What Grinds Your Gears?

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What grinds your gears?
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Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Liela
Posts: 10191
By Odin.Liela 2012-08-16 09:51:56
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Odin.Eikechi said: »
Odin.Liela said: »
Oh... on the discussion earlier about scantily clad females, I think it's a strange double-standard. Take the recent Olympics, for example. I have seen half a dozen or more pictures of the diving men with meme-like text on them. There are numerous pictures floating around of USA male swimmers in their diving panties with text like "God bless the USA!" on them, the obvious implication being that the men are good-looking. No one really cares if women are drooling over Phelps. But women get so, SO mad when guys turn around and start drooling over the girls in the floor gymnastics part of the competition. Um what?

I don't want to seem rude, but if ladies can't handle men drooling over the female gymnasts, then they need to stop drooling over male swimmers. It's only fair.

I would totally agree, but a lot of the gynamists are underage, aren't they? Maybe floor gymnastics is a lil different? Idk, I can't watch the USA team since Beijing lol. I didn't know (at the time) Nastia Lieuken (think I spelled that right), was like 16. I really didn't feel good about myself, watching that olympics and thinking "well she's good lookin'".

That's something to do with it I think. Back when Tara Lipinski won the gold for ladies' singles figure skating, she was just a teenager.

But there's more involved too. Girls will whine about how men are 'objectifying' the women because of their outfits. Well yeah, I can see how wearing a bra and panties to play volleyball might seem a bit risque, but the uniforms are designed to help with the performance. But then the women turn right around and 'objectify' the men, it seems to be particularly centered around Phelps, and they don't seem to understand the hypocrisy in that. If women aren't objects, then neither are men. If women can drool, so can men.

And then just the jealousy. I think it's kind of been pounded into girls' heads since we were all kids that men will cheat on their girlfriends. It's not true, not all men are cheaters, and a woman should never be in a relationship with a man she doesn't trust. But little girls are taught (intentionally or not) that men cheat, and that jealousy comes out in stuff like the Olympics. The woman knows she's not going to cheat, so she sees no problem in watching Phelps and admiring things other than his fast swimming. But if she catches her significant other watching beach volleyball or gymnasts or other sexy Olympic girls, he's suddenly awful and objectifying women and wants to cheat on her.

Drives me nuts. Looking isn't the same as cheating. And if you can't handle your man looking at women on TV, then extend the same courtesy to him and avoid looking at men on TV. Just grinds my gears when women live by one set of rules and expect men to live by another set of rules.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Flavin
Posts: 18466
By Lakshmi.Flavin 2012-08-16 10:01:56
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Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Terminus
Posts: 3351
By Fenrir.Terminus 2012-08-16 10:20:09
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It's even hard to say.

Indoor volleyball:
Beach volleyball:
Obviously kneepads and shoes would be different, and things like sunglasses or hats. The rest, though? Idk why. Well, I'm pretty sure I know why, and it ain't performance.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Flavin
Posts: 18466
By Lakshmi.Flavin 2012-08-16 10:42:37
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Grinds my gears when people profess their hate for someone or something until they do something that they like then they're the best thing since sliced bread... and vice versa...
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Calipso
Posts: 943
By Odin.Calipso 2012-08-16 11:21:28
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Computer crashed in dyna last night at just the right moment to lose a Moepapa stone from treasure pool, which is weird because my computer is usually fine (even tri-boxing) and I can't even remember the last time my computer crashed.

On a rl related note, my moms doing this like 3-4 week driving tour with 2 of my nieces/her grandkids. She's stopping to visit everyone. For whatever reason, she only stopped here for barely a day and a half to visit, while spending nearly a week in some other places. When she got here, my nieces weren't even with her (she had left them with a grandparent to visit longer). Kinda annoyed the hell out of me cause my kids were really dissapointed/upset as they haven't seen their grandparents/cousins in years.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: kizzari
Posts: 2
By Bahamut.Querabalu 2012-08-16 15:50:12
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I'm sure these have been said but I didn't read through 300 pages of posts to see...

People who join my linkshell and:

Leave as soon as we get them their abyssea clears, gear, and/or empy.
Complain if we aren't doing something for them every single night.
Don't ever say anything.
Have 20 others and just hop in briefly to see if we're doing anything they want.
Want help with their stuff but refuse to come along to help anybody else.
Have abyssea leeched all their jobs and have no skill but still feel they are "contributing" by coming to events.

And to revisit a previous post (and probably respond to someone who was just trolling) guys like this are something that Grinds My Gears:

Siren.Celestius said: ยป
Women who get offended at men who look at their half exposed boobs in broad daylight and pretend that they're not intentionally trying to be attention ***.

I have... ample boobs that are impossible to hide and I HATE when guys stare at them... I don't even "show them off". Even when I wear the biggest baggiest t-shirts, still staring. Guys will stare no matter what you're wearing, show some class!

