. It doesn't give me a deeper look in a topic that was being discussed beyond the surface. But I guess that's how internet discussion often ended up when people start talking about things that they aren't involved that much nor truly care irl.
By Pantafernando 2025-01-18 07:53:28
Dafuq, now Afania is doing quality check on FFXIAH posts?
Here for you
By Afania 2025-01-18 08:14:20
Dafuq, now Afania is doing quality check on FFXIAH posts?
Here for you
I didn't say Radial can't post!
There are no FFXIAH posts quality check that blocks people from posting, don't worry ;)
(But I will secretly judge your shitpost quality in my mind and respond when I get a chance to, mwhahaha!)
Server: Garuda
Game: FFXI
Posts: 11580
By Garuda.Chanti 2025-01-18 09:29:07
Gotta feel a bit sorry for radial, this forum of 10 people is probably the only place he can post his conspiracies without being ridiculed by a large group. Being ridiculed by a small group is better?
... We want an honest opinion. On the internet?
(Not even worth posting the Bender laughing .gif)
By Pantafernando 2025-01-18 09:37:03
My opinions are always honest: you guys stink!
By Kaffy 2025-01-18 09:42:52
You're right, Chanti. RadialArcana, I apologize. I do take issue with intentionally misleading posts, but should not have made it personal. For that, I am sorry.
By Zehira 2025-01-18 09:45:16
On the internet?
(Not even worth posting the Bender laughing .gif)
So, you’re cool with getting lied to all the time online? That’s alright. I’m not trying to bait people, but maybe that’s why they set up a PS in the first place. The community there seems to be doing better, not because they’re always truthful, but definitely better than SE, which doesn’t seem to care about its players at all.
By RadialArcana 2025-01-18 10:01:32
Being ridiculed by a small group is better?
If you're so worried about that, to the point you don't want to post what you think then why waste time out of your day posting at all? I know we evolved to be herd animals but you don't have to make a conscious decision to be so.
There is ultimately nothing at all to gain from posting on the a forum or reddit, we do it for entertainment. There is no social score that impacts rl due to having the "right" or "wrong opinions", there is no financial or social benefits.
Say what you think, or stop wasting time go play candy crush instead.
If it's a slack channel for work or your twitter account, then obviously it's different but for a gaming forum or on reddit and you're still scared to say what you think? Why even bother wasting your time writing things out at all.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2322
By Bahamut.Negan 2025-01-18 12:45:09
Why even bother wasting your time writing things out at all. I've asked myself this question every time I post... and yet I still do.
By Pantafernando 2025-01-18 12:46:50
Because your fans are crazy to read your next post, ofc.
By Pantafernando 2025-01-18 12:50:26
Despite how much people hate Rady, they are always ready to read and debunk his allucinations.
As well as Rady is always read to receive the hate to feed his wicked persona.
Thats a fact.
(PS: I only read up to 10 lines per post so normally I never follow when Rady engage)
By RadialArcana 2025-01-18 13:13:55
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4561
By Carbuncle.Nynja 2025-01-18 13:38:00
Gotta feel a bit sorry for radial, this forum of 10 people is probably the only place he can post his conspiracies without being ridiculed by a large group. Anyone who believes half the nonsense he posts would want to be careful who they shared it with. "Everything I disagree with is a conspiracy"
Server: Garuda
Game: FFXI
Posts: 11580
By Garuda.Chanti 2025-01-18 13:38:16
On the internet?
(Not even worth posting the Bender laughing .gif) So, you’re cool with getting lied to all the time online? No, but at least I am aware of the lies. Do you think the truth to lies ratio on the internet is truth > lies? truth <> lies? truth <lies?
IMHO its truth <<<<< lies. But just go on doing your own research.
Being ridiculed by a small group is better? If you're so worried about that, to the point you don't want to post what you think then why waste time out of your day posting at all? In case you had forgotten: I am 80, retired, and living in a small town. My days are mostly spent wasting time. What's your excuse?
If you hadn't noticed I was sticking up for you. Sorry if you don't understand subtle.
By Pantafernando 2025-01-18 13:49:50
truth > lies? truth <> lies? truth <lies?
By Pantafernando 2025-01-18 13:55:14
Maybe Mrs Chatyy is the first person I ever see using a 6-ary operator.
I dont even know how to write 6-ary operator!
By Zehira 2025-01-18 14:01:34
IMHO its truth <<<<< lies
I am not trying to sound mean but...
By RadialArcana 2025-01-18 14:30:12
Quote: If you hadn't noticed I was sticking up for you.
Sorry, I skimmed and assumed. It should have been aimed at the original comment.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 165
By Asura.Toeknee 2025-01-18 15:07:01
Gotta feel a bit sorry for radial, this forum of 10 people is probably the only place he can post his conspiracies without being ridiculed by a large group. Anyone who believes half the nonsense he posts would want to be careful who they shared it with. "Everything I disagree with is a conspiracy"
A simple test anyone can do to understand if what they believe is BS or not is to just ask 'is there any information or facts I could be told/learn that would change my belief?' If the answer is no, then chances are your beliefs aren't grounded in any actual facts to begin with.
RA gives the vibe that there is absolutely no information that would make him flip his opinion, he's 100% correct and has it all figured out to a T. Hence why it just gets chalked up to 'conspiracy theory'.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2322
By Bahamut.Negan 2025-01-18 15:15:53
**except the part he thinks asmongold actually knows his mouth from a hole in the ground.
This is a thread that I found on another website I post at. It can be really really interesting. I thought it deserved a place here.
Post your random thoughts for the day here, or anything else that intrigues you.
For starters, is it possible to give constructive critism to someone who doesn't have a neck? I totally just walked by a girl who didn't. Someone isn't getting a necklace for Valentines day!
And who decided black and white can't be colors? I want to say a racist. I really do.