What Grinds Your Gears?

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What grinds your gears?
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Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Eike
Posts: 9265
By Odin.Eikechi 2013-01-05 22:43:20
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Odin.Liela said: »
I'm indecisive and that grinds my gears. I know I've whined in here before about my lack of decision-making ability, but it's really annoying.

Girly hair rant. Seriously, don't even click it if you are a guy, you'll be bored!

Stupid can't make a concise decision about hair of all things. ._.

Cut it, and worst case scenario, you wear knit caps everywhere! It's still cold out so you can pull that off for awhile! :P
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Rikiyame
Posts: 401
By Odin.Rikiyame 2013-01-05 22:50:39
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Go the shortest cut, too. You can always get it trimmed at the other lengths and play with the styles.

Edit: in reply to liela's post, for whatever reason, didn't grab the text.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2228
By Lakshmi.Saevel 2013-01-06 13:12:39
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Valefor.Endoq said: »
really grinds my gears. . .

You have to loosen up a bit, don't want to get your panties in a clutch.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Liela
Posts: 10191
By Odin.Liela 2013-01-07 23:19:50
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I hate it when I'm trying to color in a coloring book and when I sharpen a pencil, the lead just pops out. So I sharpen it again and the lead falls out again, so I sharpen it again, and the lead falls out again, and eventually I give up and cram the lead back in there and try to color with it anyways, and it pops out on the page and messes up the dress of the fairy girl I'm trying to color.

I'm not five years old, I swear! xD
By volkom 2013-01-07 23:44:59
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Odin.Liela said: »
I hate it when I'm trying to color in a coloring book and when I sharpen a pencil, the lead just pops out. So I sharpen it again and the lead falls out again, so I sharpen it again, and the lead falls out again, and eventually I give up and cram the lead back in there and try to color with it anyways, and it pops out on the page and messes up the dress of the fairy girl I'm trying to color.

I'm not five years old, I swear! xD

you need better colored pencils.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: tooheyv
Posts: 1925
By Odin.Sawtelle 2013-01-08 06:28:00
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It was a deceptively sunny day as the Taru-taru mage rushed over the bridges of Windurst walls. She could barely believe what was happening. "The shadow lord, returning! This is horrible!" she thought to herself. She knew that time was of the essence, lest the shadow lord cause the same destruction to Windurst that he had during the Shadow War.

So she ran, ignoring the burn of her little Taru legs. She had just come from a meeting with the Star Siybl, and knew that her services would be needed very soon, so she decided to stay by the gate guard, eagerly awaiting the letter.

Hours passed, and then she saw it. A messenger from heaven's tower arrived, and gave the guard a letter. She hurried over, "Is that addressed to me?".

The guard responded "yes, its for you". However, the guard didn't hand the letter over right away. She stat there, leaning back on one foot back as she sized up the brave little Taru mage. After a few moments of deliberation, she said "I don't believe you are ready for this task. Go prove your worth buy getting 4 stacks of crystals."

The Taru was stunned. "I have ventured around the world. I have infiltrated the beastmen strong holds. I have fought skeletons, and shadow dragons, and yagudo. Yet you decide that now, with the world on the brink, and a letter from the Star Siybl herself in your hand calling for my audience, that I am not up for the mission? Do you not understand the gravity of the situation?"

The Mithra stood for a moment, shocked at the Taru's flustered outburst. "Perhaps" the mithra thought, "now isn't really the best time to make this adventurer go collect crystals. Maybe there was an urgency to this sealed letter that she didn't understand."

The Taru left in frustration. She moved to aht urgan, where she spent her time happily exploring the deep sea ruins of past civilizations. Windurst was overrun by the shadowlord's beastmen forces and cast into a century of shadow and despair.

The end.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Tikal
Posts: 4945
By Cerberus.Tikal 2013-01-15 20:33:56
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E-mail security. Seriously. I have two e-mails that've been hacked, old e-mails that aren't used anymore that've been compromised, and not only is it impossible to get into them to fix them, the e-mail service provider themselves makes it more and more frustrating at every curve to make even an inch of progress. *** you AT&T, and you too Yahoo.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Liela
Posts: 10191
By Odin.Liela 2013-01-15 23:17:19
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Cerberus.Tikal said: »
E-mail security. Seriously. I have two e-mails that've been hacked, old e-mails that aren't used anymore that've been compromised, and not only is it impossible to get into them to fix them, the e-mail service provider themselves makes it more and more frustrating at every curve to make even an inch of progress. *** you AT&T, and you too Yahoo.

