April Update On Fields Of Valor & Treasure Caskets

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April Update on Fields of Valor & Treasure Caskets
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Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2838
By Shiva.Artemicion 2009-03-06 04:09:55
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All I can say is: Oh snap!

Anyways, discuss~
By 2009-03-06 04:13:47
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Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Korpg
Posts: 7782
By Asura.Korpg 2009-03-06 05:06:03
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The NM system, sounds a lot like the ZNM system really, except you don't have to take pictures.

I wonder, if they will be Tough for 75s to kill. Seems to be a quick and easy way to gather BSs quickly (oh great, a method for RMTs to exploit).

And, I wonder what the equipment from the new areas and NMs going to be? Something along the lines of O.Kote/Emp Hairpin/Bounding Boots or something like that?
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: Sterling
Posts: 1050
By Carbuncle.Sterling 2009-03-06 06:36:12
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Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Davinia
Posts: 80
By Asura.Davinia 2009-03-06 07:06:14
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Korpg said:
And, I wonder what the equipment from the new areas and NMs going to be? Something along the lines of O.Kote/Emp Hairpin/Bounding Boots or something like that?

makes sense for these items that are sought after :) I myself have camped O.Kote a fair few times and have been unsuccessful, but to be given an alternative method would be great so i think this will be a very welcome one for many people!

Oh and did i see a Field Manual in Sky?
Server: Fairy
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user: Azulmagia
Posts: 707
By Fairy.Azulmagia 2009-03-06 07:11:28
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Wow, the FoV updates look really nice. Admittedly, that's probably the best thing we can expect from this update... but I'll be happy with that alone, really. FoV's been the best thing to happen to lowbie parties and some soloing in a {long time}.
Server: Siren
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user: Enternius
Posts: 10387
By Siren.Enternius 2009-03-06 07:13:27
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Finally something to make the hours of farming Diorites and Ro'Maeve Waters less arduous and boring.

Edit: Nevermind. The Shrine of Ru'Avitau is a dungeon and there's none of this stuff in dungeons. Got my hopes up though, it did.
Server: Midgardsormr
Game: FFXI
user: frobeus
Posts: 1498
By Midgardsormr.Frobeus 2009-03-06 08:06:27
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Can we get a copy/paste of the story, for those that have POL blocked by work.
Server: Ifrit
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Posts: 1755
By Ifrit.Haseyo 2009-03-06 08:11:13
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The ffxiwiki is blocked too? o.o
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: zanno
Posts: 2849
By Carbuncle.Zanno 2009-03-06 08:11:53
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Copy pasta!

An Ever-expanding Sphere of Enjoyment!

The above-mentioned systems will be made available in the Rise of the Zilart areas listed below:
Cape Teriggan / Eastern Altepa Desert / The Sanctuary of Zi'Tah / Ro'Maeve / Yuhtunga Jungle / Yhoator Jungle / Western Altepa Desert / Valley of Sorrows / Ru'Aun Gardens

Treasure Caskets appearing for the first time in these areas will yield an array of rewards unique to their respective locales.

Enhanced Access to Fields of Valor!

In addition to the above Rise of the Zilart locations, the following original areas are also scheduled to host a Field Manual:
East Ronfaure / La Theine Plateau / Batallia Downs / South Gustaberg / Konschtat Highlands / Rolanberry Fields / East Sarutabaruta / Tahrongi Canyon / Sauromugue Champaign / Behemoth's Dominion

In light of the expansion of playable areas for Fields of Valor, a number of preexisting training regimes will be relocated for the sake of convenience. Currently, there are regimes for which the objectives are found in a different area from where the issuing Field Manual is situated. The next version update will eliminate hassles such as having to make a long trek to La Theine after receiving regime objectives in West Ronfaure.

As the icing on this veritable cake of convenience, each Fields of Valor area is scheduled to host multiple Field Manuals, so you can spend less of your precious adventuring time in commute, and more on completing your objectives and reaping the rich rewards.

