Jet: I love when hacking a old game is simple...
So I patched Bare Knuckle2 (The Japanese version of Streets of Rage2) to not refuse booting on a SEGA Genesis. All it took was a single byte patch (and another elsewhere to correct the checksum value).
I had patched the SEGA Genesis version before to ignore the region locks but the USA version refuses to run correctly on PAL systems. So the Japanese version (which is actually the SAME rom chip for Europe) is originally compatible with both PAL and NTSC as long the console is not a SEGA Genesis.
That resulted on a "proper World version" of the game. It even changes the title screen to "Bare Knuckle" when put on a Japanese Mega Drive.
Now, off to write that on a EPROM and fit it on my Bare Knuckle2 cart. hehe