VA... The northern counties are DC suburbs, full of government workers and those business that cater to a dense population.
The northern shore counties are pretty much eastern shore / Chesapeake bay, a farming / fishing and summer beach culture that starts south of Atlantic city and peters out wherever there is a navy base to continue into the Carolinas.
The southern counties are as southern fried as anywhere south of the Mason - Dixon line. This is not to say that southern fried is anything like a unified culture or anything.
Leviathan.Celebrindal said:
»... but then again, most of Florida really isn't Deep South, its New New York.
That's the SE coast. At least the parts of it that aren't solidly Cuban or Jamaican. It is the densest populated part but a small percentage of the land area.
Central FL and the panhandle are quite southern fried. If anything represents an actual identifiable Florida culture it must be Tampa / St. Pete. No idea about Jacksonville anymore.