Can someone edit the recipe results to be "Puk Fleching" instead of ".".
Puk Wing
Puk Fletching
(Please don't smack me lol, but I had to ask..)
Blessed Mitts (on Phoenix server):
Reflects Square Of Galateia as under 10k because the median stack price is reflected at the 'old' price range of 110k for median. Singles are currently in the 100k range each instead of under 10k.
Is there anything that can be done to bring the actual cost of the items in line with reality (when looking at Phoenix's recipes - other servers are fine because they never sold stacks before the price explosion).
I guess one way to fix this (if there is time/resources available to fix it) is to have the option to base prices on single or stack as a pull down filter beside each item in a recipe? (There are many times singles are cheaper for one reason or another than buying stacks so this feature may be of more benefit than just a recipe here and there).
Anyway - I also wanted to say THANK YOU guys for all the work you put into keeping this resource up and working for us all!