Shiva.Flionheart said:
Gamespot give lots of things good reviews >.>
I never really got into flight simulators past BF2 with my old flight stick lol.
Heroes over Europe is a good game to pick up, if you have a flight stick, and enjoy dog fights, get it, it's worth the couple hours download time it requires. Easy to pick up, but also offers at least some motivation for skill (ace kills for example, you basically have to employ them or diving attacks to kill the bosses, called ace pilots) You also have limited time, so you can't just nickle and dime them.. Although all the missions are passable without using those, it sure as hell makes things a lot easier.
Heroes over the pacific isn't bad, except with some flight sticks, you have to put the throttle to neutral to use the rudder, gets pretty damned annoying and why I still haven't finished it.. But it's not a problem in Heroes over Europe.. Forewarning though, don't go pulling out your hair trying to assign the ailerons and rudder and such, they're set as default and can't be changed.. (can invert axis, just if you decided for whatever weird reason you wanted pitch to be yaw and yaw to be rudder, you'd be SOL).