Also, when you go to the bar with your girlfriends to have a good time and constantly get hit on by guys... of even worse, when you're there with your boyfriend and still get hit on by guys when his back is turned... and the worst of all, right in front of him... yes, it has happened.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Liela
Posts: 10191
By Odin.Liela 2012-08-16 18:16:00
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It's my cousin's kids' first week back to school. Today one of her daughters got off the bus and the other did not. The one that did get off was frantic, crying, kept telling the bus driver that her sister was gone, and ran down the road home when the bus stopped sobbing to her mother (my cousin). Naturally my cousin was also frantic, called the school, called the bus compound, started calling her daughters' friends, calling people along the route to and from school. No one knew where the girl was.

It took nearly an hour to locate her. What had happened? Oh, the bus was overcrowded, so the school had decided to separate the two girls and send one on the normal bus and one on another other bus. Never mind that both girls were upset at being separated to the point of tears, and never mind that the school had no idea where the other girl had gotten off at. The school didn't keep track of where the second bus went, the bus compound claimed to have no idea about any of it.

My god, if I ever have a child and the school separates him/her from his/her siblings, loses her from intentionally sending her on the wrong bus, and then is clueless about where she might be-- heads will roll. In fact, heads will FLY.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Eike
Posts: 9265
By Odin.Eikechi 2012-08-16 19:15:03
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The damn materia system in 14. It's a great system but the success rates are RIDICULOUS. I lost 1.5M so far today alone blowing up gears due to shitty success rates on double melded gears.... omfg this is frustrating.
Guide Maker
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Seha
Posts: 13352
By Phoenix.Sehachan 2012-08-19 05:42:01
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Getting stuck in stupid ground gaps after using Flee.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Tsuji
Posts: 419
By Fenrir.Tsuji 2012-08-19 06:45:45
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It's probably been said a thousand times, but you know what grinds my gears?

Slow drivers.

SLOW. DRIVERS. URGH. I hate it when you are on a speedway where the speed limit is 100 KMPH / 62 MPH or something like that, and they go 60 KMPH / 37 MPH. I hate that! Don't they know that there is always a certain flow of traffic in accordance to the speed limit?
I don't think they realize its also very dangerous to be driving so slow in such a fashion. It will make other drivers impatient and they are more likely to take risks overtaking the slow drivers just for the fact that the slow drivers can't be bothered to drive at a regular, safe speed.

But that's not all!

Even when they are so persistent that they drive super slowly, they DON'T GO IN THE SLOW LANE. Why not?! Gah! D:<
Posts: 865
By Otomis 2012-08-19 08:40:51
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SO....Kinda random but what grinds my gears lately, is my 3 young daughters and their cousins are now becoming little teenagers. I used to proudly boast how polite and well manured my little girls where.....

BUT Bring on 3 pre-teen and teen girls and you have...




OMG ~ door slam...

As they taint and pick at each other in any given day. Now it is not an everyday occurrence, just enough to make me /sigh. and /sigh even deeper when all the people I know who already raised 2-4 teenage girls where snickering about to me: "Be ready for it!"

SO! I am calling you out teenage little girl puberty. because you are grinding the heck out of my gears....
Guide Maker
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Seha
Posts: 13352
By Phoenix.Sehachan 2012-08-19 08:43:02
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YOU'RE RUINING MY LIFE!!! *slams door and turns on radio at max volume*
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Liela
Posts: 10191
By Odin.Liela 2012-08-19 09:32:47
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Mothers. ._.

My in-laws are visiting. I told my parents they were coming, mostly so they wouldn't call while we were in the middle of something. It's probably the last time we'll get to see my brother-in-law before he ships off to basic, they will only be here for less than two days, and I don't want to be stuck in an hour-long conversation with my parents (because they can't hang up the friggin' phone, there's always one more thing they have to tell me!) while everyone here is waiting to go do something.

So. I get an email this morning from my stepmother, telling me she is so envious because my in-laws are close enough to come visit, she wished I lived close to her instead, and she wants to know every single detail of what happened while they were here so she can feel like she was part of it instead of feeling left out.

Right, because wanting one last visit with the in-laws before everything changes and we can't even see our brother at Christmas and Thanksgiving anymore is totally, 100%, intentionally trying to just leave my stepmother out of everything and should be riddled with guilt-trips and parental sulking.

I really wish that lady would have had a kid of her own so she had someone else to fixate on. She dislikes my siblings, ignores them, won't go to their special events. She refused to go to my brother's induction into the military as a 2nd Lt, she refused to go to his wedding, she refused to go to my sister's wedding. When my dad goes to visit my siblings she refuses to go, she doesn't want to see them, she doesn't like them, she doesn't bother to hide the fact that she doesn't like them. Then she turns around and fixates on me. Really lady, how do you think it makes my siblings feel that you reject them because they were too old when you married my dad? How do you think I like knowing that you play favorites, and I am your favorite, and the only reason for that was because I was a toddler when you married my dad instead of an older child?