NMs Set to Join the Fray!

Fields of Valor was created so that all players could have lighthearted yet fruitful adventuring available at their fingertips. Following in the footsteps of this ideal, the April version update will usher in challenging new objectives—elite training regimes—that will have hearts pumping in the ears of even the most seasoned adventurers.

Accessing these elite training regimes requires key items which can be obtained in exchange for tabs, and your choice of gil, beastmen's seals, or a piece of equipment. Rewards granted upon completion of an objective will vary depending on the combination of the above. For example, adventurers who trade gil will be handsomely rewarded in kind, while beastmen's seals will garner you an amount of experience points corresponding to the quantity traded. Those who dare to relinquish equipment, on the other hand, can expect delightful rewards the likes of which have never been seen before on Vana'diel!
As an added bonus, no experience penalties will be imposed even if your best effort at fulfilling an objective results in a humiliating defeat at the hands of your quarry. So go on, get out there and prove your worth and valor!

*Due to the grueling nature of these elite training regimes, no more than one can be undertaken per day (Earth time).
Server: Midgardsormr
Game: FFXI
user: frobeus
Posts: 1498
By Midgardsormr.Frobeus 2009-03-06 08:46:06
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and yeah :/ pol/wiki/KI/BG all blocked at work - -
Server: Caitsith
Game: FFXI
user: Surreal
Posts: 1533
By Caitsith.Surreal 2009-03-06 09:46:41
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Whoo! Very excited for this update ^^ Definitely going to be trying the elite training regimes xD!
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Farias
Posts: 47
By Bahamut.Farias 2009-03-06 10:00:37
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More locations and more books within those locations. Not to mention relocationg respective objectives so you don't have to get one for La Theine Plateau from West Ronfaure.

SE is finally getting the idea that some of us have school, jobs, kids, etc. that eat up to much time to be constantly looking for a party. FFXI is finally becoming more solo friendly and I'm all for it.
Server: Caitsith
Game: FFXI
user: Surreal
Posts: 1533
By Caitsith.Surreal 2009-03-06 10:06:31
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Farias said:
More locations and more books within those locations. Not to mention relocationg respective objectives so you don't have to get one for La Theine Plateau from West Ronfaure.

SE is finally getting the idea that some of us have school, jobs, kids, etc. that eat up to much time to be constantly looking for a party. FFXI is finally becoming more solo friendly and I'm all for it.

I'm for it too :D
Server: Caitsith
Game: FFXI
user: Neonracer
Posts: 2748
By Caitsith.Neonracer 2009-03-06 10:10:28
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Surreal said:
Farias said:
FFXI is finally becoming more solo friendly and I'm all for it.

I'm for it too :D

Solo Friendly, and also too, Family friendly!

I too am a dad, and sometimes, its nice to get a party.. but when your in a party, and your child has a accident ( i.e diaper change to potty) you have to politely say wait for one more mob.. ah yes.. kk one sec.. <child> <dia>per 1 <minute> ...LOL

Now you can solo with ease.. and have no angry looks from your wife, or gf or fiance and still change your child in peace!!

Thanks SE for thinking about the Family aspect of it. I'm sure my son thanks you and above all, he'll be playing next with me and along side his dad b/c of this!

Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Farias
Posts: 47
By Bahamut.Farias 2009-03-06 10:15:22
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Neonracer said:
Surreal said:
Farias said:
FFXI is finally becoming more solo friendly and I'm all for it.

I'm for it too :D

Solo Friendly, and also too, Family friendly!

I too am a dad, and sometimes, its nice to get a party.. but when your in a party, and your child has a accident ( i.e diaper change to potty) you have to politely say wait for one more mob.. ah yes.. kk one sec.. <child> <dia>per 1 <minute> ...LOL

Now you can solo with ease.. and have no angry looks from your wife, or gf or fiance and still change your child in peace!!

