So I just completed Rise of the Zilart again for the first time since like... my Elvaan alt back in 2012.
Did it as level 70 RDM with Trusts mostly. Decided to beat Maat and do it at 75 for Ark Angels / Ealdnarche.
Trusts are so gawt dang strong lol. I knew individually that all but Ark Angel EV were gonna be EZ PZ.
EV took a few tries though. Had to alter trust loadout and sub job and tactics! Had to Rdm/sch with my Joyeuse, and spam Echo Drops, Silena on my two Whm Trusts over and over. Kept her Paralyzed and Slowed, and slowly whittled her down.
ZM16 I tried to solo, but didn't manage it in 3 attempts, so blitzed it with Trusts too. On my last solo attempt I got to phase 2... was setting up my buffs, freaked out cause I ran out of Shihei and my bags weren't in my inventory. Misplaced them. Tried to figure out if they were in Sack or Case, and they were in one of those... but by then he was on me casting AM and ripping me apart.
Tried to salvage it with Stoneskin/Cure spam and Thunder III spam, but only got him like 1/3rd down before I ran out of MP and died. *sigh* I just wanted to imitate Avesta. Q_Q
Using Trusts against him was hilarious though. Valaineral literally would do a Glory Blade every single time he spawned an Orbital, which would kill that Orbital, so Glory Blade was just going off so fast I couldn't even magic burst the Light SCs coming out of it. Shantotto II died to Phase Shift from Exoplates. She really is a tissue.