So, I had a dream last night that was AH related.
We all must have worked together at an office, or school, or something similar. At first, I don't actually see anyone, but there are bits of conversation going around.
In the building we are in, there's also a sort of grocery store. That's where my dream seems to begin. It's about 9AM, and I'm being told, "...He said alcohol is the only way he'll make it through today."
At this point I look over and it's Zahrah talking to me (and I never found out who "He" is, but I woke up assuming it was Urial). She's trying to decide which bottle to buy.
I reply with, "Well, it's got to be the afternoon
somewhere, right?" And as I finish my sentence, I glance over at Leon (because, you know, he's in a different time zone). He just smiles and gives an agreeable nod.
Next thing I know, I'm sitting on a park bench talking with Zahrah (about what? I don't know... The only thing I'm 100% sure I've talked about with her are old Incubus songs). There's a tiny baby there, but it's not her baby. And it goes right over the edge of the bench and is just hanging there by one hand until I reach down and pick it up.
At this point it changes and the fun of the people from AH is gone. Apparently it's my cousin's baby, and the baby is a freaking genius, repeating words back that I say to it, at two months old. (FYI, my cousin doesn't have a two month old baby.)
... Aaaaand, that's all I remember. There may have been more people to it, but Zahrah and Leon (as well as the possible Urial reference) are the only ones I remember. For all I know, Spath was busy stocking the shelves of the store we were in!