By Bahamut.Snapple 2013-07-15 23:25:18
Here's a random thought, or maybe it's a regular thought held by a lot of people: Why do people like failing so much? And why do so many people back other players that can't complete basic functions, like running to a location in a certain manner of time (which I would assume is a standard requirement of joining a Delve LS)? I get blasted for calling out someone after the worst plasm run I have ever seen, even when Delve was brand new. And we don't even kill NMs beyond Mata, and we fail at counting to 7. Yet when I call out people to step their game up to a mediocre level, everyone wants to give me the ol' "Oh I'm sure you never screwed up before". Like this? No, sir, I don't screw up like that, and you are welcome to point it out the time you see me do it, which is so rare you will probably win a Rank 1 Mog Bonanza before you see it. I love SE for adding all this content that adds a challenge to the game, but how am I suppose to enjoy it if the general populace of people I play with can't count? People wonder why JP are the majority of people clearing Bosses, and I curse God for getting me addicted to this game while not speaking a lick of their language. /rant off