Wikileaks And Anonymous

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Wikileaks and Anonymous
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Server: Siren
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user: beesknees
Posts: 203
By Siren.Screamingbabies 2010-12-31 16:47:02
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Phyrexius said:
Siren.Screamingbabies said:
Phyrexius said:
Are vaccines Natural in Mother Nature? No, they're not, if man made it, don't partake of it. Simple as that you low IQ count ***for brains.

...the man typed on his man-made computer

So you eat Computers huh....

For one, typed=/=eat as mentioned above.

Second, I'm horribly sorry that the blog you blindly follow failed to mention that you don't have to consume something to receive harmful effects from it. I'm not trying to say computers are extremely bad for your health, but they aren't natural and based on the info you have learned to repeat from some guys blog (and you do it quite well actually, i applaud you for the effort you've put forth)they must not be good for you. So you might want to go destroy it and anything else that isn't directly from nature. This will probably include your car, house, probably about half of your food, clothes, etc.
By 2010-12-31 17:26:11
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Post deleted by User.
Server: Valefor
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Posts: 14155
By Valefor.Slipispsycho 2010-12-31 18:09:50
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Wow wtf happened in here?
Server: Kujata
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user: Daus
Posts: 3451
By Kujata.Daus 2010-12-31 18:36:16
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Vaccines are either a dead or an alive virus. They instigate your immune system so that it may recognize the disease and remember it for future use if one comes in contact with the full blown disease. The first immunizations were by direct contact such as by rubbing the pus of an infected person onto a healthy person. Our vaccines these days are a little less disgusting but essentially the same thing.

you can get away with not immunizing your kids today simply because the majority of the population have already immunized themselves and their kids so alot of diseases (measles/mumps/smallpox/yellowfever) have been essentially wiped out already (thanks vaccines, Im sure the natives would have loved to have you when the white people first arrived). However if they do manage to contract a disease it was due to your irresponsibility.

If you dont want to get any vaccinations then you can just subject your kids to the old school method which is allowing them to contract the disease (like chicken pox, which Id never been vaccinated for before until a year ago) but then you sometimes risk death.

where I work we have a very good client who is antimedication of everysort. She wouldnt have vaccinated her dogs for rabies if it wasnt required to be seen by a vet...if her dogs die of rabies/heartworm/bordetella/whatever then you know..she had every means of protecting it and opted not to.

as for totally reminds me of that trend when I was younger where everybody had ADD.
Posts: 1217
By Luz 2010-12-31 20:20:34
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Kujata.Daus said:
Vaccines are either a dead or an alive virus. They instigate your immune system so that it may recognize the disease and remember it for future use if one comes in contact with the full blown disease. The first immunizations were by direct contact such as by rubbing the pus of an infected person onto a healthy person. Our vaccines these days are a little less disgusting but essentially the same thing.

you can get away with not immunizing your kids today simply because the majority of the population have already immunized themselves and their kids so alot of diseases (measles/mumps/smallpox/yellowfever) have been essentially wiped out already (thanks vaccines, Im sure the natives would have loved to have you when the white people first arrived). However if they do manage to contract a disease it was due to your irresponsibility.

If you dont want to get any vaccinations then you can just subject your kids to the old school method which is allowing them to contract the disease (like chicken pox, which Id never been vaccinated for before until a year ago) but then you sometimes risk death.

where I work we have a very good client who is antimedication of everysort. She wouldnt have vaccinated her dogs for rabies if it wasnt required to be seen by a vet...if her dogs die of rabies/heartworm/bordetella/whatever then you know..she had every means of protecting it and opted not to.

as for totally reminds me of that trend when I was younger where everybody had ADD.
Methinks the Spanish feel left out.
Posts: 63
By Phyrexius 2011-01-01 14:35:24
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Asura.Bartimaeus said:
Regarding Vaccines and Phyrexius:

Although I'm all for people who want to believe in "conspiracy theories', and find a lot of them rather benign, these "vaccines are bad, don't give them to your children" types of things are so completely irresponsible whether in the normal realm of things or even on the fringe.

Believe what you want Phyrexius, but please stop promoting ***that's going to, and has hurt people while calling others idiots for not following you.

Use your goddamn head.


