What Grinds Your Gears?

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What grinds your gears?
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Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Liela
Posts: 10191
By Odin.Liela 2013-08-18 14:06:21
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Things I am officially sick to death of hearing (well, sick an inch from death, I won't actually die if I hear them one more time but it will be close!) :

"Eat a cheeseburger!/Are you getting enough to eat, dear?/Are you anorexic?"

Guess what guys? Some people are scrawny-- and it's ok! The sky is not going to fall because my elbows are bony. The communists are not going to win because I can wear children's shirts. Nobody has divided by zero. Everything is all right. I eat more cheeseburgers than I should. I am getting enough to eat, not that it's any of your business... dear. And when has it ever been ok to ask someone if they have an eating disorder? And why is it assumed that skinny people do? What the heck does quick metabolism and genetics from a family of scrawny people have to do with anything? Gee, I wonder.

"You'll change your mind!/It's different when they're your own./This is just a phase, you'll grow out of it."

I say I don't want kids. You blurt out one of this horrifically overused phrases. I immediately want to smack you. Who are you, exactly, to tell me what I might feel in the future? Don't you think maybe I should be the one who worries about what I might feel in the future? And as for it being different when they are my own, so what? That negates almost none of the reasons why I don't want kids. And frankly, it does not make me want children any more than I do now (that is, not at all.) And no, me saying I don't want them isn't an invitation for you to start listing off all the wonderful things about having kids. I'm glad you are happy with yours; it doesn't mean I need to have one. And it doesn't mean that your condescending bullying on whether or not I should have one is ok. I'm going to live my life, you go on and live yours. Shoo! Hurry, shoo! This conversation has wasted five seconds of time that you will never get back to spend with your squalling child!

"Oh, you're an atheist, why are you worshiping Satan?/Oh, you're an atheist, I'll pray for you./Oh, you're an atheist, you're just rebelling."

Well, it's kinda hard to worship someone I don't believe in, but if it will make you shush about it, I'll be sure to let "Satan" know that this gets on my nerves. You're not praying for me, you're praying against me. You're praying that I leave myself behind and go live my life as you see fit. If I thought praying had any effect on anything, I would be offended. And no, believing something different than you doesn't make me in a stage of rebellion. It just means I believe something different from you.

*Ring ring!*

Me: Hello?

Caller: Oh yes is so-and-so there?

Me: No sorry, wrong number.

Caller: Are you sure?

Me: ...

I don't even know how to whine about that. No dude, you're right, so-and-so that I've never met nor heard of is right here, I just don't want to let you talk to her! I'm keeping her all to myself! MWAHAHAH!

*This has been Whine and Cheese Hour with Liela, in which I tell you things that I am sick of hearing. Tune in next time at Never O'Clock for the next installment of incessant whining!*
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Jassik
Posts: 9534
By Odin.Jassik 2013-08-18 14:12:31
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The 3AM texts from some random drunk guy who got the wrong number and is trying to get back with his ex. Ya, its fun to mess with them the first few times, I've probably sent a few racing to their ex's apartment to "make up", but it gets damn old.

Just because you're filled with regret, insecurity, and Jager, doesn't mean a text message is going to fix your inability to keep you willy out of a coworker and magically fix a broken relationship from 4 years ago.
By 2013-08-18 15:28:09
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Server: Seraph
Game: FFXI
user: Koroma
By Seraph.Koroma 2013-10-31 18:32:05
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I hate authoritarians and living in NY with all my very being.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Ihina
Posts: 3187
By Bismarck.Ihina 2013-10-31 18:42:05
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Mainly, defending obesity and improper use of science (ie. evolution is wrong because where did the universe come from!)
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Server: Excalibur
user: AnnaMolly
Posts: 25995
By Anna Ruthven 2013-10-31 18:42:47
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By 2013-10-31 19:03:00
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Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: Angeluzun
Posts: 616
By Valefor.Angeluzun 2013-10-31 19:03:34
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playing ffxi once a month (if that) and the one time I want to log in: 50min update~ sigh

edit: wow, Leila went in at the top of this page LOL
By 2013-10-31 19:05:33
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Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Echandra
Posts: 546
By Asura.Echandra 2013-10-31 19:07:34
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THE DOUBLE LANE DRIVE they install in MdDonalds nowadays...

getting in one "lane"....then sitting there patiently since it looks like you will be next in line only to watch other people drive up, go to other drive, and get served before you do. The f'n thing basically tells people it is ok to not be patient and cut in front of others if the opportunity presents itself.