And passwords! Holy snap. The password for every single online thing has to be 81 characters long with letters, numbers, symbols, wingdings, velociraptor noises, and Egyptian hieroglyphics that no actual person could ever honestly remember. ._.

And I'm really sorry, I know this is way too much information, but dang. Shaving in the winter. It's too stinkin' frigid to shave, it'll only make my legs get goosebumps and feel colder. But as soon as my leg hairs start to grow, they poke into my socks and itch and drive me crazy so I have to shave. Bah! It should be a law that as soon as Christmas is over, the snow, cold, and nonsense have to leave too!

Server: Fairy
Game: FFXI
user: Spencyono
Posts: 23779
By Fairy.Spence 2013-01-16 10:59:26
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Transfer $2000 AUD to CAD when the rate is 1.04, not that I get that rate, but my Australian bank charges me to send the money, and my Canadian bank charges me twice that just to accept it. I end up with $100 less just because banks are greedy ***.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Jassik
Posts: 9534
By Odin.Jassik 2013-01-16 11:14:40
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Fairy.Spence said: »

Transfer $2000 AUD to CAD when the rate is 1.04, not that I get that rate, but my Australian bank charges me to send the money, and my Canadian bank charges me twice that just to accept it. I end up with $100 less just because banks are greedy ***.
Automated services are cheaper than having a person sitting there, that's why bank fees have risen 400% since the 90's. Makes perfect sense, everyone knows electronics get more expensive and bigger as time passes. /sarcasm

Probably has more to do with them trying to afford to take back houses from all the people they never should have loaned to.
necroskull Necro Bump Detected! [33 days between previous and next post]
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Liela
Posts: 10191
By Odin.Liela 2013-02-18 10:29:47
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Waking up in the morning when I haven't slept well the night before. ~.~

Night before last it rained all night, which made the dogs twitchy and they fidgeted all night and took turns crawling under my chin and laying their heads on my belly. Poor darlings, rain changes all the rules! So I had an excuse night before last.

But last night! No excuse! I went to bed zonked, I'd had only 1 glass of caffeine and it had been early in the morning so I should have had no trouble, the dogs both plopped down and went straight to sleep, it was dark and quiet, I was comfy and warm. My husband and I tossed and turned all night. We kept the poor dogs up more than they kept us up! And I have a bit of a bad reputation for hogging the bed, so I always make sure to start on my own side to give my husband a fighting chance. But at least three or four times I woke up in the exact same position I fell asleep in, just over 6 or 8 inches onto his side. I swear it's like a gravitational pull, maybe because he's heavier than I am so his side of the bed dips a little lower than mine, I don't know. But I fall asleep and slide to the other side. I don't toss and turn to the other side, I don't roll to the other side. I slide there.

I don't even know. O.o Bah humbug.
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Spencyono
Posts: 6969
By Sylph.Spency 2013-02-21 16:24:40
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Try to list item on ebay. Identity authentication required. Try to answer security question. Get it wrong. Whatever. Fail a couple more times so it locks me out. Call ebay. Give them my information, they fix it for me. Go to change security question so I remember...

"You can't change your answer - It's the same answer to your question you had before."

Guide Maker
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: Seha
Posts: 24219
By Valefor.Sehachan 2013-02-21 16:27:36
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My mom feeling convinced by Berlusconi's oratory.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: danz
Posts: 692
By Bismarck.Danz 2013-02-24 13:35:01
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what grinds my gears. well. this is a big one.

people who DONT respond to anything you do. /tells /emotes
assisting with healing magic etc.

exaple. your wanting to kill NM for a clear or item that 90% of the time goes rot. and someone else is going after it for empy or whatever. and you request to team up. and that you dont need items or triggers. they ignore you in every way possable

even before and after the fight..

at this point i wander to myself. why the hell these people play an ONLINE game
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Liela
Posts: 10191
By Odin.Liela 2013-02-24 13:41:20
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Bismarck.Danz said: »
what grinds my gears. well. this is a big one.