Sorry, didn't mean to inject any sort of normalcy here, but it's just derp.

Really is that so? Explain why I personally know 3 people that have died within days of getting Flu shot. Mind you the Baxter/Bayer company that made the shots was created under Hitler's NAZI Germany. Eugenics is EVIL, HELLO WAKE UP, Eugenics is EVIL!

I myself am a victim of vaccines, my father a victim of vaccines, a good friend of mine too. She's so messed up from vaccines that she bruises extremely easy after the Marines gave her a botched batch of Anthrax vaccinations.

Apparently you don't know that humans are being tested on and MILLIONS have died at the same hands you're trying to cover up for. You're a disgusting vile example of how EVIL Humans can be.

So are you saying my family/friends and myself are liars? I SAY *** YOU AND YOUR HERD MENTALITY ***!

Funny how someone can TOTALLY change their minds on the Police State the instant they've fallen victim to it. Obviously you don't have any/enough balls to stand up to these evil Eugenecists.
Posts: 1217
By Luz 2011-01-01 14:36:46
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Obligatory AIDS joke: Don't vaccinate people with AIDS.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 23653
By Shiva.Flionheart 2011-01-01 14:38:31
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Phyrexius said:
Asura.Bartimaeus said:
Regarding Vaccines and Phyrexius:

Although I'm all for people who want to believe in "conspiracy theories', and find a lot of them rather benign, these "vaccines are bad, don't give them to your children" types of things are so completely irresponsible whether in the normal realm of things or even on the fringe.

Believe what you want Phyrexius, but please stop promoting ***that's going to, and has hurt people while calling others idiots for not following you.

Use your goddamn head.


Sorry, didn't mean to inject any sort of normalcy here, but it's just derp.

Really is that so? Explain why I personally know 3 people that have died within days of getting Flu shot. Mind you the Baxter/Bayer company that made the shots was created under Hitler's NAZI Germany. Eugenics is EVIL, HELLO WAKE UP, Eugenics is EVIL!

I myself am a victim of vaccines, my father a victim of vaccines, a good friend of mine too. She's so messed up from vaccines that she bruises extremely easy after the Marines gave her a botched batch of Anthrax vaccinations.

Apparently you don't know that humans are being tested on and MILLIONS have died at the same hands you're trying to cover up for. You're a disgusting vile example of how EVIL Humans can be.

So are you saying my family/friends and myself are liars? I SAY *** YOU AND YOUR HERD MENTALITY ***!

Funny how someone can TOTALLY change their minds on the Police State the instant they've fallen victim to it. Obviously you don't have any/enough balls to stand up to these evil Eugenecists.

Prove it with hard facts, not anecdotes.
Posts: 63
By Phyrexius 2011-01-01 14:41:39
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Kujata.Daus said:
Vaccines are either a dead or an alive virus. They instigate your immune system so that it may recognize the disease and remember it for future use if one comes in contact with the full blown disease. The first immunizations were by direct contact such as by rubbing the pus of an infected person onto a healthy person. Our vaccines these days are a little less disgusting but essentially the same thing.

you can get away with not immunizing your kids today simply because the majority of the population have already immunized themselves and their kids so alot of diseases (measles/mumps/smallpox/yellowfever) have been essentially wiped out already (thanks vaccines, Im sure the natives would have loved to have you when the white people first arrived). However if they do manage to contract a disease it was due to your irresponsibility.

If you dont want to get any vaccinations then you can just subject your kids to the old school method which is allowing them to contract the disease (like chicken pox, which Id never been vaccinated for before until a year ago) but then you sometimes risk death.

where I work we have a very good client who is antimedication of everysort. She wouldnt have vaccinated her dogs for rabies if it wasnt required to be seen by a vet...if her dogs die of rabies/heartworm/bordetella/whatever then you know..she had every means of protecting it and opted not to.

as for totally reminds me of that trend when I was younger where everybody had ADD.

Bill Gates, Grandson of a lolNAZI


Why Vaccines Don't Work as Advertised

In 1949, the DTP vaccine was licensed to prevent diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis (whooping cough) issuing forth the modern use of vaccines in the prevention of childhood illnesses. Polio immunization was later introduced to prevent that dread disease. In 1963, the measles vaccine was licensed and was combined with mumps and rubella toxoids to create the MMR vaccine.

