Asura.Floppyseconds said:
»So apparently September 1st is the worst day for suicides in Japan.
I mean if I was (or when!) committing suicide I certainly wouldn't pick September 1st. Sure it is a school pressure thing, but come on, who procrastinates their own intentional death?
You know, maybe jump from something the 31st just to mix it up knowing everyone is doing it tomorrow. Maybe a day later because then it is easier. Idk, but the 1st? Nah.
I wouldn't so much say they're picking that date.
Keep in mind that Japanese school schedules are different than ours, if school is the cause of this death count, then this date makes sense as it's right before the start of their second term after the longest break of their year(~month and a half if memory serves). They're stressed from their first term, whether it's because end of term testing didn't go as well as they hoped, they were exceptionally bullied, or the plethora of other reasons that younger people hit those extreme lows.
It's not about procrastination, it's about when you hit that point and when you're about to go right back to the thing that was causing you so much stress before, you're likely hitting that point again.
I understand this comment was likely made as a joke but after the ***I've seen people go through I find it hard to be a joking matter...