Then somehow you all merge back into one lane and hope there's no dbag that cuts you off in a frantic attempt to be at the front of the line.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: onagh
Posts: 3189
By Cerberus.Conagh 2013-10-31 19:17:02
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What grinds my gears..................

The English Weather.
The English Complaining about the Weather.
Prices at my Local Tesco.
Cost of petrol.
Idiots in parliament.
Repeats of television programmes that run for 5 months.
A "free for all" health care system including non-tax paying immigrants.
A "Walk in" immigration control.
Bull ***self defense laws in the UK.
People who can't stick to the damn point.
People who derail forums for giggles.
People who go back on their word.
People who can't say yes or no, because they're paralytically incapable of upsetting someone.
Spineless people who lack the conviction to get something done.
The idiots who decided to tear up a road, make it look like a pavement, wonder why people died and then do it again somewhere else only to remove it, place something even more HELP I AM TRAPPED IN 2006 PLEASE SEND A TIME MACHINE there and then remove it again and revert to what it was originally, and then push our taxes up higher to pay for it.
Motorists who use the Mobile while driving.
Smoking ban in doors.
Police who's hands are tied by useless bureaucracy, arrest 1 criminal, have 2 hours of paperwork to do.
The fact I can't take a baseball bat to complete morons who shouldn't have their jobs and simply make other peoples lives 10x more difficult because their a moron.
The Colour Green.

And these are just a few things that have annoyed me Today.

Overall not a bad day ~
By 2013-10-31 23:01:35
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Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Jassik
Posts: 9534
By Odin.Jassik 2013-11-01 00:13:57
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Asura.Squishytaru said: »
Asura.Echandra said: »
THE DOUBLE LANE DRIVE they install in MdDonalds nowadays...

getting in one "lane"....then sitting there patiently since it looks like you will be next in line only to watch other people drive up, go to other drive, and get served before you do. The f'n thing basically tells people it is ok to not be patient and cut in front of others if the opportunity presents itself.

Then somehow you all merge back into one lane and hope there's no dbag that cuts you off in a frantic attempt to be at the front of the line.

Oh they should put those all over NYC!

Your first mistake was not just walking into Mickey D's if you are making the mistake of eating there in the first place.

See what I did there?

I went to McDonnalds today, actually, for the first time in a decade and noticed this double lane... I promptly exited the line and left without ordering anything. Nobody deserves that level of convenience.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: onagh
Posts: 3189
By Cerberus.Conagh 2013-11-01 11:19:03
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Asura.Squishytaru said: »
Bismarck.Ihina said: »
(ie. evolution is wrong because where did the universe come from!)

What grinds my gears is people having trouble accepting it was through natural phenomenon and creating some elaborate story about it to feel better.

The universe doesnt exist, it's all a figment of our imagine and we're actually acting a giant painting, as per string theory ~

*brain explodes*

Get me a letter signed by the higher power that says " I created the world in 7 days * then I'll consider arguments for this.
By 2013-11-01 11:55:01
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By 2013-11-01 11:56:43
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Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Temptaru
Posts: 1665
By Fenrir.Atheryn 2013-11-01 12:11:05
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Cerberus.Conagh said: »
Get me a letter signed by the higher power that says " I created the world in 7 days * then I'll consider arguments for this.

Ahh, but what constitutes a day? Science would define it as one sidereal period, i.e. one complete rotation of a stellar object. Since Earth had not been created yet, it wasn't exactly rotating - so it can't be a measure of earth days. So one complete rotation of what? The galaxy? The universe? All of creation? 7 of those "days" might be more reasonable.

Semantics, people!

Of course, that's assuming that whole "I created the world in 7 days" message really came from God, which it probably did not.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Temptaru
Posts: 1665
By Fenrir.Atheryn 2013-11-01 13:18:58
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In other news,

What really grinds my gears is people employed in accounting jobs that can't add to save their lives.

I always seem to end up having to solve other company's problems because they're too witless to figure out their own mistakes. I mean seriously people, use a freakin' calculator.
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Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: tidis
Posts: 3927
By Cerberus.Tidis 2014-12-16 07:01:19
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What grind my gears is that this thread has been dead for over a year, disgusting!