In more recent times the hepatitis B and chickenpox vaccines have been developed and incorporated into our health care system. Now a child can expect to receive up to 33 vaccines during his or her childhood with more vaccines on the horizon, such as herpes zoster (shingles), West Nile virus, influenza, pneumococcal, HIV and many more...

One of the chief concepts that vaccine proponents tell us, and that we generally believe in modern society, is that the use of vaccines is responsible for the virtual elimination of many childhood scourges that used to ravage the world. We are told, and assume, that in the 1800s and early in the 1900s many diseases killed a large number of people and that vaccines were invented and stopped these diseases from being a threat. But is this in fact the case?

On the face of it, we cannot help but assume that vaccines have played a key role in improving all of our lives. But looking carefully at the evidence over a longer period of time reveals a different picture of disease evolution and the role vaccines have played.

A review of "Childhood's Deadly Scourge" states:

"During the last two decades of the 19th century diphtheria was the leading cause of death of toddlers in the industrialized world, in some cities killing more than a thousand in a single year. In contrast, since 1980 fewer than 100 cases have been reported in the entire United States. Although diphtheria is hardly the only infectious disease to have thus faded, its story is unique because the early period of its decline can be directly linked to advances in bacteriologic knowledge and practice. Between 1880 and 1930 health authorities in New York City were responsible for much of the practical innovation in the control of diphtheria, as well as a good share of scientific progress."1

The Vital Statistics of the United States contains compiled statistics for a wide variety of information since early in the 1900s. Among those are death rates from all diseases, including infectious diseases. An introductory statement from the 1937 statistics indicates that death rates from infectious diseases declined greatly in the early part of the century. These declines occurred well before the advent of vaccines to treat these conditions.

"The trend in death rates for specific causes, over the past 20 or 30 years, may be characterized by two general statements. In the first place, there has been a great reduction in the death rates for infectious and preventable diseases; in the second place, there has been an increase in the rates for certain diseases characteristic of older ages. Greatest proportional rate decreases have taken place for such diseases as typhoid and parathyroid fever, which has declined from a rate of 23.5 in 1910 to 2.1 in 1937; and diphtheria, which declined from a rate of 21.4 in 1910 to 2.0 in 1937. ... The rate reductions for infectious and preventable diseases can be largely attributed to the development of modern public-health practice."2

From these figures, we can see that death rates from typhoid decreased by 91 percent from 1910 to 1937 and death rates from diphtheria declined by 90.5 percent during the same time period. The decrease in diphtheria occurred well before the use of vaccination.

An even more recent editorial statement from the Journal of Pediatrics states that proper sanitation was largely responsible for the early large declines in infectious diseases.

"...The largest historical decrease in morbidity and mortality caused by infectious disease was experienced not with the modern antibiotic and vaccine era, but after the introduction of clean water and effective sewer systems."3

Again, in a 2001 paper in the Journal of Infection Control:

"The conquest of infectious disease and the health revolution it initiated is arguably one of the greatest achievements of Western civilization. Yet the phenomenon is largely unknown and rarely taught, even in history courses...

However, except for the smallpox vaccination, which was introduced in 1798 and made compulsory in England in 1853, the overall contribution of medical innovations to the health revolution of the 1800s is difficult to validate.

Diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis vaccine arrived on the scene only after disease mortality rates already had been reduced significantly; measles, rubella, and polio vaccines did not become available until the middle of the 20th century, when most infant deaths were the result of other causes. The same holds true for sulfa drugs and antibiotics. Their contribution is unequivocal, but they did not affect mortality rates until the 1940s."4

Another paper published in the medical journal The Lancet in 1977 by the Department of Community Medicine in the United Kingdom also indicates that vaccines were not responsible for the decline in disease rates in that country.

