By Fenrir.Weakness 2013-06-30 10:17:32
So... got new headphones to wear under my helmet. Went from Klipsch Image S4 II's to Shure SE215's.
For single driver in ears, the Shures are actually pretty good. Little on the bass heavy side, which swallows the mids a bit, and the sound stage isn't quite anything to write home about.
On the plus side, holy ***at the sound isolation. Virtually 0 wind noise at 70 MPH, can barely hear my engine rev so I gotta feel the shifts... and the zero profile makes them awesome for not popping out when I slide my helmet on.
Overall, worth the $100... thinking I may need an amp to hopefully make it sound better. Anyone have any experience with portable amps? I hear the FiiO E11 is actually pretty decent, but clips the sound stage. Just not sure of it is worth dropping $60 for an amp for headphones my phone can drive just fine (only 20 ohms) in hopes of improving sound quality.