Random Thoughts.....What are you thinking?
By Pantafernando 2023-12-10 10:18:10
A friend of a friend told that friend that Xvideos also has them
By Pantafernando 2023-12-10 10:41:15
Forum Moderator
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 15966
By Asura.Vyre 2023-12-10 10:56:22
Do DRG. It can solo Shinryu at 90 cap set to Megaman X5 Vs. Zero music!
By Jetackuu 2023-12-10 11:38:07
Vyre, what is your ig name?
Forum Moderator
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 15966
By Asura.Vyre 2023-12-10 11:41:31
Vyre, what is your ig name? On Bahamut you can see me on Calmwind most often, sometimes on Vyre for stuff like DI or BCNMs, and sometimes on Dumakulem.
Calmwind (2021 edition)
Vyre (2005 edition, replaced 2004 edition, which replaced my 2003 Tarutaru named Artea)
Dumakulem (2012 edition)
By Pantafernando 2023-12-10 12:24:04
And whats your name at night?
By Pantafernando 2023-12-10 13:06:03
4 topics of Horizon in the front page.
We can change the site name to FFXIHAH
By Asura.Eiryl 2023-12-10 13:49:18
Informative. Real talk. Double speed if you gotta.
YouTube Video Placeholder
By Pantafernando 2023-12-10 15:53:29
I loved this guy theory about Majoras Mask
Forum Moderator
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 15966
By Asura.Vyre 2023-12-11 03:34:21
Negan appeared before me on the streets of Adoulin, told me to go to bed, and then bought all of the garbage in my bazaar.
Well except for my overpriced/meme priced Futsuno Mitama.
Thanks Negan!
By Pantafernando 2023-12-11 04:34:13
Negan appeared before me on the streets of Adoulin, told me to go to bed, and then bought all of the garbage in my bazaar.
That sounds kinda wrong...
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1449
By Bismarck.Josiahflaming 2023-12-11 05:59:54
Was looking up the nomad moogle bonanza; 200k per pearl and cats eye for last two matching numbers? That means for less than 20 mil you can guarantee a cat's eye for a mythic weapon?
Someone could just make 50 mules during a previous free campaign, name them all "FreeMythiclol" and one of them is guaranteed to win 30,000 alexandrite for less than 20 mil gil?
Talk about a great way to have someone come back to the game and start fresh if they tell you they want to play again lol "I made you a character, it's called Free Mythic and it has a cat's eye waiting for you, have fun"
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3833
By Ragnarok.Jessikah 2023-12-11 07:44:09
Bismarck.Josiahflaming said: »Someone could just make 50 mules during a previous free campaign, name them all "FreeMythiclol" and one of them is guaranteed to win 30,000 alexandrite for less than 20 mil gil? I mean, yeah. But at that point, you'd be better off buying however much gil it would take to buy all of that Alexandrite. Remember, the character needs to be a certain age to buy the marble in the first place, and then it's not in the same month where you can exchange it. So it's a minimum 3 months. And since you can only have I think 16 characters per account, you'd need four separate accounts.
Assuming you already have the one account, you'd still need to pay $30 per account for those three new accounts. That's $90. And then another $48 (x2 months = $96) for the base sub fee and another $46 (x2 months = $92) for a total of about $278 USD.
I guess you can put a price on a Mythic Weapon.
By Asura.Eiryl 2023-12-11 07:48:05
Gil is worthless, the alexandrite is the easiest part of the mythic. Not even worth the hassle of running from the HP to the moogle 100 times.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1449
By Bismarck.Josiahflaming 2023-12-11 07:50:27
Ragnarok.Jessikah said: »Bismarck.Josiahflaming said: »Someone could just make 50 mules during a previous free campaign, name them all "FreeMythiclol" and one of them is guaranteed to win 30,000 alexandrite for less than 20 mil gil? I mean, yeah. But at that point, you'd be better off buying however much gil it would take to buy all of that Alexandrite. Remember, the character needs to be a certain age to buy the marble in the first place, and then it's not in the same month where you can exchange it. So it's a minimum 3 months. And since you can only have I think 16 characters per account, you'd need four separate accounts.
Assuming you already have the one account, you'd still need to pay $30 per account for those three new accounts. That's $90. And then another $48 (x2 months = $96) for the base sub fee and another $46 (x2 months = $92) for a total of about $278 USD.
I guess you can put a price on a Mythic Weapon. I forget that most people probably bought a single copy of the game in the last 20 years lol
But you wouldn't need to pay to resub, since the bonanza pearls can be bought during the free campaigns.