"There was a continuous decline [whooping cough deaths], equal in each sex, from 1937 onward. Vaccination, beginning on small scale in some places around 1948 and on a national scale in 1957, did not affect the rate of decline if it be assumed that one attack usually confers immunity, as in most major communicable diseases of childhood. ... The steady decline of whooping cough between 1930 and 1957 is predictive of a linear exponential decay characteristic of a general and progressive lessening in the volume and spread of infection among the susceptible population. With this pattern well established before 1957, there is no evidence that vaccination played a major role in the decline in incidence and mortality in the trend of events."5

...Thomas McKeown, professor of social medicine in the University of Birmingham Medical School between 1950 and 1978, is still regarded as a major social philosopher of medicine, and is known for his important works in epidemiology and the practice and purpose of medicine. His conclusion was also that diseases were declining well before medical interventions such as vaccinations came into standard use.

"The distinguished epidemiologist Thomas McKeown (1912-1988) maintained that reductions in deaths associated with infectious diseases (air-, water-, and food-borne diseases) cannot have been brought about by medical advances, since such diseases were declining long before effective means were available to combat them."6

Another author shows that disease and mortality was falling before the advent of vaccines or drug therapies:

"...In 1869 there were 716 deaths from typhus in London; by 1885 this had been reduced to 28; and at the beginning of the 20th century there was none. Similar declines could be given for other infectious diseases.

Tuberculosis began a remarkable disappearing act. Killing perhaps 500 out of every 100,000 Europeans in 1845, consumption slowly but continuously sank to 50 per 100,000 by 1950. Curative medicine played little part in that transition. The disappearance began before Koch discovered the tubercle bacillus.

By the time antibiotics entered the picture, TB in cities such as New York had fallen to eleventh place in the death lists. And the mortality graphs for most of Europe's fatal crowd diseases all dived before antibiotics had been marketed. Whooping cough killed 1400 children out of every million in 1850, but one hundred years later whooping deaths were less than 10 per million.

Scarlet fever behaved in the same way. Measles, typhus, pneumonia, dysentery and polio all share similar histories. Their retreat had a dramatic impact on the European population. By 1900 civilization had lost its biological population check: infectious disease.

After centuries of hostile encounters, humans and microbes found a new adjustment with little interference from drugs or vaccines. In some cases the microbe became less virulent (measles and diphtheria) or the human host more resistant (tuberculosis)."7

In the view of this, how can the statements made by the CDC on how "thanks to vaccines" diseases are a thing of the past be correct?

Back in 1924 Mark Twain was quoted as saying, "There are three kinds of lies — lies, damned lies, and statistics." When Mark Twain made this statement, his point was that numbers could be manipulated by the unscrupulous to misrepresent facts, to justify a particular bias, or fulfill a particular agenda.

It is an unhappy fact of modern life that anyone with an idea can support that idea with statistics. The less the public knows about the source of the statistics, the more possible it is to have misinformation posing as scientific results.

Simple statements such as "in the 1920s, over 10,000 people a year died from diphtheria," although accurate are very misleading. Providing a piece of historical fact without any real context and mixing it with statements on how vaccines helped cure these diseases leads the reader to erroneously conclude that vaccines were instrumental in the massive declines of deaths from these diseases.

The CDC's statements on vaccines only provide a few facts and then draw a conclusion on this limited information. To understand the role of vaccines, we must use the raw information and analyze it over a long period of time.

Please be sure and go to the site below and view all the graphs that support the evidence cited above.


[1] Morman, E.T., "Childhood's Deadly Scourge: The Campaign to Control Diphtheria in New York City, 1880-1930", The Journal of the American Medical Association, April 12, 2000 Vol. 283, p. 1889

[2] Vital Statistics of the United States 1937 Part I, U.S. Department of the Census, 1939, p. 11

[3] "Zinc, diarrhea, and pneumonia (editorial)", The Journal of Pediatrics, December 1999, Vol. 135, No. 6, p. 663

[4] Greene, Velvl W., PhD, MPH, "Personal hygiene and life expectancy improvements since 1850: Historic and epidemiologic associations", American Journal of Infection Control (AJIC), August 2001, Vol. 29, No. 4, pp. 203-206

[5] Steward, Gordon T., "Vaccination Against Whooping-Cough Efficacy Versus Risks", The Lancet, January 29, 1977, pp. 234-237

[6] Porter, Roy, "The Greatest Benefit to Mankind", Harper Collins Publishers, 1997, p. 426

[7] Porter, Roy, "The Greatest Benefit to Mankind", Harper Collins Publishers, 1997, p. 427

