I'm not sure who are making the reports, but these people who are clearly want a cleaner RT.
We have one of those. It's called Ni. RTT has always been a lighter hearted, free reign social interaction thread where people have had fun with each other. When a topic comes up that isn't unanimously enjoyed, most people go silent or change the subject to something that interests them (if not having the two conversations run parallel). If someone were to whine to a mod every time something they didn't want to talk about came up, there wouldn't be much of a thread left. Spoiler: people have differing interests.
I've never reported a post in RT, but for me personally, if a sexual discussion comes up, I'll quietly exit the thread and find something else to do. That isn't because I think badly about anyone here, I just don't like talking about sex with people I consider my friends. To me sex is a very personal thing between someone, and I honestly don't like seeing it dominating media as much as it does, and influencing games and tv shows to the point where I'll stop watching something because they're bringing in fanservice.
I don't mind that people talk about it, but I am the type of person who will quietly excuse myself to let others continue. It's just something that makes my gut twist and I have no issue with finding something else to do.
And you're more than welcome to that perspective. Stifling others (and from the looks of it, it's A LOT OF OTHERS in terms of who posts here) is the wrong course of action.
I know you bring up that you don't like topics like Dark Souls, and I understand we can talk about it a bit too much sometimes, but I don't think it actually makes anyone feel THAT way. If it did I'm sorry, and I wish you would of spoken up sooner because I personally would of stopped and kept it to the Dark Souls topic.
The point is no one should feel that way to begin with. No one's forcing them to take part in this string on conversation, and no one is forcing them to read it all.
If people were actually breaking rules, posting porn, having sex in the streets I'd understand why everyone's telling people to shut up and play with their legos. But none of that is happening.