people who DONT respond to anything you do. /tells /emotes
assisting with healing magic etc.

exaple. your wanting to kill NM for a clear or item that 90% of the time goes rot. and someone else is going after it for empy or whatever. and you request to team up. and that you dont need items or triggers. they ignore you in every way possable

even before and after the fight..

at this point i wander to myself. why the hell these people play an ONLINE game

:-( That sucks. They probably don't trust enough to be confident that you would pass their items. Wouldn't it be so nice if people could work together though? Like dynamis TE. We've gone in before, teamed up with someone while we were all after time, then disbanded and farmed separately. But I hear my ls mates constantly upset that they have to compete for time extensions, people refuse to team up with them and would rather fight for them. Why on earth? It benefits both parties to clear time together, then split. I don't even know. /comfort
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Eike
Posts: 9265
By Odin.Eikechi 2013-02-24 14:03:32
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Odin.Liela said: »
Bismarck.Danz said: »
what grinds my gears. well. this is a big one.

people who DONT respond to anything you do. /tells /emotes
assisting with healing magic etc.

exaple. your wanting to kill NM for a clear or item that 90% of the time goes rot. and someone else is going after it for empy or whatever. and you request to team up. and that you dont need items or triggers. they ignore you in every way possable

even before and after the fight..

at this point i wander to myself. why the hell these people play an ONLINE game

:-( That sucks. They probably don't trust enough to be confident that you would pass their items. Wouldn't it be so nice if people could work together though? Like dynamis TE. We've gone in before, teamed up with someone while we were all after time, then disbanded and farmed separately. But I hear my ls mates constantly upset that they have to compete for time extensions, people refuse to team up with them and would rather fight for them. Why on earth? It benefits both parties to clear time together, then split. I don't even know. /comfort

so many invisible bsts....everywhere. I'm definitely not a fan of dynamis, when it's packed with bsts, because every one of them I've run into wouldn't team up for TE >_<.
necroskull Necro Bump Detected! [30 days between previous and next post]
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Liela
Posts: 10191
By Odin.Liela 2013-03-26 09:24:09
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~.~ stepmothers.

Seriously. "I love this kid so I'm gonna put it in the middle of a big, bitter custody battle!" Been there, done that, how about no. At least the child is too young to comprehend it yet. >.>
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: Flavin
Posts: 4155
By Siren.Flavin 2013-03-26 09:40:16
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Sometimes it's the best thing to put the child in a custody battle... You really have no idea what the real circumstances are as you even admitted the kid would be worse off with the biological parents and you seem to very much dislike your step-mother and her ways so that says a lot... you know nothing about the Aunt other than that she has drug charges on her record which while may not be damning outright doesn't paint a friendly environment with only having that little bit of information...

To my original point, fighting for custody of the child can be very important... just sitting back and letting whatever happen happen is silly unless you know either option would be good for the child... if you're convinced that they child would be better off with you then you should fight for him/her... you also even mentioned that at her age she's probably not even aware of what's really going on so your argument towards it not being the best for her well... how is it not good for her if everything gets out there and the judge has all the information and sees how much each party wants the child? Also, where has the Aunt been all this time? Why did she not offer up to take the child in the first place?

You definitely don't have to like the kid or call her whatever but I think your issues lie more with you and your step mother than anything... Your generalization with "~.~ Stepmothers" might indicate a general distaste for stepmothers which they are all not that bad... it's parents in general... some are good some are terrible... Some are more liked by one of their children than the other... In any case maybe you just need to start actually taking things up with her and tell her how you truly feel about things...
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 15018
By Carbuncle.Skulloneix 2013-03-26 09:41:21
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Well that sucks Leils. Makes my bitching about people that don't clean off their cars completely from snow, not use headlights during precipitation (local state laws), and don't respect ice road conditions, seem much smaller.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Liela
Posts: 10191
By Odin.Liela 2013-03-26 14:10:17
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Siren.Flavin said: »
Sometimes it's the best thing to put the child in a custody battle... You really have no idea what the real circumstances are as you even admitted the kid would be worse off with the biological parents and you seem to very much dislike your step-mother and her ways so that says a lot... you know nothing about the Aunt other than that she has drug charges on her record which while may not be damning outright doesn't paint a friendly environment with only having that little bit of information...

