Random Thoughts.....What are you thinking?
By Pantafernando 2023-12-04 17:37:50
I guess google have eyes on what we talk.
Just now youtube recommended me the Goku vs Superman video.
Server: Asura
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By Asura.Saevel 2023-12-04 17:44:55
Goku vs Superman v3 on Deathbattle today
Same outcome, superman is literally as strong as the current writer wants him to be, always was. The unwinnable battle, again, again.
Generally this ends with a draw, to not bring shame for any side
Beh both are weak sauce to my man Saitama.
By Asura.Eiryl 2023-12-04 17:48:31
I guess google have eyes on what we talk.
Just now youtube recommended me the Goku vs Superman video.
Well duh. They observe everything you do.
By Pantafernando 2023-12-04 18:23:41
I like how someone put the megaman pieces together and interpret the entire story as the downfall of humanity and great triumph for Wily.
In the end, humans and robots cant cohexist, one of them will ultimately subjulgate the other
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By Asura.Vyre 2023-12-04 20:09:59
If Death Battle wasn't so heavily stacked towards popularity, they would have had Superman lose now and in the past.
Even though Akira Toriyama is a dumb *** and doesn't portray the strength of spiritual energy or ki or whatever right hardly ever, the characters in Dragonball are all on another level from Superman. At will, so many of them are capable of planetary destruction. They don't do it because they're the good guys, but they've been capable of it since the Frieza saga. Also, they have the *** dragonballs, which are magical, and could be used to neutralize Superman. As they tend to support each other/Goku in all their biggest fights unless it's a tournament bout.
Death Battle just knows though, the Superman fans would riot, unsub, and throw never ending hissy fits if they made Goku win. Superman fans don't operate on logic, and they never really have. Just like Superman.
By Asura.Eiryl 2023-12-04 20:12:40
Deathbattle basically always goes to whoever has more lore.
Superman has 70 years. Goku has 30.
70 Years of random crazy ***from comic books always trumps modern anime. The longer it exists the more crazy ***they give the character, so.
Popeye beat Saitama, 100 years of popeye beats 10 years of onepunchman
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By Asura.Vyre 2023-12-04 20:18:32
Ehh, they like digging deep to pull out the obscure, but then they have characters use things and disregard how characters operate later/at all far too much.
Kind of like how in that first Superman vs. Goku when they had Super Saiyan 4 Goku use the Power Pole. Just absolutely asinine.
By Asura.Eiryl 2023-12-04 20:21:48
Well the idea is the shown battle is only one simulation. They run it a thousand times and show an aggregate, that's not how the battle would likely go, just that it exists and prevents as much whatabout as possible.
"The winner" is the one who wins 501 simulations. Then they just throw in everything that looks cool and animate it.
Quote: The animation is not meant to completely accurately portray how a fight between the combatants would go, but instead exists mainly for entertainment and to display the verdict
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Server: Asura
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By Asura.Vyre 2023-12-04 21:21:30
Nah, it's just like that show that was on for a few years that had a similar premise with historical warriors. Deadliest Warrior?
Pirate vs. Knight. Pirate wins...
And because the guys liked the flintlock pistol so much, they had him finish the knight off with it.
It was a super inaccurate portrayal of knights, and the flintlock should have made 0 difference as in their test fires of it against platemail, it could never penetrate. (plus in the opening of the fight, the knight hit the pirate in the head with a moriningstar from horseback charge. It was a very poorly put together visualization).
All arbitrary *** that they just make sound believable, generally banking into the character with the larger/more passionate(see insane) fan base.
Like death battle will be all, "Oh, Superman can lift 4 trillion billion sextillion tons unassisted because of comic issue #5232 written by Helman Gaylord in 1972! Because in that issue he collapsed a blackhole with his barehands, and this is our calculated theoretical strength that it takes to do that!"
Meanwhile, Goku comes from a concrete story by a single person wherein the entire point of Ki and Ki based training was that immense physical strength would be overcome by a power generated by one's inner being. A metaphysical concept showing lordship over the physical world as far back as Dragonball, where it was common for Goku as a kid to do things like lift a car or beat an 800 pound strongman like it was nothing. A concept only really held back by the fact that Akira Toriyama is forgetful about his own creation. Dude can't even remember Trunks's hair's color. Dude doesn't do research on anything. He just grows to like an idea, makes a character named Carrot, draws it, and then puts it out there.
