Tbh,I rarely pay retail,or even full price for pc games. Physical special editions being the exception because Quiz is crazy. Even brand new games that I'm not sure of or only buy on a whim I get cheap usually. Pre-purchased metro last light for 23 euro the day before release. Pretty much everything in my steam catalogue was bought either on sale or through other cheaper means.
The sale will kick my *** most likely. I feel obligated to buy alot of ***simply because its 2.50 or 4.99 or something lol,even if I dont want the game. I bought the new Hitman game about a month ago. No interest in the game at all,but it was 8.99 >_>;; Same with the batman collection. 7.50 for both games on pc. Have them all done on xbox,probably will never play them on pc.....WHO CARES! /buy
I'm terrible ;-;