Random Thoughts.....What Are You Thinking?

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Random Thoughts.....What are you thinking?
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Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2023-08-23 09:50:42
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What in the actual *** lol. This is fantastic!
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By 2023-08-23 17:18:19
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Server: Bahamut
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Posts: 1832
By Bahamut.Celebrindal 2023-08-23 17:29:31
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I wonder if there's any cellophane tape left on the entire planet after piecing that slop together.

Its a good thing Faulkner never had to deal with the creative vacuum in the rest of the world just trying to ride his coattails for likes. Jesus that was horrible.
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Server: Valefor
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By Valefor.Prothescar 2023-08-23 17:30:14
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the dichotomy of man
By 2023-08-23 17:44:42
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Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Josiahafk
Posts: 1450
By Bismarck.Josiahflaming 2023-08-23 19:08:58
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Valefor.Prothescar said: »
Bahamut.Celebrindal said: »
kuroki said: »
Asura.Eiryl said: »
What in the actual *** lol. This is fantastic!
man everyone aged really well, that was great
I wonder if there's any cellophane tape left on the entire planet after piecing that slop together.

Its a good thing Faulkner never had to deal with the creative vacuum in the rest of the world just trying to ride his coattails for likes. Jesus that was horrible.
the dichotomy of man
It's like a renaissance painting.
Posts: 15227
By Pantafernando 2023-08-23 19:19:16
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First time i heard in a lesson about digital natives and digital immigrants.

Naturally the supposed "immigrants" are portraited in a pejoraive way.

Saddly how people insist in dividing our society always when possible. There is literally zero reason for such classification aside bolstering some egos.

Also, something that should be mention is those so called "digital natives", are only "natives" because the previous generation made some considerable effort to dumbing ***down to make everything as much intuitive as possible. Decades of QoL improvement in technology only to make it accessible even for kids.
Server: Garuda
Game: FFXI
user: Chanti
Posts: 11586
By Garuda.Chanti 2023-08-23 20:07:05
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I always thought it was natives grew up with it. Had nothing to do with their ability. Only qualifiers are what constitutes the start of the digital era and did you grow up a user. And its all relative anyway. Subjective too.

So if video games were included any 8 yo or under kid who played video games was included, even if we are talking commodore 64, is a native. This says nothing about their competence as anything but an end user.

An immigrant is someone who learned it later in life. This might be some gen Xer who didn't game until college or someone who got into hacking from phone phreaking and became a silicone valley millionaire.

Or would you put the start at bulletin boards in the dial up era? Or maybe some 6 year old who's parents had an 8080 and a used teletype machine? Or maybe gaming on the commodore 64 doesn't count but programming on it does?
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Josiahafk
Posts: 1450
By Bismarck.Josiahflaming 2023-08-23 20:41:40
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In your theoretical Dialup would be a good internet native and high speed afterwards as the immigrant.

Facebook natives would be the ones that joined through their college when it was only for colleges back then etc

ffxiah natives would be playing the game before the 75 cap lifted, as the most dramatic changing point. (or before level sync existed since that changed the game dramatically as well)

and Youtube Natives would be before anything was HD I would imagine, the 480p being acceptable HQ days
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2023-08-23 21:12:27
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Ya know, the random *** maps in the newer star wars really just don't work.

It's just bad, even for magical maguffin standards.

How you gonna say this map was made "many" years ago, but leads exactly to where this person is in "current year". *** Jack's magical compass of magical finding what I want most.

Not in Ahsoka, and not in whichever movie that was with the dumbass dagger.

I mean they are literal space *** wizards. Ask a force ghost for the answer. This magic map ***is whack.

The abdominal damage too. Every goddamn fight ends with stomach stabs and no one dies anymore. Your skin and organs would explode. Getting STABBED with a laser sword is like a cigarette burn now.
Posts: 17968
By Viciouss 2023-08-23 22:02:25
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It's just a map of a hyperspace lane o.o

Also, I think they are trying to correct Kenobi a little bit, when that random girl got stabbed directly in the stomach by DARTH VADER and hopped to a different planet. This time around, she got stabbed off to the side. You know, not the stomach. The lung. Not as fatal!

Edit - Also, Qui-Gon Jin is a damn sissy. He got stabbed in the stomach and died right there.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 543
By Asura.Dexprozius 2023-08-23 22:04:16
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Yeah in the OT and PT getting stabbed was death.... look at Qui-Gon Jin. Then in the Disney shows a saber stab is like "Aha! It's cauterized, they're fine!" They started it with the Obi- Wan show? Unless it happened in the cartoons that i'm not aware of... it's jus really bogus.

I think the map thing could have been done tastefully, but they butchered it by having it point directly to the goal almost like a video game. It's just frustrating when there's extended universe and canonical material that can easily be explored and they choose the most mundane or brain dead plot threads treating the audience as if they're brain dead. I recall one of the youtube theory channels speculating that the maps were actually the stargates from the sequel novels, to explain the outer rim force wielders and separate them from the jedi / sith. At least that sounds somewhat interesting rather than, " We got the map, it points to Thrawn, lets build a mega hyperspace ship to go there".
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 543
By Asura.Dexprozius 2023-08-23 22:07:25
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Viciouss said: »
It's just a map of a hyperspace lane o.o

Also, I think they are trying to correct Kenobi a little bit, when that random girl got stabbed directly in the stomach by DARTH VADER and hopped to a different planet. This time around, she got stabbed off to the side. You know, not the stomach. The lung. Not as fatal!

