battle of FFXI players vs FFXIV players
There is no battle, only Zuul! Also, FFXIV wins.
Don't know, I'm hearing quite a few ffxiv beta testers saying the opposite.
The biggest issues with it so far are that it has a slow start up like most MMOs combined with none of the content in the beta requiring any particular level of mastery to succeed.
For example with proper timing tanks can avoid many of the more dangerous TP moves, but you can survive with out it so a large chunk don't bother. (Yes catnip I'm looking at you :P)
Lancers can improve their damage be keeping Heavy Thrust active, but it's not a huge improvement so they don't.
Cnj should have plenty of time/mp to be nuking as well as healing, but most are too busy dealing with the extra healing for the tank that's not dodging, or just view nuking as outside their responsibility or something. I don't pretend to understand how healers think.
I could go on but there is plenty there, it just goes unused by a large chunk of players that would rather just spam 1 2 the whole time.