World Health Organization (WHO) Moves Forward in Secrecy with Forced Vaccination and Population Reduction Agenda

by Jane Burgermeister <>
July 21, 2009

World Health Organization (WHO) Moves Forward in Secrecy with Forced Vaccination and Population Reduction Agenda (July 26, 2009)

Forward courtesy of Clipper <>


Original title: WHO moves forward in secrecy to accomplish forced vaccination and population agenda

Global Research, July 21, 2009

The WHO has refused to release the Minutes of a key meeting of an advisory vaccine group – packed with executives from Baxter, Novartis and Sanofi – that recommended compulsory vaccinations in the USA, Europe and other countries against the artificial H1N1 “swine flu” virus this autumn.

In an email this morning, a WHO spokesperson claimed there are no Minutes of the meeting that took place on July 7th in which guidelines on the need for worldwide vaccinations that WH0 adopted this Monday were formulated and in which Baxter and other pharma executives participated.

Under the International Health Regulations, WHO guidelines have a binding character on all of WHO’s 194 signatory countries in the event of a pandemic emergency of the kind anticipated this autumn when the second more lethal wave of the H1N1 virus — which is bioengineered to resemble the Spanish flu virus — emerges.

In short: WHO has the authority to force everyone in those 194 countries to take a vaccine this fall at gunpoint, impose quarantines and restrict travel.

There is verifiable, clear and unambiguous proof that WHO supplied the live bird flu virus to Baxter’s subsidiary in Austria, which was used by Baxter to manufacture 72 kilos of vaccine material in Febuary.

Baxter subsequently sent this material out to 16 labs in four countries under a false label designating the contaminated product as vaccine material, so nearly triggering a global pandemic.

Because Baxter must adhere to strict biosafety level 3 regulations when handling a dangerus virus such as the bird flu virus, the production and distribution of so much pandemic material cannot have been an accident but must have been done by Baxter with criminal intent.

The Austrian police are now investigating after I filed criminal charges in April.

It is increasingly clear that WHO and Baxter are just elements in a much bigger criminal organisation that is moving forward in a synchronised and coordinated way to fulfil the “elite” agenda of global population reduction in the coming months and years while putting in place a global government of which WHO will be an arm.

WHO, a UN agency, appears to play a key role in coordinating the activities of labs, vaccine companies and governments to achieve the goal of population reduction and political and economic take over of North America and Europe:

- First, WHO gives funds, support and cover to labs such as the CDC to bioprospect for pathogens, bioengineer them to make them more deadly, and also patent them.

- Second, WHO gives those same deadly bioengineered pathogens to companies such as Baxter in Austria, so that Baxter could use those viruses to deliberately, systematically contaminate vaccine material. If the contamination of the 72 kilos had not been detection on time by a lab technician in the Czech Republic, millions of people would have caught the “bird flu” from the injections.

- Third, in the event of a pandemic, WHO orders a compulsory vaccines for all 194 countries, following “recommendations” by an advisory vaccine group on which executives of Baxter also sit.

- Fourth, WHO awards Baxter, Novartis, Sanofi and other companies lucrative contracts to supply those vaccines.

Furthermore, WHO acquires new global authority on an unseen scale in the event of a pandemic.

Under special pandemic plans enacted around the world including the USA, in 2005, national governments are to be dissolved in the event of a pandemic emergency and replaced by special crisis committees, which take charge of the health and security infrastructure of a country, and which are answerable to the WHO and EU in Europe and to the WHO and UN in North America.

If the Model Emergency Health Powers Act is implemented on the instructions of WHI, it will be a criminal offence for Americans to refuse the vaccine. Police are allowed to use deadly force against “criminal” suspects.

Through their control of these special pandemic crisis committees with the power to enact legislation to be set up most countries, the WHO, UN and EU become the de facto government of a large part of the world.

Mass murder and death will also bring economic collapse and disruption, starvation and wars – and these events will lead to a further population reduction.

To sum up: WHO helps create, distribute and then release the deadly pandemic virus, and this pandemic virus allows WHO to assume control of governments in North America and Europe and also order forced vaccination on populations by the very same companies that have distributed and released the deadly viruses in the first place and all under under the pretext of protecting populations from a pandemic they have created.

