<(O.o)> Oh yeah, while I am bashing the Xbox 360 (that's right you heard me) I bought the Seeker's expansion and after it installed on the system, it RRoD on the reboot...
So I never actually got to play the expansion and just played on the PS2 again til some update that lagged the PS2 beyond playing and constantly locked up my system.
While I did enjoy the Xbox 360 for some of their games, I just can't even bring myself to think of buying another xbox system.
could try a reflow, while it's not a permafix it usually works for at least a bit if done "right." But obviously lead-free solder is brittle and will eventually crack again, especially since they didn't build proper cooling in the unit while trying to make it compliant.
If you know a place that can do bga rework for cheap could always have them replace the balls with leaded solder. I may still do that at some point, but more concerned with my 2 60GB PS3's than the stack of 360s.