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Server: Bismarck
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Posts: 2595
By Bismarck.Elanabelle 2011-01-17 03:49:55
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Time for another log on the fire of debate about Islamic practices and culture.

So, apparently in Pakistan, people are shunned if they have a child "out of wedlock", and adultery can be punishable with death.

But .... it's apparently acceptable to murder newborn infants, or abandon them at the dump?

How does a culture develop in this way, really?

I know I've read stories about the Ancient Spartans abandoning ill newborns. But this Islam-based practice in Pakistan sounds like women will abandon or kill even healthy newborn children, solely to avoid social persecution for being a "sinner"?

How is the heartless, soulless act of killing an innocent and helpless infant not also considered a vile sin?
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6558
By Odin.Zicdeh 2011-01-17 04:06:17
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Prom Night dumpster babies.

Also, Islam is stupid, yeah, I said it.
Server: Shiva
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Posts: 23653
By Shiva.Flionheart 2011-01-17 04:11:50
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He thinks this only happens with Islam

Server: Kujata
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user: sruon
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By Kujata.Wumble 2011-01-17 04:36:43
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ps: this happens everywhere
Server: Bahamut
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user: dasva
Posts: 13835
By Bahamut.Dasva 2011-01-17 04:40:19
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Sounds like christianity a century or 2 ago on back. Well except the shunning that's everywhere still lol. Well not as much as say jsut a few decades ago but still.

Hell orginal sin is even funnier
Server: Cerberus
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user: 1spjolst
Posts: 20
By Cerberus.Shaan 2011-01-17 05:13:12
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Odin.Zicdeh said:
Prom Night dumpster babies.

Also, Islam is stupid, yeah, I said it.

your a *** dumbass lol, never heard of this happening anywhere. And if it ever did it has nothing to do with islam, it would take *** up people to do such a thing. I know plenty of people who have had kids outside marriage in pakistan.

So lets sum my rant up, your Stupid. have a nice day.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 23653
By Shiva.Flionheart 2011-01-17 05:14:12
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Cerberus.Shaan said:

Odin.Zicdeh said:
Prom Night dumpster babies.

Also, Islam is stupid, yeah, I said it.

your a *** dumbass lol, never heard of this happening anywhere. And if it ever did it has nothing to do with islam, it would take *** up people to do such a thing. I know plenty of people who have had kids outside marriage in pakistan.

So lets sum my rant up, your Stupid. have a nice day.

Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: dasva
Posts: 13835
By Bahamut.Dasva 2011-01-17 05:18:53
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You've never heard of a prom night dumpster baby? Have you been living under a rock or something?
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 23653
By Shiva.Flionheart 2011-01-17 05:20:51
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We don't have proms in the UK

Well my school didn't anyway.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: dasva
Posts: 13835
By Bahamut.Dasva 2011-01-17 05:22:53
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But you do have family guy no?

Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 23653
By Shiva.Flionheart 2011-01-17 05:23:47
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We do lol.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6558
By Odin.Zicdeh 2011-01-17 05:27:11
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Cerberus.Shaan said:

Odin.Zicdeh said:
Prom Night dumpster babies.

Also, Islam is stupid, yeah, I said it.

your a *** dumbass lol, never heard of this happening anywhere. And if it ever did it has nothing to do with islam, it would take *** up people to do such a thing. I know plenty of people who have had kids outside marriage in pakistan.

So lets sum my rant up, your Stupid. have a nice day.

Never said it didn't happen anywhere else.

You lack even the most basic comprehension skills by the way. Prom Night Dumpster Baby is an American reference to this happening, so obviously I'm well aware it happens, at the very least, in the United States as well.

So actually, you're the dumbass, and Islam is still stupid.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: 1spjolst
Posts: 20
By Cerberus.Shaan 2011-01-17 05:36:00
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No reason to why Islam is stupid , No proof to as why its stupid yet you say it is so it MUST BE TRUE. I'm the dumbass because I explained why i said what i did yet all you an do is hate on a religeon you clearly don't know?

