By Asura.Abysswalker 2013-09-04 12:02:55
Why did I look at the recent screenshots? lol Can someone translate?
"THISISNTFB!!!TOTHELEFT!TOTHELEFT!!! or just dont bother clicking on my gif =D! what a brilliant idea ol' chap!! =D!! Illythia is reborn on Excalibur. But the server is now closed off so I created a new char. on Cerberus.3> --willtransfereventuallytowhicheverserverEarwig,Ejderha, Ryothen,Hotoups,Mirro, Kreed, and the rest of you lovers finally decide to settle on--<3 hope all my beautiful friends will join. I miss you all o' sooOOOoo very very VERY much! <33333333333333!!! OHANDICHOPPED6POUNDSOFHAIROFF!! =( Good thing it grows back. Anyways... PEACELoooOOOOOOveeeSMooOOOOOooocCHESHAPPINESSANDJOYJOYJOYJOY!! <3333333333! MUAH! ~If you'll be my damage dealer~ I'll be your long lost healer~ I can call you hero and you can call me healer! lalalalala. I bet you missed my ramblings =S NOT! =P"