Was in a situation where I had to drive someone from their doctor's appointment because the pain shot may make them too loopy to drive themselves.
So I'm sitting in their truck with the FM radio on while they are inside. The standard songs are playing exactly as if this were the last "classic rock" radio for the last thirty years. It's about noon and the DJ is doing their sign-off thing.
Then it happens.
He says something about hoping everyone enjoys their first day of Spring "March 20th". This triggers me.
Side note: I learned people use the word "trigger/triggered" all the time now; so much so that I think you should be offered a punch card so that after your 9th time hearing someone say "trigger/triggered" you get your 10th free.
Anyhoo, so this sets my brain-thinker a'tickin'. (Personally, my way to say "triggered"). It is the first day of Autumn and not March at all.
Then I am FINALLY validated in the suspicion that I've had all along. FM radio DJs are all pre-recorded or looped and handled by computers. The FM radio today was originally broadcast 6 months ago; nearly to the day.
Obviously, the "spice of life" radio DJs that do daily shows where they reference current events and news do not follow this. However... the cruise control radio that you hear most of the rest of the time, the "listen at work" kinds of radio, are often not live at all.
Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.
I certainly have missed writing up these little fandangos for you. Bonus modifier: This is your first time ever seeing someone properly use the word "fandango" without it being tied to a Queen song.
Perhaps one I may have heard today on the classic rock radio station today.
Boom! That's what we call a callback, baby.