This is the part you explain why 1.Islam is stupid, 2. show proof ISLAM ENCOURAGES WHATEVER THAT IS, or my favourite number 3. stfu before people label you for even posting ***.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 23653
By Shiva.Flionheart 2011-01-17 05:40:48
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Cerberus.Shaan said:
No reason to why Islam is stupid , No proof to as why its stupid yet you say it is so it MUST BE TRUE. I'm the dumbass because I explained why i said what i did yet all you an do is hate on a religeon you clearly don't know?

This is the part you explain why 1.Islam is stupid, 2. show proof ISLAM ENCOURAGES WHATEVER THAT IS, or my favourite number 3. stfu before people label you for even posting ***.

People can have opinions Broseidon.

I'm not particularly fond of Islam and its archaic ideals myself.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: 1spjolst
Posts: 20
By Cerberus.Shaan 2011-01-17 05:47:08
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People are welcome to their opinion, good to discuss stuff but you cant make a comment like "islam is stupid" without backing it up lol.

If you post something like this on a public forum you should at least have something to justify it.

Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6558
By Odin.Zicdeh 2011-01-17 05:55:57
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Cerberus.Shaan said:
No reason to why Islam is stupid , No proof to as why its stupid yet you say it is so it MUST BE TRUE. I'm the dumbass because I explained why i said what i did yet all you an do is hate on a religeon you clearly don't know?

This is the part you explain why 1.Islam is stupid, 2. show proof ISLAM ENCOURAGES WHATEVER THAT IS, or my favourite number 3. stfu before people label you for even posting ***.

First off, know that I hate all religion, at least the organization of such.

1. Muhammad is/was a False prophet. While Islam acknowledges the existence of Jesus Christ, they completely ignore the fact he said "There shall be none after me" or whatever. (Sort of in the same line how all the Christians totally call Old Testament ***, even though the New Testament negates it as said by Christ). Additionally, the amount of denial from Islamic followers is even shocking to my already jaded eyes. You can't get through 2 pages of the Koran without some ***about how the Infidel is less, the Nonbeliever should be eradicated, ect, while at the same time, you always hear them saying "Oh, it's preaching lolpeace ugyz". Also, Muhammad was a pedophile, though to be fair, 9 is still legal around those parts.

2. I never said this was Islam related, Islam is just stupid, for more information See: 1.

Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: 1spjolst
Posts: 20
By Cerberus.Shaan 2011-01-17 06:05:22
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How did i know that was coming lol XD, every person uses that same arguement in every debate when have nothing else to say.

I agree with you about the pedophile thing, I was brought up to follow Islam, left it after studying, even so it in no way encourages the killing of any life, which is what this stupid forum was made to discuss (btw whoever started this forum is a retard)

it doesn't matter much to me but i thought i'd post this link anyway.
(yes i know i keep editing this post! lol, islam is not stupid, if it were none of the facts in this link or any other related would be, and take into account the Quran is a unchanged text in no way edited since it was written)

just a lil something people overlook

my personal opinion is If Muhammad was a prophet,he was not a good one, he abused this to commit sick acts (yes the pedo thing). Even tho I don't follow this religion, because he chose to abuse his position doesn't mean he was a false prophet.

Prophet = Messenger of god.

anyway i'm done with this topic lol.

Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Katniss
Posts: 171
By Asura.Katniss 2011-01-17 06:12:09
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Posts: 1217
By Luz 2011-01-17 07:44:40
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According to Pakistani law, anyone found to have abandoned an infant can be jailed for seven years, while anyone guilty of secretly burying a child can be imprisoned for two years. Murder is punishable with life imprisonment.

In the conservative Muslim nation, where the birth of children outside of marriage is condemned and adultery is a crime punishable by death under strict interpretations of Islamic law, infanticide is a crime on the rise.

