Random Thoughts.....What Are You Thinking?

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Random Thoughts.....What are you thinking?
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Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Nickeny
Posts: 2285
By Bismarck.Nickeny 2025-01-15 19:26:23
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Asura.Iamaman said: »
I haven’t gotten enough orbs to trade. I ran the loot beetle a bunch while it was a thing but I’ve been unlucky with orbs

I'm level 91 Stormweaver now and been getting epic drops now that I learned the ropes (Thank you to my homies if you reading this) Breeches is life - Ive got two div items off the ground - super fun

whats your ingame name? Mines Nickerz
Server: Garuda
Game: FFXI
user: Chanti
Posts: 11582
By Garuda.Chanti 2025-01-15 21:49:09
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Draylo said: »
I did play on and off, only because its a FF game. I wanted to experience the story but I found the missions to be such a slog that I stopped playing. The same repetitive "click 3 glowing dots and go back to NPC" was repeated over and over, the same fake character sacrifices over and over. I honestly never understood how people couldn't see it, and apparently now they are. The horrible jump rope end game and having to memorize 15~30m videos on the content, the way the jobs have no uniqueness and are all just reskins.
They have cleaned 2.x up quite a bit and lost a lot of lore. There are now many more varied MSQ quests like the universally disliked (at a minimum) follow quests and the fight as this NPC with a vastly reduced skill set just in case you actually know the NPC's job quests. You don't have to do the end game raids to be equipped for anything you might wish to do including end game raiding. Everyone agrees with you about the homogenization of the roles.

Kaffy said: »
Would you all (not just Draylo) even play a new SE MMO knowing their history from 11 and 14, if you believe they will always use it to fund other projects?

I prefer 11 over 14 any day, but I won't pretend I didn't get many hours of enjoyment out of 14 over the years and certainly don't wish them ill will if they truly are struggling and fans are displeased.
I really miss a lot of things about XI but the XI I miss went away long before I did.

My current peeve about XIV is that its predictable and taking too long between patches. Or I know a lot of what's coming so are we there yet?
Server: Garuda
Game: FFXI
user: Chanti
Posts: 11582
By Garuda.Chanti 2025-01-15 21:53:50
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In other news the CEO of Walgreens finally figured out that if you lock things up people might not buy them.

Warning left wing site, then again this isn't about right or left.
By Afania 2025-01-15 23:44:11
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RadialArcana said: »
Afania said: »
But they did for fans anyways. You are just looking for any reason to ***on SE at this point.

Yeah they did it for fans alright, you can tell by the massive price for a poorly ported mobile game that flopped. Yoshida and Sakguchi were doing interviews everywhere before release thinking it was gonna be a thing, now nobody has said a world about it like it didn't even release at all.


You said it's a "flop", which I read it as having negative reviews or sold poorly. Fantasian doesn't have that many negative reviews, it scored 87% on steam and 80% on metacritic. So the first definition doesn't apply.

As for the sales, I bet no game company with a braincell would expect Fantasian sell over 1m or something, lol. Sakaguchi hasn't have an influence in the market since...FF9 in 1999? After FF9 everything he made has not accomplished massive commercial success. FF movie was a flop, MS paid him to make blue dragon and lost Odyssey and it never become Xbox main pillar like MS had hoped so MS stopped funding him. Mistwalker released several games after that and none has become mainstream. That includes Fantasian.

Basically, Sakaguchi is a guy with a niche market and small amount of avid fans, that's it.

If you think SE publish Fantasian because they believe it'll be the next big thing you're wrong, nobody with common sense would expect such thing. SE published Fantasian for a niche market for small amount of avid Sakaguchi fans. It's not "flop", it's a business decision to do fans a service with a niche product.

As for the price, I checked the steam, it's about the same price as other SE AA game like SaGa2 remake. It's also not higher price than other AA jrpg like Falcom games or NIS games. You are free to dislike the price, but setting the price same as everyone else in the market doesn't make it "flop".
By Afania 2025-01-15 23:51:43
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RadialArcana said: »
Yoshida and Sakguchi were doing interviews everywhere before release thinking it was gonna be a thing, now nobody has said a world about it like it didn't even release at all.

Lol what? If their job is to promote a product of course they will say a good thing in an interview, it's literally their job. After the game is released of course they don't market it anymore because the "marketing phase" is complete. They don't talk about it because they never plan to continue giving this project marketing budget post launch to begin with.

You are thinking way too much from normal game marketing operations man. How the hell did normal marketing operations made this a "flop" is beyond me.

