Woot, I beat Rhapsodies /o/
That last boss was a doozy for me.
Congratulations. it's quite a final boss yeah.
I was hyped about going back and playing XI but I realized that the person I borrowed the money from to buy it actually didn't really have it to give but only did it to make me happy. (it was my mom, she's awesome). So my XI adventures will have to wait until I can get the money myself instead of asking someone else for it.
/end blog
Ahhh /stretch
So sleepy
if you bought it during the sale, it gives you a month free.
Can enjoy making 16 chars for no cost and watching them all deactivate in 30 days
in fact if you want a gold pass for some free extras, let me know.
you can get an infinite use exp ring amongst other things upon first sign up.