Elana can't read his own links. Who is surprised?
Server: Caitsith
Game: FFXI
user: Neonracer
Posts: 2748
By Caitsith.Neonracer 2011-01-17 08:21:48
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When I saw this..I shook my head.. The western society needs moar procreation...
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Munky
Posts: 2614
By Bismarck.Angeleus 2011-01-17 08:53:34
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Cerberus.Shaan said:
anyway i'm done with this topic lol.


Luz said:
Elana can't read his own links. Who is surprised?

Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Terminus
Posts: 3351
By Fenrir.Terminus 2011-01-17 09:47:09
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Cerberus.Shaan said:

Odin.Zicdeh said:
Prom Night dumpster babies.

Also, Islam is stupid, yeah, I said it.

your a *** dumbass lol, never heard of this happening anywhere. And if it ever did it has nothing to do with islam, it would take *** up people to do such a thing. I know plenty of people who have had kids outside marriage in pakistan.

So lets sum my rant up, your Stupid. have a nice day.

Of course you do. I am not saying that you're full of ***, just that it is terribly coincidental. I mean, it's one thing if you said that you knew some Islamic people. But just to happen to know "plenty of people who have had kids outside marriage in Pakistan?" That's pretty specific. And there's always that one person who has direct knowledge of the obscure or remote situation.

"Oh yeah? Well my sister IS a volunteer firefighter in Iceland's Third Fire Protection area and SHE says..."

"My Dad was the software programmer for the Apollo 13 Mission and HE says..."

"I was THERE when the government buried Jimmy Hoffa's body in Newfoundland - so it's really not a mystery to me!"

Those kinds of things.

Edit: And anyways, even if you DO know plenty of unwed families in Pakistan - that still doesn't mean ***. Unless you're saying you know enough to represent the full spectrum of social, economic and religious conditions in that country.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 488
By Cerberus.Finalvegeta 2011-01-17 09:50:00
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There is no god
Server: Ifrit
Game: FFXI
Posts: 24692
By Ifrit.Kungfuhustle 2011-01-17 09:53:25
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Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2595
By Bismarck.Elanabelle 2011-01-17 13:20:13
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Luz said:

Elana can't read his own links. Who is surprised?

Luz, you're always good for a "lulz".

The article describes how infanticide is a "crime on the rise", meaning its practice is becoming increasingly more common. However, it is NOT (according to the article) being prosecuted more commonly. In fact, the article states that infanticide is rarely even investigated by law officials in Pakistan.

Server: Ifrit
Game: FFXI
Posts: 24692
By Ifrit.Kungfuhustle 2011-01-17 13:25:26
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Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Munky
Posts: 2614
By Bismarck.Angeleus 2011-01-17 13:40:10
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Bismarck.Elanabelle said:
Luz said:

Elana can't read his own links. Who is surprised?

Luz, you're always good for a "lulz".

Umm... Really? I guess we are all suppose to ww
Posts: 1217
By Luz 2011-01-17 13:46:55
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Bismarck.Elanabelle said:
Luz said:

Elana can't read his own links. Who is surprised?

Luz, you're always good for a "lulz".

The article describes how infanticide is a "crime on the rise", meaning its practice is becoming increasingly more common. However, it is NOT (according to the article) being prosecuted more commonly. In fact, the article states that infanticide is rarely even investigated by law officials in Pakistan.

Your OP says:

But .... it's apparently acceptable to murder newborn infants, or abandon them at the dump?

When it is really not. Crime being on the rise doesn't make it acceptable. You're the joke in this thread.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2595
By Bismarck.Elanabelle 2011-01-18 09:29:48
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Luz said:

Your OP says:

But .... it's apparently acceptable to murder newborn infants, or abandon them at the dump?

When it is really not. Crime being on the rise doesn't make it acceptable. You're the joke in this thread.

Ummm, I'd venture to say that a crime being on the rise means more and more people are finding it to be an acceptable practice. If not, then the crime wouldn't be on the rise.

It's ok if you can't use your brain though, Goldilocks.
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