If you don't accept my siblings, you don't accept me. Period. We're a package deal. Eff off. And stop guilt-tripping me every time I visit with someone who is not you. I think I hate mothers.
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 14155
By Valefor.Slipispsycho 2012-08-19 09:38:10
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Liela... I am so glad I don't have your mother, although none of this would really be a problem with me because I would of already told her off. I hate needy people who have to inject themselves into everyone else's lives. >_> Maybe you should tell her to go live her own damn life and stop trying to live yours.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Liela
Posts: 10191
By Odin.Liela 2012-08-19 09:51:09
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I wish I could tell her off. But on some level I still look at her as 'my mother' because she did raise me. (She wasn't supposed to raise me >.> but she did.) And I feel sorry for her.

She is paranoid, she thinks that every school district she's worked in is 'out to get her.' The other teachers don't like her. Well, they don't. And if someone has worked in over five schools and had a hard time in every one of them, well I hate to say it, but the common denominator is that person. The reason the other teachers don't like her is because of her. She is never wrong, anyone who disagrees with her on anything is a horrible person with no morals, she doesn't want to work together with them unless she has something to gain from it, and she doesn't want to make friends and therefore is not friendly. If I was working alongside her, I wouldn't like her either. But they are not 'out to get her.'

Her first husband was verbally abusive to her, told her she'd be an awful mother and was an awful wife. She rejected two out of three of her stepchildren, which in my opinion does make her an awful mother. But telling her that would bring back all the memories of her first husband, and that's just something I can't do.

My dad married her on a rebound. The divorce from my mom had been finalized two days before he eloped with my stepmother. Had they waited to marry instead of marrying on a rebound, they would never have stayed together. He can't stand her. And he has this backwards logic that god put them together, so he (my dad) can't take them apart. I'm sorry, but I don't think god would really want the both of them to be miserable until death do them part because they made a stupid decision while they were emotionally vulnerable and rebounding out of two long-term relationships. I can't even imagine how that must hurt her, knowing that my dad doesn't love her but stays with her for the sake of religion.

Honestly, she's so clingy, paranoid, needy, guilt-trippy, and acts so morally superior to everyone that even her own siblings don't like her. She drives me absolutely crazy, but I feel so sorry for her. Damn, she drives me crazy.
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 14155
By Valefor.Slipispsycho 2012-08-19 10:09:34
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<_<;; You're too nice for your own good. Whether or not she raised me, and regardless of me feeling sorry for her, I wouldn't sacrifice my own sanity for the sake of keeping her 'happy'. Every time you talk about her, the picture of her in my mind just gets worse and worse. I mean even without you flat out saying it, it's obvious that she drives you crazy and that you don't exactly look forward to hearing from her.

I was like that for a long time with my mother.. She'd always call me up drunk as hell, bitching about what my brothers are doing now, what trouble they're in, what mean, horrible and terrible thing they called her/told her now. She acted as if I had some sort of leverage over my brothers and could make them 'behave'.. I didn't and I couldn't. I told her this all the time, but I'd still get these damn calls every other week. These calls would go on for an hour or more with her just slurring and repeating the same 2 or 3 sentences over and over.. Usually something like "I don't need this ***and I'm tired of it". In that hour I would literally hear that phrase about 30 times.

I finally told her off one day, and I'm still glad I did. I know it upset her and hurt her, but I was sick of sacrificing my own sanity for her. She's never even really been there for me in my life except for a few select times. My birthday or Christmas or anything, not there. She'd spend hundreds of dollars on my brother, but never even so much as a *** phone call for me.. But she has a problem, and damn she remembers my number! How about that.

Me and my mom don't really talk anymore.. I mean we didn't really talk before, the only time she called was when she had a problem.. I'm okay with that, I'm better off without her.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: chuuuuu
Posts: 19930
By Asura.Chuuuuu 2012-08-19 10:59:55
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Getting woken up at 6am and just laying in bed trying to go back to sleep for 3 hours but house is too noisy grrr
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Bloodrose
Posts: 4322
By Bismarck.Bloodrose 2012-08-19 11:37:44
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Slip and Leila, i have a similar problem with my dad, however fortunately, i told him off when i was 16, and living at home, he threatened me with a tire iron, despite being an ex boxer, so he must have seen me as a real threat. I hate the man with all my being, but i've also got some self control. There is one thing he did to absolutely piss me off to no end: he ruined both of my graduation ceremonies (one public school board grad, and one metis graduation ceremony). The prior he didn't even bother to show up to, not even to any of my football games, or anything of real importance, or well, anything. As for the latter, my parents and i were seated at the table with the community aboriginal graduation director/elder. My dad was off his rocker drunk.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: thore147
Posts: 75
By Cerberus.Thore 2012-08-19 14:58:31
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When you're sitting in a restaurant and a fly ignores every other table but the one you're at.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: Burkey
Posts: 165
By Carbuncle.Burkey 2012-08-19 19:10:11
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when youre going #2 and notice after youve started that someone only left you 3 squares of tp, then you look behind you and the kleenex box is empty, then when youre done you clinch your butt cheeks together and crawl to the cabinet which has no extra tp
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Liela
Posts: 10191
By Odin.Liela 2012-08-19 20:51:00
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Arguments in the lol thread.