RadialArcana said: »
complete waste of money and time they could have spent on 14/11.

Right, because 14/11 fan's feelings is more important than Sakaguchi fans feelings.....

This is a selfish thought. Many rpg players don't play MMO, focusing on 14/11 doesn't serve their interest. And Sakaguchi fans want to play his games on mainstream platform for years. What SE did made them happy. It is not a bad thing.
Forum Moderator
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Vyrerus
Posts: 15964
By Asura.Vyre 2025-01-16 00:42:39
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Finally R15'd Ragnarok.

Took eons to get the Swarts cause I'm slow at gil/forgot to Omen.

R15'd without ever running a Dyna D. Time to set foot inside Dyna D.
Posts: 15220
By Pantafernando 2025-01-16 01:01:09
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I feel like youre ready to be on par with my first form.

You still has disadvantage in the moveset though.

Posts: 15220
By Pantafernando 2025-01-16 01:02:53
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Considering even if you miraculously beat my first form, there are more 6 before my true final stage so… keep going!

Posts: 457
By Zehira 2025-01-16 01:09:05
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Draylo said: »
I honestly never understood how people couldn't see it, and apparently now they are.

They are worshipping Yoshi-P and his game because of drugs, music, and gang signs. No matter how hard we tried to explain, we just have to let it go.

Draylo said: »
I hope it fails and they start on a new MMO

By SE? I hope not. With how people are these days, SE just doesn't seem to handle things well. It might be smarter to ditch MMOs and stick to more single-player games instead.

FF14 was supposed to be my last MMO.
Posts: 15220
By Pantafernando 2025-01-16 01:21:33
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Back to buying a home plan, yesterday i reviewed it again, and considering very unlikely i would get something “very” good for me at a reasonable price, maybe if i rented something, then i could live in a place with extra options like sports area, pool and barbecue.

Sure, it would be expensive with barely any return, but a shorter time compromise would be just right for what i need.

We can predict what will happen in like three years. Maybe trying to live almost like in luxury for three years, then completely moving out of my current city to live somewhere more affordable.

Yeah, i dont feel like i actually want to buy an apartment right now anymore. Renting is fine
Posts: 4890
By RadialArcana 2025-01-16 04:09:50
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FF14 won't die but it's losing relevance, even if they ceased all updates it would still make lots of money from subs and cash shop outfits. The theme park game of 14 is less important now than the social aspect, it has a large second life scene who "socially hang out" in limsa as they did when they were teenagers at the mall and /lean. They unironically goto dance clubs and /dance there all night and repeat it every night after work and love it, the underbelly of XIV is extremely weird by our standards but totally unique in the mmorpg world.

The thing I find so odd with Square Enix now is they don't understand they are not a good game company anymore, yet still think they are. They are running on fumes and fan service selling merch, most of the games they create make no money or flop, the ones they do make that do fairly well are just rehashing the past (ff7 is memberberries overload). Most of their talented staff are near retirement age, they have no "superstar" devs under 50 at all. They do not have a bright future at all as a company.

Seeing them allow 11 to stagnate, and allowing 14 to become extremely formulaic when they are are utterly incapable of making new online games to replace these ones is insane to me. When 11 one day closes, they will never be able to replace it with another online game with such a loyal playerbase and if they understood that, they would never allow that to happen.

Square Enix are in a similar state to Blizzard, where Blizzard can't make new games anymore and are hasbeens because all the extremely talented people are gone and replaced with seat warmers. They however are fully aware all they can do is sustain WoW and Overwatch (they will never even attempt to make wow 2, they can't and they know it would be a disaster) forever and so put all their money and effort into updating them best they can, Square still don't seem to understand how bad a position they are in and that they can't make good new things. If they did they would try to keep 11 going as long as possible and spend money updating it to farm the players for another 30+ years, and put more love into 14 to try grow it instead of managed decline. They are just not going to be able to replicate these games success in the future, they can't afford to let them rot but they are.
Posts: 457
By Zehira 2025-01-16 04:53:37
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RadialArcana said: »
The thing I find so odd with Square Enix now is they don't understand they are not a good game company anymore, yet still think they are.

Most people in America knew what caused. Politics. I’m counting down the days until Biden leaves the White House, but the bigger issue is that a Japanese company isn’t interested in moving that American business out of Los Angeles. It seems like California is the only state shoving "woke" culture down people’s throats because of state regulations. Well, it’s definitely too late at this point. We’re probably going to have to deal with Wuk Lamat for a while. I really hope the harassment wraps up soon so they can work on improving their performances.
By Afania 2025-01-16 07:08:21
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RadialArcana said: »
The thing I find so odd with Square Enix now is they don't understand they are not a good game company anymore, yet still think they are. They are running on fumes and fan service selling merch, most of the games they create make no money or flop, the ones they do make that do fairly well are just rehashing the past (ff7 is memberberries overload). Most of their talented staff are near retirement age, they have no "superstar" devs under 50 at all. They do not have a bright future at all as a company.

