So I finally got around to watching The Wall.
Holy crap. Things just got Transcendental up in here. I feel like I need video games to numb my brain.
I watched it for the first time a couple years back, had wanted to see it just never sat down and watched it till then. I like it.
There's this kid at my school who has been trying to get me to watch it for months, now. Every time I told him I would eventually, but I just didn't really add it to my list of entertainment options at the time. What little free time I had went to gaming and the like.
I've had the album in my CD player in my car since last month and have been picking up more and more on the themes the album has to offer and began to make connections and seeing the vision Waters had, and I finally decided to check out the playlist on YouTube.
It was one thing to hear all the songs from the album in the video, but for some reason the video helped solidify it for me. Knowing Waters wrote the screenplay helped to really drive home his intentions and to see Pink going through all those trials and tribulations and become a Hitleresque ruler made me realize just how close we are to that, now.
The lyrics from In the Flesh? is scarily accurate right now:
Pink Floyd - In the Flesh? said:
Are there any *** in the theater tonight
Get 'em up against the wall
There's one in the spotlight
He don't look right to me
Get 'em up against the wall
That one looks Jewish
And that one's a [omitted due to being a very offensive racial slur]
Who let all this riffraff into the room
There's one smoking a joint and
Another with spots
If I had my way I'd have all of them shot
It's eerie how much that sounds like a Trump rally, right now.