To my original point, fighting for custody of the child can be very important... just sitting back and letting whatever happen happen is silly unless you know either option would be good for the child... if you're convinced that they child would be better off with you then you should fight for him/her... you also even mentioned that at her age she's probably not even aware of what's really going on so your argument towards it not being the best for her well... how is it not good for her if everything gets out there and the judge has all the information and sees how much each party wants the child? Also, where has the Aunt been all this time? Why did she not offer up to take the child in the first place?

You definitely don't have to like the kid or call her whatever but I think your issues lie more with you and your step mother than anything... Your generalization with "~.~ Stepmothers" might indicate a general distaste for stepmothers which they are all not that bad... it's parents in general... some are good some are terrible... Some are more liked by one of their children than the other... In any case maybe you just need to start actually taking things up with her and tell her how you truly feel about things...

The kid's parents don't have any custody issues with her, their parental rights have been terminated and I don't think at this point they are even allowed to see her. I have no problem with her aunt or my parents trying for custody in court. But when they drag that battle out of court and start trying to involve people like me, who are so far removed from the situation that I have no idea whatsoever, that's where I have a problem.

I have no issues with the aunt's drug charges, like I said, it might have been one thing years ago. And she didn't take the child the first time because she wasn't qualified as a foster parent, as far as I know. If this woman wants her niece and is capable of giving her a good home, then I think she should get her. Adoption is for children who need homes, not for children who have them. If the aunt is unfit to be the child's mother, then I hope my parents do get her. And since I know (and want to know) next to nothing about the aunt's situation, I think it would be best for my parents to do this battle in court. And in court only. That's my issue with my own custody battle when I was a child. If my parents had kept it clean, and in court, instead of letting it become this big bitter mess that forced their friends and other family members to "pick sides" ("sides" that still exist to this day, over 20 years later), if they hadn't both tried to use me and my siblings as pawns to hurt the other parent, etc, it wouldn't have been HALF so bad or bitter. Now they are doing the same thing with this poor kid. As if her life won't be hard enough as it is!

Whenever I try to be honest with my stepmom, it seems to become more of a problem than it's worth. Like this time, for example. She wants me to love the child like a sister, which I may someday but don't at the moment. I am honest and tell her that it would be difficult to love her like a sister when I don't even know her, have never met her. And instead of saying "Oh ok, thanks for being honest, and maybe we should make an attempt to let you meet her if this adoption goes through." she says basically "You're wrong and shallow for not loving someone just because they aren't blood related to you." And it still hasn't clicked to her that this has nothing to do with blood or non-blood and everything to do with I've never met the kid.

But you are right, for the most part I just don't like stepparents. I've had three of them so far and have not been the biggest fan of any of them. :/ There's going to come a day when I'm going to have to get over it, I suppose!
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: Flavin
Posts: 4155
By Siren.Flavin 2013-03-26 14:33:19
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I still don't get why you think the Aunt should get the kid in this case if she wants it and is fit... I know the court tends to side with blood relatives but the fact remains that your father and step mother have been raising this child for over a year now and care for her... I think it's *** that someone else can step in (beyond the bilogical parents) and take someone away just because they share some of the same blood... where were they all that time before? We're they blocked from taknig the kid in at the time? Why? Your family is the one that took responsibility and I really see no reason why they should be denied now...

As for involving others outside the court... maybe I missed where you mentioned what was going on there... or are you referring to her wanting you to call the child your family already? I guess I don't get how she's making this ugly... I'm probably missing something... as far as her being your sibling or referring to your husband as big brother in a card I don't really get what the big deal is... I mean I get that you don't know the kid so you really have no feelings towards her or whatever but is it really a big deal for that to be written in a card? I mean is that really something you want to get irritated by? from what I can tell she's as much a sibling to your hubby as any of the other young ones are or were since from what you say you really don't have much contact with any of your family anymore...

