Yeah, not a good day today.
Started with sortie, normally i start with triboulex before doing my stuffs.
My setup uses mnk corx2. Shijin opening up to savage doing light. Eventually a radiance here and there.
Its a setup that is doing triboulex under 2 mins, but last laugh downed exactly the mnk.
Without shijin, savage dmg dropped due ws gimmicks, resulting in setting the stages under 5%.
As it would be very hard to recover, i just warped out.
Next on menu was odysseyx2. First run i sucked as usual. Ive been adopting the approach of focusing on halos and NMs, but its always tricky to me the halos part. Ive been trying brd sack pulling all the shits out of the halo, but in the end, it doesnt make that much difference.
Second run i updated a bit my RUN gear and used it to handle fodders. Its very hard to me multitasking attack, healing and tanking, but RUN has holding up fine with new update in gear. Cleared first halo without bigger issues.
Then, in the second floor…. Graphic card crashed and took out all my chars.
That was the cue to update drivers, the start to work earlier than usual