Amara said:
Kield said:
You name it, I can shot it, except for man*** or something you nasty people. >:[.
I've taken a shot of rancid stale crushed chips mixed in salsa cider jagermeister a bit of fosters x2 salt packets and some green liquid. It had bits of mushed potatoe which soaked up some of the juicy goodness and it tasted like snogging someone while they puked in my mouth.
Wow... eww I hope you got something good for doing that... would take at least $100 for me to even attempt that...
6am... 1hr left of work... Work grinds my gears too @_@
Nah I got nothing but disgusted faces of people around me, they questioned my manhood D:! I remember them preparing it, it stank of vomit, looked like vomit and there was a whole jug of it, they wanted me to drink a pint of it, but I settled with a shot. I wouldn't want to know what would have happened if I attempted the pint glass Q_Q.
Talking of work, I'm late by about 2 hours and I haven't left D:!!! Cy'all later.