Alyria said:
Miemo said:

^ this picture~
This picture is from D**k in a Box video by the Lonely Island :P It premiered on SNL, it is a funny song lol
I love that skit lol
Aaralyn said:
I understand that some people get tired of saying congrats at merit parties. But when you congratulate everyone BUT the person keeping you alive? Yeah. That grinds my gears just a little bit.
Next time I'll just disband without saying anything, and leave. Really sick and tired of it. Seriously. Would a "Thank you" be too much to ask?
I know what you mean, and I sympathize. In leveling my WHM, I've found that the only time we get any attention is when either a)someone is screaming for an erase (bonus points if it's for something stupid, like evasion down), b)some idiot decides to take hate with some ridiculous spike damage and thus get pummeled, if not to death, damn close to it (gogo Ancient Magic right off the bat!), or c)you have to rest back a bajillion MP and everyone is looking at you for slowing the party down, even though you just got done cure bombing to keep everyone alive.
Oh well, guess that's why my WHM is only 58 lol