Thanks SE for thinking about the Family aspect of it. I'm sure my son thanks you and above all, he'll be playing next with me and along side his dad b/c of this!


I'm right there with you. I got a 9 month old and it sucks when I find a party that is pulling so well that I constantly see "You must wait longer to perform that action." and all of a sudden I gotta ruin it to change her or get her a bottle or sippy cup.

Thankfully I've never been kicked for it and people are understanding but I still feel bad burdening a party like that.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Celene
Posts: 2467
By Asura.Celene 2009-03-06 10:36:31
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Thank you, SE.
<3 About time soloing picked up.
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 79
By Sylph.Uchisokonau 2009-03-06 10:45:06
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Korpg said:
The NM system, sounds a lot like the ZNM system really, except you don't have to take pictures.

I wonder, if they will be Tough for 75s to kill. Seems to be a quick and easy way to gather BSs quickly (oh great, a method for RMTs to exploit).

And, I wonder what the equipment from the new areas and NMs going to be? Something along the lines of O.Kote/Emp Hairpin/Bounding Boots or something like that?

You are asked to Trade BS's to do the "Elite Training Regimes" not get them as a reward. If anything, this (provided the exp is good), might detract some BCNMs from happening, but since the only reward you get from trading BSs is exp (no items were mentioned) this will be vary dependent on the exchange rate.

As far as items, they stated "the likes of which have never been seen before" so I dought it will be ex/rare versions of already existing items (i.e. EH, O-kote, etc.). Maybe a JSE set? Also I would like to think that the elite regimes/NMs would be similiar in level to the area in which the FoV is found. So say in Valkrum Dunes, maybe it's a mob that would take 6 lvl 20s to kill and their would be a lvl 20 cap upon entering said RNM (Regime Notorious Monster, yes folks you heard the acronym here first. I claim patent :P)
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Yotevol
Posts: 1169
By Asura.Yotevol 2009-03-06 10:45:45
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This looks like great news.
We shall see.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Darkmoose
Posts: 456
By Odin.Aramina 2009-03-06 10:46:44
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Amen, this looks awesome!

I have a few low jobs that I'd like to level, and while I've been helping a friend get some of his subjobs out of the way, we have used FoV extensively.

Also, with my latest venture being SMN to 37+, I love FoV because in conjunction with an EXP band and the adjustments to EP-DC mob EXP, I can make pretty good EXP soloing and getting to actually play SMN the way that I want to, and not having to be a fake WHM.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1733
By Asura.Malekith 2009-03-06 10:48:06
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Enternius said:
Finally something to make the hours of farming Diorites and Ro'Maeve Waters less arduous and boring.

Edit: Nevermind. The Shrine of Ru'Avitau is a dungeon and there's none of this stuff in dungeons. Got my hopes up though, it did.

HOWEVER, Despot is outside in Ru'Ann... LoL I wonder if you get extra tabs from popping/ killing him according to FoV? :D
Server: Gilgamesh
Game: FFXI
user: alyria
Posts: 13080
By Gilgamesh.Alyria 2009-03-06 10:50:03
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Aramina said:
Amen, this looks awesome!

I have a few low jobs that I'd like to level, and while I've been helping a friend get some of his subjobs out of the way, we have used FoV extensively.

Also, with my latest venture being SMN to 37+, I love FoV because in conjunction with an EXP band and the adjustments to EP-DC mob EXP, I can make pretty good EXP soloing and getting to actually play SMN the way that I want to, and not having to be a fake WHM.

I never thought of that for my smn when I wanna goof around. I'll have to play with my smn with that.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1733
By Asura.Malekith 2009-03-06 10:50:09
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Uchisokonau said:
RNM (Regime Notorious Monster, yes folks you heard the acronym here first. I claim patent :P)

Actually the correct terminology would be copyright/trademark. Patent is a whole other Intellectual Property scheme...
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 79
By Sylph.Uchisokonau 2009-03-06 10:52:08
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Yeah i relized after i typed it and I was going to ninjaedit but too late now, someone already noticed. Anyways I'm having RNM copyrighted lol.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Darkmoose
Posts: 456
By Odin.Aramina 2009-03-06 11:32:19
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With the 20-Tab Refresh, it's pretty sweet. With Carby Mitts and that, I actually had +1 MP/tick with Carby out at SMN 25-26, and static MP at SMN 27 (28 atm).