But something else that grind my gears is this, I'm not much of a drinker, hardly go out but when I do I've hit roadblocks, I've been handed a pint of lager and when I recoiled from the taste I was met with "It's an acquired taste"...yeah great.

So then I get a soft drink but then I'm judged for that, so I get an alocoholic drink that doesn't taste terrible, I get criticised for drinking a "girl's drink", super.

So then I find a nice middle-ground, rum and coke, people don't judge me and I get to socially drink, while actually enjoying the taste of my beverage.

But then of course people decide that I'm not drinking enough so they get me a double rum and coke, happened on my birthday, happened at the work christmas party, I dislike a double as for me it completely throws off the balance of the drink, ends up tasting too much like rum, too little like coke.

Already awkward enough for me to go out drinking without people influencing what drinks I'm having.
Posts: 24505
By Ramyrez 2014-12-16 07:19:25
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People with big vehicles they can't drive.

Rednecks who can't keep their small-penis compensating trucks in their lane in a two-turning-lane intersection, specifically.

Three times in the past day I've had to let up or have some *** in a F250 or 2500 just decide the entire road is theirs by virtue of their big truck and small brain.

I hope they choke on their Budweiser and die.
Posts: 970
By Voren 2014-12-16 07:25:19
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I bought my truck because it had that sexy rumble sound to it. My wife hates having to jump to get in it and it's not even lifted, it's factory. And I prefer Sam Adams black.

I hate people that are in small cars that feel the need to hug a line in a parking space thus creating a very small amount of room for people that park correctly.
Posts: 24505
By Ramyrez 2014-12-16 07:27:15
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Voren said: »
I bought my truck because it had that sexy rumble sound to it. My wife hates having to jump to get in it and it's not even lifted, it's factory. And I prefer Sam Adams black.

Then clearly you're not who I was talking about! The people I'm talking about would question your manliness for drinking "one of those sissy craft beers". (edit: though people who put stacks in their truck bed thereby destroying the entire purpose of a truck really make me scratch my head.)

Voren said: »
I hate people that are in small cars that feel the need to hug a line in a parking space thus creating a very small amount of room for people that park correctly.

Problem with all size vehicles. Coincidentally, I drive a Chevy Colorado. Not the kind of truck the rednecks get all aroused about, but it does what I need it to do.

Also. People of Earth.

Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: anjisnu
Posts: 2803
By Cerberus.Anjisnu 2014-12-16 07:31:18
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People in general there are about 6 billion too many
Posts: 970
By Voren 2014-12-16 07:41:44
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Ok yeah I agree parking in general, and yes for the love of whatever deity you worship use turn signals. And when you're done changing lanes take off said signal don't just leave the *** thing going for 20 miles.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: anjisnu
Posts: 2803
By Cerberus.Anjisnu 2014-12-16 07:51:14
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Meg Ryan
Sour cream
Miracle whip
People born without the ability to shut up
Japanese cars that sound like a weedeater on crack
Meg Ryan again
Religious folk who feel they are welcome to knock on your door at 8am on a *** saturday
Posts: 24505
By Ramyrez 2014-12-16 07:56:02
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Cerberus.Anjisnu said: »
Meg Ryan
Sour cream
Miracle whip
People born without the ability to shut up
Japanese cars that sound like a weedeater on crack
Meg Ryan again
Religious folk who feel they are welcome to knock on your door at 8am on a *** saturday

Okay, I guess I get Meg Ryan, but what's with the condiment hate?

Sour cream is vital to delicious Mexican food.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: anjisnu
Posts: 2803
By Cerberus.Anjisnu 2014-12-16 08:00:57
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Said condiments make me go through physical pain
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: leo
Posts: 1766
By Fenrir.Mariane 2014-12-16 08:07:48
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Ramyrez said: »
Also. People of Earth.


That's a issue, *worldwide*. -____-;
Posts: 24505
By Ramyrez 2014-12-16 08:09:34
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Cerberus.Anjisnu said: »
Said condiments make me go through physical pain

I see.


So is that the problem with Meg Ryan, too? <_<;
Posts: 24505
By Ramyrez 2014-12-16 08:09:57
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Fenrir.Mariane said: »
Ramyrez said: »
Also. People of Earth.


That's a issue, *worldwide*. -____-;

...did I not say "people of Earth?"
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