You're a grown woman now, you're married have a home and have a life dependant from the family you grew up with... you should be able to tell your step-mom how you feel regardless of the reaction... mind you I'm not advocating starting fights but you should be able to express yourself instead of holding back and just letting the resentment build up... you should also be grown up enough to know that not everyone will agree with you or see your way of tinking as the right way... to try and force your way of thinking on her is the same as her onto you even if you think your way is the right way...

Some people feel the same way about their biological parents... in the end you seem to have turned out ok at least... like I said before you got a life now... why not just let all that ***go and move on instead of hanging on to all that ugly resentment that just holds ya back...

I mean you *** about your step mom enough that I know a decent bit about her and you haven't lived with her in how long? I mean I'm not you and such but don't you think it is time to move on? Seems to only frustrate you...
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: BKiddo
By Siren.Mosin 2013-03-26 14:42:55
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I was going to say something to that effect, but had to run out & work.

I know sometimes it's easier said than done, but really, if people want to be unreasonable (in your eyes) there's really nothing that can be done, & it's a great time to shrugg your shoulders & move on.

also, HEYO LIELS!!!

haven't heard much out of you lately.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Liela
Posts: 10191
By Odin.Liela 2013-03-26 19:03:27
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Siren.Flavin said: »
I still don't get why you think the Aunt should get the kid in this case if she wants it and is fit... I know the court tends to side with blood relatives but the fact remains that your father and step mother have been raising this child for over a year now and care for her... I think it's *** that someone else can step in (beyond the bilogical parents) and take someone away just because they share some of the same blood... where were they all that time before? We're they blocked from taknig the kid in at the time? Why? Your family is the one that took responsibility and I really see no reason why they should be denied now...

As for involving others outside the court... maybe I missed where you mentioned what was going on there... or are you referring to her wanting you to call the child your family already? I guess I don't get how she's making this ugly... I'm probably missing something... as far as her being your sibling or referring to your husband as big brother in a card I don't really get what the big deal is... I mean I get that you don't know the kid so you really have no feelings towards her or whatever but is it really a big deal for that to be written in a card? I mean is that really something you want to get irritated by? from what I can tell she's as much a sibling to your hubby as any of the other young ones are or were since from what you say you really don't have much contact with any of your family anymore...

You're a grown woman now, you're married have a home and have a life dependant from the family you grew up with... you should be able to tell your step-mom how you feel regardless of the reaction... mind you I'm not advocating starting fights but you should be able to express yourself instead of holding back and just letting the resentment build up... you should also be grown up enough to know that not everyone will agree with you or see your way of tinking as the right way... to try and force your way of thinking on her is the same as her onto you even if you think your way is the right way...

Some people feel the same way about their biological parents... in the end you seem to have turned out ok at least... like I said before you got a life now... why not just let all that ***go and move on instead of hanging on to all that ugly resentment that just holds ya back...

I mean you *** about your step mom enough that I know a decent bit about her and you haven't lived with her in how long? I mean I'm not you and such but don't you think it is time to move on? Seems to only frustrate you...

I think a judge should decide who gets the child. I'm not saying the aunt should definitely get her or my parents should definitely get her because I don't know the whole situation. This is why I am not a judge.

On outside the court fighting-- it's nothing much, it's just that she's been telling anyone who will listen how horrible the aunt is, how she shudders to think of the child being raised by such a "lady" (yes, she even put the world lady into quotes. She does not even know this woman. There are two reasons that she hates her, and they are 1.) that she had a drug charge from lord knows how long ago, and 2.) because both women want the child. The drugs are none of her business as long as they are in the past and will not affect the child, and two women loving the same child does not entitle either woman to hate the other.) No, it's not a biggie, but it does get annoying after awhile to hear nothing but negative things about a lady who I don't know, and who I know that she doesn't know either. And no, I don't know why the aunt did not have the child to begin with, but it wouldn't be the first foster child who has gone to someone other than family. While I was still living with them, we had a pair of sisters for months before they were moved to their grandmother's custody, and there had been nothing wrong with the grandmother to begin with.

The card is not annoying. It's kinda cute. BUT the fact that my stepmother is already referring to the child as hers, and expecting us to do likewise, before the court has decided, does not bode well. If the judge/court decides the baby would be better off with her aunt, then it's going to be a very big problem for my stepmother. I'm not saying it's bad to get a card from the kid, I'm just saying I wish that my stepmother would slow down so that she won't be so heartbroken and disappointed if it turns out that they cannot adopt the child. I don't want her to be heartbroken and disappointed.

