Kind of annoying when people in their 30's act like immature children. -.- I need to reevaluate who I hang around with lol
Why are you hanging around with such ancient people in the first place? :I
Its my sister and her husband lol I have no choice!
Ah, yeah. Avoiding them would mean no internet. I see. :O
Stupid stuff man. He's 40 something and getting mad because she didn't call him on her lunch break. >.> She works across the street. Not even kidding lol
the days I dont have coffee I always fall asleep in class, and I try to go to bed early :c its like i dont want lunch money just give me coffee money so I can stay awake in class lol
Leon? Why didn't you text me from the bathroom? I MISS YOU! Are you cheating on me?!
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Could she have betrayed me? Nay, ne'er would my love speak false. I must have faith. She shall appear if I only believe! As the sun lends me no ear, I pray instead to the twin moons! I beseech thee, wondrous moonlight, grant me my only wish! Bring my beloved Dagger to me!
There! just so I can say I play my games I buy... I played Doom allllllllllll the way through (cause yeah it's short and all lol... >.>)
Get/Obtain Tomb Raider 2013. It's short enough but epic enough worth the entire play through. Trust me.
Yeah I played through a bit of it, and it was really good... I have it on my PC somewhere just have to find it again. (or buy it ... when I get the $$ >.>)
Leon? Why didn't you text me from the bathroom? I MISS YOU! Are you cheating on me?!
YouTube Video Placeholder
Could she have betrayed me? Nay, ne'er would my love speak false. I must have faith. She shall appear if I only believe! As the sun lends me no ear, I pray instead to the twin moons! I beseech thee, wondrous moonlight, grant me my only wish! Bring my beloved Dagger to me!
Totally didn't just act out that speech...
sugar, what have you done to me. ._.;
BAH! Want to play League but don't want to play a game by myself. x.x
This is a thread that I found on another website I post at. It can be really really interesting. I thought it deserved a place here.
Post your random thoughts for the day here, or anything else that intrigues you.
For starters, is it possible to give constructive critism to someone who doesn't have a neck? I totally just walked by a girl who didn't. Someone isn't getting a necklace for Valentines day!
And who decided black and white can't be colors? I want to say a racist. I really do.