The entire jrpg industry is declining, it's not just SE games, but everyone. Jrpg just isn't a popular genre anymore.

Falcom's newest Trails game, Kai no Kiseki, recently released earning report and it barely break even in terms of dev cost. Keep in mind that Falcom is one of the cheapest Japanese developer when it comes to budget control. They haven't lose money in 40 years of operation and they consistently release 1 game per year. They also openly admitted their playerbase is shrinking. And they admitted Kai no Kiseki failed.

Also p5r sold over 9m so you would expect at least half of the player would buy p3r and Metaphor on day one but no, they both sold 1m at launch and that's it..... less than half of p5r's fanbase transfer to Atlus's next new game on day one.

Jrpg decline has nothing to do with American politics. It's just the fact that jrpg market is getting smaller, less people wants to buy and play jrpg, that's it.

On a side note, how many people on this forum beat more than 5 jrpg in the last year really? I played 46 games and beat 37 of them last year, only 2 completed games are in the category of jrpg(stranger of Paradise and disgaea 1). Most people who beat 5-10 games per year are they all jrpg? I doubt it....

I know I am not interested in Metaphor nor any Atlus's game nor another Trails game. At least SE has more interesting and diverse titles than Falcom and Atlus both.
Posts: 457
By Zehira 2025-01-16 07:35:32
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Afania said: »
Jrpg decline has nothing to do with American politics. It's just the fact that jrpg market is getting smaller, less people wants to buy and play jrpg, that's it.

I was only referring to FF14. I have no issues with people loving furries. I am deaf and I didn't know that VA was trans. Yeah, trans love furries so it does make sense.
Posts: 517
By mhomho 2025-01-16 07:55:56
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Zehira said: »
trans love furries

No. Not only no; but, also no.
Posts: 4890
By RadialArcana 2025-01-16 08:11:21
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ff7 rebirth is coming out in a week on steam and pre-orders are so bad they have it at 30% off like some bruised bananas at the supermarket.
Server: Garuda
Game: FFXI
user: Chanti
Posts: 11582
By Garuda.Chanti 2025-01-16 09:35:37
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RadialArcana said: »
FF14 won't die but it's losing relevance
Games are irrelevant. All games.

Seeing them allow 11 to stagnate ...
How many active XI accounts are there? Including bote and gilsellers?

Zehira said: »
Most people in America knew what caused. Politics.
You misspelled complacency. You also are cruising WAY too close to the no politics line.

Zehira said: »
I was only referring to FF14. I have no issues with people loving furries. I am deaf and I didn't know that VA was trans. Yeah, trans love furries so it does make sense.
You can't tell the VA is trans by listening. Also nazis love furries.

Does the Furry Community Have a Nazi Problem?
Rolling stone.

Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Tesahade
Posts: 885
By Fenrir.Niflheim 2025-01-16 09:57:43
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Garuda.Chanti said: »
How many active XI accounts are there? Including bote and gilsellers?
Lower limit can be found here: https://www.ffxiah.com/database
Minimum FFXI income: $165,931.15/month ($1,991,173.80/year) from 6157 accounts
The minimum income value is determined by assuming the bare minimum amount of income Square-Enix would have to receive to obtain these active character numbers. The following assumptions are made:

No one has the extra Mog Wardrobes
Active characters are grouped into batches of 16, as secondary character slots/mules are cheaper than new accounts
Obviously neither of those is true, but the purpose of this exercise is to show the absolute minimum amount of money the game is bringing in, to remind people that FFXI is still quite profitable.
Posts: 457
By Zehira 2025-01-16 10:01:55
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Garuda.Chanti said: »
Rolling stone.

It looks like I need to subscribe to check out the full article. But hey, at least it seems to have better standards since it doesn’t display a Swastika. Otherwise, you could argue that Michael Jackson and Haruhi Suzumiya are Nazis just because they wore armbands.
By Afania 2025-01-16 10:01:59
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RadialArcana said: »
ff7 rebirth is coming out in a week on steam and pre-orders are so bad they have it at 30% off like some bruised bananas at the supermarket.

FF7 rebirth was out in Feb 2024 so it's now 30% off after 11 months of release.