When I open the lols and see pages of text and bickering, my imaginary reaction is:

It's just so crabbifying!
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: Novax
Posts: 1074
By Carbuncle.Joeywheeler 2012-08-19 20:58:03
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Asura.Chuuuuu said: »
Getting woken up at 6am and just laying in bed trying to go back to sleep for 3 hours but house is too noisy grrr

My couch armrest is free for use
By 2012-08-19 21:19:06
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Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Liela
Posts: 10191
By Odin.Liela 2012-08-20 18:01:44
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Apparently rape isn't rape if the woman conceives a child from it. >.>

Gears. Ground.

(In case you thought there was the slightest germ of truth to what he said...)
By 2012-08-20 18:07:30
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Post deleted by User.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Bojack316
Posts: 2124
By Bahamut.Bojack 2012-08-20 23:37:02
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When you go in dynamis and then realize you have the wrong sub.

Went to do Blinkers so I subbed blm and forgot. Only realized after I went inside and tried to Jig. What's worse, my GF who duos as NIN with me forgot her sub was WAR still from VW last night. So, I couldn't snk/inv myself and neither of us could really proc...we just left.
Posts: 266
By Gansito 2012-08-21 02:23:15
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when you have to go to poop and you rush toward the toilet, pull down your undies, and get all nice and comfortable just to realize you forgot to lock the door...
By 2012-08-21 05:04:32
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Post deleted by User.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Savannah
Posts: 1742
By Bahamut.Savannahlynn 2012-08-21 12:30:59
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How does a campus book store only have 1 web specialist to deal with online order customer service? I just want to know where my last book is at since it wasn't shipped yesterday with the rest...and I have to wait for a call back b/c she's busy :(

Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Calatilla
Posts: 2507
By Asura.Calatilla 2012-08-21 13:00:29
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Odin.Liela said: »
Mothers. ._.

My in-laws are visiting. I told my parents they were coming, mostly so they wouldn't call while we were in the middle of something. It's probably the last time we'll get to see my brother-in-law before he ships off to basic, they will only be here for less than two days, and I don't want to be stuck in an hour-long conversation with my parents (because they can't hang up the friggin' phone, there's always one more thing they have to tell me!) while everyone here is waiting to go do something.

So. I get an email this morning from my stepmother, telling me she is so envious because my in-laws are close enough to come visit, she wished I lived close to her instead, and she wants to know every single detail of what happened while they were here so she can feel like she was part of it instead of feeling left out.

Right, because wanting one last visit with the in-laws before everything changes and we can't even see our brother at Christmas and Thanksgiving anymore is totally, 100%, intentionally trying to just leave my stepmother out of everything and should be riddled with guilt-trips and parental sulking.

I really wish that lady would have had a kid of her own so she had someone else to fixate on. She dislikes my siblings, ignores them, won't go to their special events. She refused to go to my brother's induction into the military as a 2nd Lt, she refused to go to his wedding, she refused to go to my sister's wedding. When my dad goes to visit my siblings she refuses to go, she doesn't want to see them, she doesn't like them, she doesn't bother to hide the fact that she doesn't like them. Then she turns around and fixates on me. Really lady, how do you think it makes my siblings feel that you reject them because they were too old when you married my dad? How do you think I like knowing that you play favorites, and I am your favorite, and the only reason for that was because I was a toddler when you married my dad instead of an older child?

If you don't accept my siblings, you don't accept me. Period. We're a package deal. Eff off. And stop guilt-tripping me every time I visit with someone who is not you. I think I hate mothers.

You should send her that in an email. She`s complaining about feeling left out while refusing to get involved with family. She dug that hole herself.

That's one thing that grinds my gears(not directed at anyone in particular) people who complain about other behind their backs and make snide remarks about them but then act like besties the next time you see them.

If you have a problem with someone **** tell them. Who cares if they don't like you because you spoke out, you didn't like them anyway did you?

One of my mom's most endearing qualities is the ability to tell people exactly how she feels about them.
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