By Odin.Liela 2011-09-09 14:33:40
Taking my pooch to the dog park to play today, and someone has this humongous half Timberline wolf creature in there. Wolfy proceeds to try to hump my dog, which she hates. She nipped, growled, and slapped around the last dog who tried to hump her, but the wolf was too big for her. So I shove the thing off her and pick her up, wait til the wolf goes to do something else and put her down to play with a pug. The wolf's owner then turns to me and says something along the lines of "Isn't my wolf beautiful, we're going to get a girl wolf and mate them for puppies." WTF. NO.
For one, you can't control the wolf you have. I had to discipline your beast because you couldn't. For two, that is a wild animal. God forbid you should ever have any small children that piss it off. For three, what in god's name are you going to do with a litter of wolf puppies? You won't be able to take care of them, you'll take them to the shelter, half of them will be too violent and will have to be put down, and the other half will be adopted out to homes and then later attack someone because they are wild animals and aren't supposed to be cooped inside being domesticated all day. >< Some people need a slap in the face, I swear.