Metaphor ReFantazio was out in October 2024 and it had a 25% off on Steam in November, 1 month after release.

No matter how I see it, 25% off after a month is far more ridiculous than 30% off after 11 months.

FF7 remake sold 7m copies before rebirth and assuming FF7 rebirth sold 1m on day one, that is 1/7 of people transferred to sequel day one.

P5r sold 9m copies before Metaphor and it sold 1m on day one, that is 1/9 of people transferred to their new product.

If you choose ***on FF7 rebirth but ignore their best competitor for having even worse numbers (for now, at least) then you're just biased.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: NynJa
Posts: 4567
By Carbuncle.Nynja 2025-01-16 10:39:31
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Garuda.Chanti said: »
You can't tell the VA is trans by listening.
YouTube Video Placeholder

Who knows how much post-processing was done after the recordings, but you can hear unnatural speech within the audio, as in someone forcefully raising their voice to make it sound more feminine.
By Afania 2025-01-16 11:08:53
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Carbuncle.Nynja said: »
Who knows how much post-processing was done after the recordings, but you can hear unnatural speech within the audio, as in someone forcefully raising their voice to make it sound more feminine.

I don't know who this character is, nor I play FFXIV. So coming from a completely neutral pov watching this CS:

I can't tell this person is trans from her voice, plenty of ciswomen irl with higher testosterone level often have voice as deep as this one. The quality of acting is roughly on par with average English dub in anime 10 years ago. I agree that it's not the best voice acting in the entire FF series (FF VA usually outperform most anime dub), but it is still very serviceable.

I feel the bigger problem is the script not the voice. The whole script is unnatural to begin with. So if voice actor force their lines with an unnatural script it's not going to sound right.

Also, if people actually received death/rape threat for this performance, then there is definitely anti-woke sentiment coming into play. I've seen plenty of anime dub that's far worse but such controversy didn't exist. People just complain bad acting and move on back then. But Death threat? Omg.
Forum Moderator
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Vyrerus
Posts: 15964
By Asura.Vyre 2025-01-16 11:10:07
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Do not start talking about Wuk Lamat here. I had enough of that fuzzy *** in July. Do not. Do not. DO NOT!

They gave her enough speaking lines to propel her to like 3rd place of all spoken dialogue in the entire game. Please, please, please... No more. No more. I swear to god I will start issuing topic bans. I hate that character.
Posts: 661
By Kaffy 2025-01-16 11:13:05
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I didn't listen to all of that word for word, but didn't hear any "unnatural speech" either, just a bad accent and corny dialogue.

Sorry Vyre, that's all from me.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: NynJa
Posts: 4567
By Carbuncle.Nynja 2025-01-16 11:33:27
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Asura.Vyre said: »
I hate that character.
Is this violence against trans people?
Forum Moderator
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Vyrerus
Posts: 15964
By Asura.Vyre 2025-01-16 11:33:48
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Sorry to be a buzz kill. I guess if you all feel you must talk this thing that's been talked to death on the XIV OF, then you can take it to the New Games Sucks thread. Cause WL is definitely part of that trend.
Posts: 4890
By RadialArcana 2025-01-16 11:34:29
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All the voice acting in 14 is trash anyway, Yoshi is in love with the posh accent garbage they all sound like soy. Every time I hear any voice acting from 14, I'm so relieved there is none in 11.

Server: Garuda
Game: FFXI
user: Chanti
Posts: 11582
By Garuda.Chanti 2025-01-16 11:37:45
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Zehira said: »
It looks like I need to subscribe to check out the full article. But hey, at least it seems to have better standards since it doesn’t display a Swastika.
Not even nazi furries are stupid enough to wear the actual swastika. Which means they are smarter than America's neo nazis. Low bar to clear admittedly. There are photos of the same furry giving the stiff arm nazi salute.

Afania said: »
I feel the bigger problem is the script not the voice. The whole script is unnatural to begin with. So if voice actor force their lines with an unnatural script it's not going to sound right.
Many people blame the director, not the VA, for that.
Posts: 4890
By RadialArcana 2025-01-16 11:40:26
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Garuda.Chanti said: »
There are photos of the same furry giving the stiff arm nazi salute.

At least they didn't give a different stiff salute.
Posts: 4890
By RadialArcana 2025-01-16 11:43:18
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If you compare the voice acting from WoW (older expansions) to anything in XIV it sounds like some kids in an amateur dramatics club. It's not very good tbh, all this arguing over that voice actor when the quality of the entire games voice acting and overall sound work is poor anyway seems pointless to me.

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