So the bare minimum this free mythic would cost someone would be 3 copies of the game, zero monthly fees, if caught on discount that's like 60 dollars total spent and 96/100 chance for cat's eye
Since the game does give you free 16 characters for 1 month with your purchase. Costs 19.8 million gil and get a 120 million gil item. I know most of us have paid hundreds if not thousands more than this on subscription fees over the 20 years
By Asura.Eiryl 2023-12-11 07:52:55
Buy 120m for $30 and skip the nonsense (Honestly)
Time is money and logging in, running to the moogle, menuing 00, 01, 02, 03...99 takes so much time and effort.
But if you do it you could win the 1st place weapon too!1!11one1!
(It's still not worth the effort)
I'd do it for the finished weapon to skip ein/assault/nyzul, but not for a measly 120m.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3833
By Ragnarok.Jessikah 2023-12-11 08:01:05
Bismarck.Josiahflaming said: »But you wouldn't need to pay to resub, since the bonanza pearls can be bought during the free campaigns. OK, but you still have to have purchased the account originally, and then wait the prerequisite number of days. In theory, you could think that far in advance and buy it on discount, saving a good chunk of money. Otherwise, you'd never be able to buy it on sale and have the discount at the same time.
Though I guess you don't need to reactivate every character for the third month, just the one that wins. So that cuts down my math by another $100 or so.
And yet, the thought of having to somehow trade all of those characters all of that money, and then go through that painful dialogue with that Moogle a whopping 50 times is giving me a Stranger Things nosebleed. Too much work, too much money.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1449
By Bismarck.Josiahflaming 2023-12-11 12:11:33
Buy 120m for $30 and skip the nonsense (Honestly)
Time is money and logging in, running to the moogle, menuing 00, 01, 02, 03...99 takes so much time and effort.
But if you do it you could win the 1st place weapon too!1!11one1!
(It's still not worth the effort)
I'd do it for the finished weapon to skip ein/assault/nyzul, but not for a measly 120m. that is such a perculiar reference lol
the ~15 year old circa 2015 that would dialogue like that would never care about this type of dumb obtuse mathing out a bonanza lol
By Asura.Eiryl 2023-12-11 12:23:34
It was mockingly pre-empting the guy who was going to say it all umachullylike, so I could answer it without having to post twice.
(I've always loved the !!!!11!!one! it conveys such enthusiasm)
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3833
By Ragnarok.Jessikah 2023-12-11 13:05:37
YouTube Video Placeholder
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1449
By Bismarck.Josiahflaming 2023-12-11 13:10:31
Speaking of cost Jess. and current game price today it would cost you 1,899.37 USD to guarantee a rank 1 prize, if you see any in there that you really gotta have.
And mythics arent even listed lol
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3833
By Ragnarok.Jessikah 2023-12-11 13:47:56
Bismarck.Josiahflaming said: »rank 1 prize I wouldn't even know what to do with that if I won lol
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1449
By Bismarck.Josiahflaming 2023-12-11 13:52:55
Ragnarok.Jessikah said: »Bismarck.Josiahflaming said: »rank 1 prize I wouldn't even know what to do with that if I won lol your days of buying ammo would be over
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3833
By Ragnarok.Jessikah 2023-12-11 14:31:52
Bismarck.Josiahflaming said: »your days of buying ammo would be over My problem is that I can't tell if you're joking or not. Is that actually a good gun? Are any of those items like really bonkers OP or anything? That Yagyu Darkblade looks cool lol
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1449
By Bismarck.Josiahflaming 2023-12-11 14:55:03
I'm just being a ***and grabbed a random weapon lol
By Pantafernando 2023-12-11 16:05:28
He definitivelly would grab a Yagyu Dorkblade
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 19647
By Valefor.Prothescar 2023-12-11 16:07:57
Guaranteeing a cats eye/rank 1 weapon would be pointless to begin with since it'd be stuck on the account that wins it, which could very well just be a burner.
By Asura.Eiryl 2023-12-11 16:10:39
Takes a day to make a burner into a main, that's a nonissue.
Issue is it isn't even worth doing that, despite how fast/easy it is.
By Draylo 2023-12-11 16:10:58
I think he meant if its a new player they could start the game with any of those accounts that won the mythic. What if its in the middle of the list of characters? The horror, has to be #1
This is a thread that I found on another website I post at. It can be really really interesting. I thought it deserved a place here.
Post your random thoughts for the day here, or anything else that intrigues you.
For starters, is it possible to give constructive critism to someone who doesn't have a neck? I totally just walked by a girl who didn't. Someone isn't getting a necklace for Valentines day!
And who decided black and white can't be colors? I want to say a racist. I really do.