The implication was that it pointed directly to Thrawns location. The galaxy it shows on that map had swimming Purrgil around it, so maybe to hope you're right, it's a pre-established migration lane that the creatures take?

The stabbing in the stomach thing is really egregious though.... How about just dont stab her? A lead character in episode 1. Just have her get owned and knock her down a peg. (Which already happened in Rebels but I guess we forgot that)
Posts: 17968
By Viciouss 2023-08-23 22:13:38
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Well, I think its pointing to the exit of the hyperspace lane where Thrawn and Ezra got dropped at the end of Rebels. Those two had one of two options: Stay on the planet they got dropped on in hopes of a rescue OR try to get off the planet with a new ship that they conveniently find and go...nowhere.

They might *** around for a little bit but it would make complete sense to me to just hang out right where you got dumped.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2023-08-23 22:34:35
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I was more annoyed by the dagger from the movies, but it just reminded me of it.

Such a bad concept. This map, untouched for centuries, is exactly where we wanna go. We found it right when we needed to and no one ever stumbled onto it before. Lucky, right!? How many other magical maps are out there just chillin.

(and why the *** they out here stabbing in the "side" and not going for deathblows.)
((and why can rey and anakin force pull spaceships but ahsoka just stands there. She is the literal embodiment of the force, she is absolutely capable. Just stand there and look dumb. Come on.))
Posts: 17968
By Viciouss 2023-08-23 22:54:13
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Yeah I mean we watched her try to stop Maul's ship from escaping in the finale to Siege of Mandalore using just the Force. He had it at full power and it wasn't moving. That said she did have a fight waiting for her this time around.
MSPaint Winner
Server: Excalibur
user: Leonkasai
Posts: 6368
By Leon Kasai 2023-08-23 23:12:55
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Seems like these are the outfits available from the exchange ticket in the pre-reg campaign.

Seeing them in full just cements my decision to get Aerith's. Not a fan of Zack's shorts. Barret's looking pretty badass though.
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Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 19647
By Valefor.Prothescar 2023-08-23 23:28:34
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Aerith or Red ftw
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: ashcrow
Posts: 219
By Asura.Rekcuf 2023-08-24 00:59:23
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Asura.Eiryl said: »
What in the actual *** lol. This is fantastic!
YouTube Video Placeholder
bro this looks so *** real
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Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 19647
By Valefor.Prothescar 2023-08-24 01:05:04
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Cost 5k but got a couple meet and greet tickets to see Aerosmith on their farewell tour here in Charlotte. Signed memorabilia from farewell tours usually matures handsomely so I consider this an investment
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: ashcrow
Posts: 219
By Asura.Rekcuf 2023-08-24 05:02:53
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Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: ashcrow
Posts: 219
By Asura.Rekcuf 2023-08-24 06:21:40
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Posts: 15227
By Pantafernando 2023-08-24 06:45:21
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Yeah, not a good day today.

Started with sortie, normally i start with triboulex before doing my stuffs.

My setup uses mnk corx2. Shijin opening up to savage doing light. Eventually a radiance here and there.

Its a setup that is doing triboulex under 2 mins, but last laugh downed exactly the mnk.

Without shijin, savage dmg dropped due ws gimmicks, resulting in setting the stages under 5%.

As it would be very hard to recover, i just warped out.

Next on menu was odysseyx2. First run i sucked as usual. Ive been adopting the approach of focusing on halos and NMs, but its always tricky to me the halos part. Ive been trying brd sack pulling all the shits out of the halo, but in the end, it doesnt make that much difference.

Second run i updated a bit my RUN gear and used it to handle fodders. Its very hard to me multitasking attack, healing and tanking, but RUN has holding up fine with new update in gear. Cleared first halo without bigger issues.

Then, in the second floor…. Graphic card crashed and took out all my chars.

That was the cue to update drivers, the start to work earlier than usual
By Dodik 2023-08-24 07:45:49
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For odyssey segs, better go no tank, DD/cor/brd/healer/whatever and use defense food on the DD.

On halos clear trash around the halo, try to aggro as few beastmen as possible while killing halo then pull back to clear out beastmen that aggroed. Clear rest.

DD with decent PDT set and defense food should be able to handle halos. Can add minne if you need. Defense buffs do a lot in odyssey.
Server: Garuda
Game: FFXI
user: Chanti
Posts: 11586
By Garuda.Chanti 2023-08-24 09:19:08
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Its real.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Josiahafk
Posts: 1450
By Bismarck.Josiahflaming 2023-08-24 09:43:44
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if I saw that on a shelf, I would immediately be buying it

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Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 19647
By Valefor.Prothescar 2023-08-24 18:31:22
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Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Richybear
Posts: 1401
By Fenrir.Richybear 2023-08-24 20:32:31
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Valefor.Prothescar said: »
Cost 5k but got a couple meet and greet tickets to see Aerosmith on their farewell tour here in Charlotte. Signed memorabilia from farewell tours usually matures handsomely so I consider this an investment

Plus with Aerosmith you can bank on it actually being a legit farewell unlike Kiss and their 4879 farewell tours before going on "Gene still likes Money Tour 2024!" or Motley Crue with "lol people still pay to hear Vince Neil" tours
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1832
By Bahamut.Celebrindal 2023-08-24 22:21:03
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Valefor.Prothescar said: »
Cost 5k but got a couple meet and greet tickets to see Aerosmith on their farewell tour here in Charlotte. Signed memorabilia from farewell tours usually matures handsomely so I consider this an investment

oh hold on to that ***! Money get spent or locked away somewhere safe....those memories are infinitely more valuable and rare!
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