I'm not trying to force my way of thinking onto her. I'm trying to get her to respect that I do in fact have my own way of thinking. Every time I disagree with her, even on small things, it's not ok. Stupid example, when I was a teenager anklets were really popular. All the girls wore anklets to school. Well, I knew my stepmother didn't like them but I figured, my ankle, my choice, it wasn't hurting anyone. So one day before school I took one of my stretchy bracelets and put it on my anklet. She threw a fit, yelled at me about how only prostitutes wore such things, and would not let me leave until I took it off. An ANKLET. How much of a smaller issue could there even be? So on big issues, just don't. Don't even try. Just smile and nod and then go drive FFXIAH crazy whining and moping about someone they don't know, just like she mopes and whines about the kid's aunt. God, I'm such a hypocrite.

Can't they just have a wise and impartial source decide what is best for the child, do that, and call it a day?
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Liela
Posts: 10191
By Odin.Liela 2013-03-26 19:07:39
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Siren.Mosin said: »
I was going to say something to that effect, but had to run out & work.

I know sometimes it's easier said than done, but really, if people want to be unreasonable (in your eyes) there's really nothing that can be done, & it's a great time to shrugg your shoulders & move on.

also, HEYO LIELS!!!

haven't heard much out of you lately.

Hi to you! ^^ I have been hiding. I got a job, so I went from no-time to full-time overnight. Then I started helping a few ls mates try to get in their NNI gear before the embrava nerf, all "IN BEFORE THE LOCK!" style, and we also got a satellite so now I can watch TV. Also, I am lazy. xD

But I still lurk RT a bit! I promise I'm not 100% gone! ^^
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: BKiddo
By Siren.Mosin 2013-03-26 19:22:38
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Odin.Liela said: »
Siren.Mosin said: »
I was going to say something to that effect, but had to run out & work.

I know sometimes it's easier said than done, but really, if people want to be unreasonable (in your eyes) there's really nothing that can be done, & it's a great time to shrugg your shoulders & move on.

also, HEYO LIELS!!!

haven't heard much out of you lately.

Hi to you! ^^ I have been hiding. I got a job, so I went from no-time to full-time overnight. Then I started helping a few ls mates try to get in their NNI gear before the embrava nerf, all "IN BEFORE THE LOCK!" style, and we also got a satellite so now I can watch TV. Also, I am lazy. xD

But I still lurk RT a bit! I promise I'm not 100% gone! ^^

ah yes, life. that'll keep ya busy >.O

good to see your not 100% gone!


(on topic: looks like the wife spilled coffe on the kb at home again, just had to erase 100 8888888888's)
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1346
By Bismarck.Kuroganashi 2013-03-26 19:25:40
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Trials......................... specially when u done with the Items for the Empy Weapon >< such a DRAG ><
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: Flavin
Posts: 4155
By Siren.Flavin 2013-03-26 19:39:17
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The judge will make the decision though... whether your step mother thinks its her kid or not... When it comes to kids people are rarely rational... and when you've raised one as your own for a year and love that child it would be hard to let it go for any sane person.. you take care of a kid for a year like she has and when you get the chance to adopt her to be told that someone else that you don't even know will get her... I have a feeling you'd have sympathy for almost anyone outside your stepmother in this situation... do you understand what it's like to lose a child? it may not be hers by blood but she has taken care of the kid for the past year... to you it's easy to distance yourself from the situation.. you don't much care for her and you don't know the kid at all... your step mom is directly involved... has cared for the kid and all that stuff...

you are though... you think it's silly and ridiculous for her to worry about certain things or think the way she does about them... I know how that goes I feel the same way about some of the things my own parents have done over the years but I just take it as it is and move on... they're not going to change their thoughts on it and neither will I... people are going to be the way they are... I mean you're not going to change her and you're not going to change so... why not just bury the hatchet and move on... maybe I'm just trying to wrap my head around this situation because I don't get it at all but idk...
By 2013-04-04 10:56:19
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By Cerberus.Reenie 2013-04-04 11:03:32
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