By Asura.Eiryl 2023-12-04 21:27:08
I mean it's not gonna be fair. Whichever writer gave the character the biggest *** you, wins 50 years later.
As far as that strongest warrior, it's the same thing. In 1000 simulations, 500 times the pirate shot the knight in the face. Or in the gap in the armor.
it's not run it once and whoever wins wins, it's percentage based. They were even very explicit about it on that show iirc. While the flintlock does nothing to the armor, fired 1000 times it's going to hit spots that aren't covered. (enough times to give the pirate the win, in aggregate)
Im relatively confident on that show they even showed the gun would win 100 times, a sword would win 100 times a surprise attack wins 100 times etc out of a thousand. So you knew exactly why.
By Asura.Eiryl 2023-12-04 21:33:58
See; 0.4% of the time, the flintlock would shoot the knight in the face
(if anything, they probably undersold the bomb wins tbh. It's a bomb lol)
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By Asura.Vyre 2023-12-04 21:54:06
See; 100% of the time it's arbitrary ***
Fixed this for you.
By Asura.Eiryl 2023-12-04 21:58:05
100% of the time the pirate would simply walk away and the heavy armor knight would die of dehydration/exhaustion, lol
Not very fun to watch, though
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By Asura.Vyre 2023-12-04 22:55:58
100% of the time the pirate would simply walk away and the heavy armor knight would die of dehydration/exhaustion, lol
Not very fun to watch, though 100% of the time they actually wouldn't occupy the same era in history.
But also, lol. lmao even. You think the knight couldn't keep up with the pirate? Silly rabbit. Armor isn't THAT restrictive. He's not gonna run a marathon after him, and he's probably just gonna overtake him on horseback anyway.
By Asura.Eiryl 2023-12-04 23:04:31
And that's what the bomb(s) are for
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By Asura.Vyre 2023-12-04 23:11:22
Of course, if they'd actually looked into history, they could have found the Hospitallers of Rhodes (Knights) who fended off the Barbary Pirates (slave trading pirates that our US Marines are famous for ending) time and time and time again. Only eventually being pushed to Sicily by Suleiman the Magnificent in 1522 by a force of 10,000 Ottoman Turks (outnumbering them by 3000 men, and it took them over half a year to push the Knights of Rhodes out).
Of course, that would have been inconvenient for their pro-pirate take, as there were no blunderbusses back then.
By Pantafernando 2023-12-05 00:18:15
Those random battle kinda reminds me all that talk we probably had as a kid, when discussing different anime series, and imagining those unexpected pair up.
Like, what about Seiya vs Yusuke? Or Mario vs Sonic? Liu Kang vs Ryu?
I suppose someone had that great idea of investing in that children talk and bring a visual interpretation of that. And some thousand others still have that curiosity years after childhood.
Personally, I would prefer some Smash Brothers version of thhose imaginary battle instead of a video one of it.
What about Goku vs Jigglypuff? Who would win?
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Server: Asura
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Posts: 15963
By Asura.Vyre 2023-12-05 01:47:16
Panta would show up to the Super Smash Bros Arena as the WARNING INCOMING CHALLENGER and win, of course.
Also I got super lucky tonight in Sortie. I was looking for leech NM, found DD by his lonesome. He had staff... God I love when it has staff. Wastes so many WSes on Sunburst lmao.
Anyway, half way through fighting D.D. Abject Obdella hopped up and starting giving me Retaliate TP.
A few minutes later, both NMs were dead :) Then I killed the Bhoot in 4 minutes after entering C.
Then I find Miss Piggy. Aurum chest yeehaw.
Then I got the red chest for 3 more fomors as well. Got some browns for wandering around and some blues for some yoohoo work.
Made 4991 galli >:D
By Pantafernando 2023-12-05 01:51:45
Ive just watched a video explain Majoras Mask theory.
Well, honestly ive played it so many years ago i dont remember the single thing of it. But seeing others linking the bits of info here, makes me wonder how a game thats supposelly for children is that dark?
I mean, Majoras Mask is incredibly depressing story.