The corporate mainstream media owned by the same “elite” group which funds WHO is systematically concealing from the general public the nature of the real danger of these H1N1 jabs by withholding from them key information concerning the interrelated activities of this group of organisations for their mutual profit.

As a result, most people still believe that the H1N1 virus is a natural swine flu when even WHO has officially dropped the term “swine” in tactic acknowledgement of its artificial origin.

Most people still believe the vaccine companies can deliver a cure when the vaccine companies are preparing a lethal series of shots containg live attenuated virus, toxic metals and other poisons.

The two-dose H1N1 shots are designed to disable the immune system and then load that system with a live virus in a process that mirrors the one described in two of WHO’s 1972 memoranda where the technical means for turning vaccines into killers is outlined.

The Strecker Memorandum also reveals that WHO has been actively searching for ways to weaken the immune system.

The best protection against the H1N1 virus that has now been released and that will inevtiably become more lethal as it mutates in autumn is colloidal silver and also vitamins to strengthen the immune system, face masks and other such measures.

However, none of the governments in North America or Europe have stocked up on colloidal silver or announced sensible health measures to contain the coming lethal wave.

Instead, there are growing signs, they will use the panic to terrify people into taking the toxic vaccines which are sure to cause injury or damage because of the presence of heavy metals alone.

This mass vaccination will moreover alllow ever more lethal strains to emerge and also provide a cover for a release of bird flu virus or other pathogens.

This is why steps need to be taken now to stop the mass vaccinations anticipated in autumn by taking legal action to block the distribution of vaccines and/or laws allowing govenrments to force people to take vaccinations.

An investigation into this international corporate crime syndicate has to be conducted in every country because it has its tentacles in every country, and to try to initiate this in the USA, I filed charges with the FBI against WHO and the UN among other defendants in June. I included President Obama among the defendants because I believe the time has come to identify and isolate the core members of this international corporate criminal group which has annexed high government office in the USA, and put them in prison once and for all, and there are reports that Obama has direct financial links with Baxter that need to be investigated by law enforcement.

There is evidence the Austrian Health Minister and other officials have been helping Baxter to cover its tracks.

Also, there is clear evidence that elements of the Austrian media are involved in actively spreading lies and misinformation to lull people into a false sense of security concerning Baxter’s manufacture and distribution of pandemic material in Austria this February.

Vital is for individuals and local authorities need to take effective measures to protect against the coming lethal wave of the H1N1 virus to minimise its impact.
Posts: 1217
By Luz 2011-01-01 14:43:53
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It's cool how you don't know how to use quotes properly and only ever reply with anecdotes, flames, and propaganda.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 23653
By Shiva.Flionheart 2011-01-01 14:44:22
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Phyrexius said:
Kujata.Daus said:
Vaccines are either a dead or an alive virus. They instigate your immune system so that it may recognize the disease and remember it for future use if one comes in contact with the full blown disease. The first immunizations were by direct contact such as by rubbing the pus of an infected person onto a healthy person. Our vaccines these days are a little less disgusting but essentially the same thing.

you can get away with not immunizing your kids today simply because the majority of the population have already immunized themselves and their kids so alot of diseases (measles/mumps/smallpox/yellowfever) have been essentially wiped out already (thanks vaccines, Im sure the natives would have loved to have you when the white people first arrived). However if they do manage to contract a disease it was due to your irresponsibility.

If you dont want to get any vaccinations then you can just subject your kids to the old school method which is allowing them to contract the disease (like chicken pox, which Id never been vaccinated for before until a year ago) but then you sometimes risk death.

where I work we have a very good client who is antimedication of everysort. She wouldnt have vaccinated her dogs for rabies if it wasnt required to be seen by a vet...if her dogs die of rabies/heartworm/bordetella/whatever then you know..she had every means of protecting it and opted not to.

as for totally reminds me of that trend when I was younger where everybody had ADD.

Bill Gates, Grandson of a lolNAZI


Why Vaccines Don't Work as Advertised

In 1949, the DTP vaccine was licensed to prevent diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis (whooping cough) issuing forth the modern use of vaccines in the prevention of childhood illnesses. Polio immunization was later introduced to prevent that dread disease. In 1963, the measles vaccine was licensed and was combined with mumps and rubella toxoids to create the MMR vaccine.

