2/5 +3 Boiiiii.
Found out how to not be an idiot and actually get metal before fighting Ghatjot. Pretty easy solo. Seems like I have to do him every other run though, because I can't get the magic kills consistently on Warrior using Shantotto II (I get a leech low and then swap to 1 damage sword and link together Red Lotus and Flat Blade to force her/KoH to MB Fusion).
Mainly because of the inconsistency with locating the ground floor minis / Bitzers for chests in F/G.
Gyvewrapped Vampire actually agro'd me before I got out of G last night. Decided to pull him away and kill him. Cause why not? Doom Counter reached 1... almost lost Exemplar... OTL scary!
Not sure what HTBF to dump merits on at this point. Most stuff seems lockstylely or like side grade accessories. I'm still missing the cape from Alexander, but that's the only thing... I guess it'd be kind of useful for Ninja TPing? Not that I plan to play Ninja a whole ton... (though it was my 3rd 75 back in the day and has a lot of nostalgia attached to it from me using it a ton for soloing). I've just been dumping them in Shinryu cause it depletes the merits the fastest. Got a Crepuscular Pebble, not sure if I can make use of it over my other ammo slot things I have. (I've got Ullr, NQ Just for men's gel orb, and a idk a cornucopia of other things).
Steadily saving up gil, which I guess I'll blow on augmenting Ragnarok or whatever in June. Though WAR +2 neck lookin' kinda thicc. But damn man, there's no way I feel good about spending 40+ mil on one accessory. Blegh. Everyone's always saying that gil is worthless these days, but I never can seem to get it quickly or in large enough quantities to get all the things that cost like that. And there's so many! If you played 3~5 jobs, you'd need like 200mil minimum just for their DYna D necks.
I can chain Locus Ghost Crabs now. They die a fair bit slower than hounds, but they're easier to go to, but at the same time I have to see a team of Galkas standing in the same exact spot never moving, fighting them. Which I figure is an actual player botting exemplar for all his Galka quintuple box, but even so...
I still blow out 4~5 UIAs every time I have the seals (and on full moon too, even though I don't believe in that malarky). Haven't even seen a Walkure Mask in like the past 40 or so runs of that. I feel like KC is a myth that comes from somewhere else, and where it actually comes from is a closely guarded secret, at this point.
After I finish this Oboro grind for Relics, I'm going to take great efforts to either get in on Jet's Dyna D LS or find one or something. This being compelled to grind 700+ JP a week is driving me nuts.