Fenrir is 2/tic perp. cost with FoV Refresh and Trait Refresh.

Depending on the day, I'll typically start a mob with Crescent Fang and Carby to finish, and with Emperor Band, a DC mob goes for 105-135 EXP, fast and easy with little MP spent. Add the FoV bonus on there after your kill list, and it's quite nice.

It will be very nice to have this expanded into more areas, and I may be tempted to keep going with SMN past 37 if I can find good places to FoV it.
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 79
By Sylph.Uchisokonau 2009-03-06 11:35:40
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Aramina said:
With the 20-Tab Refresh, it's pretty sweet. With Carby Mitts and that, I actually had +1 MP/tick with Carby out at SMN 25-26, and static MP at SMN 27 (28 atm).

Fenrir is 2/tic perp. cost with FoV Refresh and Trait Refresh.

Depending on the day, I'll typically start a mob with Crescent Fang and Carby to finish, and with Emperor Band, a DC mob goes for 105-135 EXP, fast and easy with little MP spent. Add the FoV bonus on there after your kill list, and it's quite nice.

It will be very nice to have this expanded into more areas, and I may be tempted to keep going with SMN past 37 if I can find good places to FoV it.

Yeah i think the greatest adds to that list were the Elshimo regions (low and uplands) and the Kuztoz. Will make it really nice for soloers; both smn and bst alike.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 26
By Quetzalcoatl.Arthur 2009-03-06 11:55:37
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This will be cool
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: JileFFXI
Posts: 126
By Phoenix.Jile 2009-03-06 12:02:44
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While FOV is great for solo - it's made good camps like the tower in qufim... useless during peak times.

I notice everyone seems really happy about this update but honestly I'm dreading it - just more areas that are going to be hard to level subjobs due to over population of players eating up all the mobs >.<

First Qufim.. Then Kazham.. Next update they might as well make Garbage Shitadel FOV friendly.. >.>
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Farias
Posts: 47
By Bahamut.Farias 2009-03-06 12:23:20
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Jile said:
While FOV is great for solo - it's made good camps like the tower in qufim... useless during peak times.

I notice everyone seems really happy about this update but honestly I'm dreading it - just more areas that are going to be hard to level subjobs due to over population of players eating up all the mobs >.<

First Qufim.. Then Kazham.. Next update they might as well make Garbage Shitadel FOV friendly.. >.>

You have a valid point and when it comes to partying, these places have been overcrowded even before FoV and Level Sync came out. The only thing I can say is while there may not be a book there, people have forgotten that there are alternatives to the beaten path. There are many places to level at respective levels but everyone has a mindset that you must go where everyone else goes.

But at the same time, like I said, those less common places may not get a book and will lose more appeal then ever now even for soloers.
Server: Gilgamesh
Game: FFXI
user: alyria
Posts: 13080
By Gilgamesh.Alyria 2009-03-06 12:25:22
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Jile said:
While FOV is great for solo - it's made good camps like the tower in qufim... useless during peak times.

I notice everyone seems really happy about this update but honestly I'm dreading it - just more areas that are going to be hard to level subjobs due to over population of players eating up all the mobs >.<

First Qufim.. Then Kazham.. Next update they might as well make Garbage Shitadel FOV friendly.. >.>

but they could be adding more of the fov areas to reduce the amount of people in certain places. I do understand the Qufim thing cause even I don't wanna pt there now with it so crowded. So it might help take away the soloers in quifim and the main places ppl xp and have them go to less crowded areas to solo.
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