By Pantafernando 2023-12-05 01:53:33
Anyway, videos saying someone is dead are like sugar to ants for me
Server: Garuda
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Posts: 11582
By Garuda.Chanti 2023-12-05 09:42:32
100% of the time they actually wouldn't occupy the same era in history. Ummm.... Pirates are WAY older than knights. The Romans fought pirates. Of course back then pirates didn't have gunpowder weapons.
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Server: Asura
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By Asura.Vyre 2023-12-05 15:26:48
100% of the time they actually wouldn't occupy the same era in history. Ummm.... Pirates are WAY older than knights. The Romans fought pirates. Of course back then pirates didn't have gunpowder weapons. In a strict sense of platemail knight, sure.
But in the loose sense of armored cavalry, ehh, only by a few hundred years give or take, and that's nothing on a cosmic scale :P Something something Greek Hippeus, something something pirate comes from Greek Peirates
This specific context is a Golden Age of Piracy Caribbean swashbuckler stereotypical pirate from the 1600/1700s vs. a stereotypical knight. Did not occupy the same era.
Server: Valefor
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By Valefor.Prothescar 2023-12-05 15:48:26
Oh boy, G9 OLED coming 2 days early. Idk if I'll keep it since 32:9 is so sparsely supported but if I can get it to run 3440x1440...
Server: Garuda
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Posts: 11582
By Garuda.Chanti 2023-12-05 16:02:50
100% of the time they actually wouldn't occupy the same era in history. Ummm.... Pirates are WAY older than knights. The Romans fought pirates. Of course back then pirates didn't have gunpowder weapons. In a strict sense of platemail knight, sure.
But in the loose sense of armored cavalry, ehh, only by a few hundred years give or take, and that's nothing on a cosmic scale :P Something something Greek Hippeus, something something pirate comes from Greek Peirates
This specific context is a Golden Age of Piracy Caribbean swashbuckler stereotypical pirate from the 1600/1700s vs. a stereotypical knight. Did not occupy the same era. Yep, the classical Greeks had piracy. Back then pirates were mostly coastal raiders and slavers not boat to boat plunderers.
But we can talk about the golden age of piracy in the Mediterranean which overlapped with knights in shining armor a whole lot. And was also a respected career path.
But I will refrain unless asked to elaborate.
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Server: Asura
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Posts: 15963
By Asura.Vyre 2023-12-05 16:08:43
100% of the time they actually wouldn't occupy the same era in history. Ummm.... Pirates are WAY older than knights. The Romans fought pirates. Of course back then pirates didn't have gunpowder weapons. In a strict sense of platemail knight, sure.
But in the loose sense of armored cavalry, ehh, only by a few hundred years give or take, and that's nothing on a cosmic scale :P Something something Greek Hippeus, something something pirate comes from Greek Peirates
This specific context is a Golden Age of Piracy Caribbean swashbuckler stereotypical pirate from the 1600/1700s vs. a stereotypical knight. Did not occupy the same era. Yep, the classical Greeks had piracy. Back then pirates were mostly coastal raiders and slavers not boat to boat plunderers.
But we can talk about the golden age of piracy in the Mediterranean which overlapped with knights in shining armor a whole lot. And was also a respected career path.
But I will refrain unless asked to elaborate. Something something, I think you missed my post about the Knights of Rhodes and the Barbary Pirates, something something, I hope you're doing well today Mrs. Chanti. <3
Server: Bismarck
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By Bismarck.Josiahflaming 2023-12-05 16:13:58
And because the guys liked the flintlock pistol so much, they had him finish the knight off with it. I had to google this because the conversation made me curious
First flintlocks were being made around 1517 and the first records of platemail were about 50 years earlier wow
By Pantafernando 2023-12-05 17:48:57
I dont know why im that much sleepy this early
No, i actually know why but i cant accept it
By Draylo 2023-12-06 00:02:11
New Android update finally let me dismiss the dumb voice mail notification... progress
By Draylo 2023-12-06 08:50:51
By Pantafernando 2023-12-06 09:09:25
This is a thread that I found on another website I post at. It can be really really interesting. I thought it deserved a place here.
Post your random thoughts for the day here, or anything else that intrigues you.
For starters, is it possible to give constructive critism to someone who doesn't have a neck? I totally just walked by a girl who didn't. Someone isn't getting a necklace for Valentines day!
And who decided black and white can't be colors? I want to say a racist. I really do.