In more recent times the hepatitis B and chickenpox vaccines have been developed and incorporated into our health care system. Now a child can expect to receive up to 33 vaccines during his or her childhood with more vaccines on the horizon, such as herpes zoster (shingles), West Nile virus, influenza, pneumococcal, HIV and many more...

One of the chief concepts that vaccine proponents tell us, and that we generally believe in modern society, is that the use of vaccines is responsible for the virtual elimination of many childhood scourges that used to ravage the world. We are told, and assume, that in the 1800s and early in the 1900s many diseases killed a large number of people and that vaccines were invented and stopped these diseases from being a threat. But is this in fact the case?

On the face of it, we cannot help but assume that vaccines have played a key role in improving all of our lives. But looking carefully at the evidence over a longer period of time reveals a different picture of disease evolution and the role vaccines have played.

A review of "Childhood's Deadly Scourge" states:

"During the last two decades of the 19th century diphtheria was the leading cause of death of toddlers in the industrialized world, in some cities killing more than a thousand in a single year. In contrast, since 1980 fewer than 100 cases have been reported in the entire United States. Although diphtheria is hardly the only infectious disease to have thus faded, its story is unique because the early period of its decline can be directly linked to advances in bacteriologic knowledge and practice. Between 1880 and 1930 health authorities in New York City were responsible for much of the practical innovation in the control of diphtheria, as well as a good share of scientific progress."1

The Vital Statistics of the United States contains compiled statistics for a wide variety of information since early in the 1900s. Among those are death rates from all diseases, including infectious diseases. An introductory statement from the 1937 statistics indicates that death rates from infectious diseases declined greatly in the early part of the century. These declines occurred well before the advent of vaccines to treat these conditions.

"The trend in death rates for specific causes, over the past 20 or 30 years, may be characterized by two general statements. In the first place, there has been a great reduction in the death rates for infectious and preventable diseases; in the second place, there has been an increase in the rates for certain diseases characteristic of older ages. Greatest proportional rate decreases have taken place for such diseases as typhoid and parathyroid fever, which has declined from a rate of 23.5 in 1910 to 2.1 in 1937; and diphtheria, which declined from a rate of 21.4 in 1910 to 2.0 in 1937. ... The rate reductions for infectious and preventable diseases can be largely attributed to the development of modern public-health practice."2

From these figures, we can see that death rates from typhoid decreased by 91 percent from 1910 to 1937 and death rates from diphtheria declined by 90.5 percent during the same time period. The decrease in diphtheria occurred well before the use of vaccination.

An even more recent editorial statement from the Journal of Pediatrics states that proper sanitation was largely responsible for the early large declines in infectious diseases.

"...The largest historical decrease in morbidity and mortality caused by infectious disease was experienced not with the modern antibiotic and vaccine era, but after the introduction of clean water and effective sewer systems."3

Again, in a 2001 paper in the Journal of Infection Control:

"The conquest of infectious disease and the health revolution it initiated is arguably one of the greatest achievements of Western civilization. Yet the phenomenon is largely unknown and rarely taught, even in history courses...

However, except for the smallpox vaccination, which was introduced in 1798 and made compulsory in England in 1853, the overall contribution of medical innovations to the health revolution of the 1800s is difficult to validate.

Diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis vaccine arrived on the scene only after disease mortality rates already had been reduced significantly; measles, rubella, and polio vaccines did not become available until the middle of the 20th century, when most infant deaths were the result of other causes. The same holds true for sulfa drugs and antibiotics. Their contribution is unequivocal, but they did not affect mortality rates until the 1940s."4

Another paper published in the medical journal The Lancet in 1977 by the Department of Community Medicine in the United Kingdom also indicates that vaccines were not responsible for the decline in disease rates in that country.

"There was a continuous decline [whooping cough deaths], equal in each sex, from 1937 onward. Vaccination, beginning on small scale in some places around 1948 and on a national scale in 1957, did not affect the rate of decline if it be assumed that one attack usually confers immunity, as in most major communicable diseases of childhood. ... The steady decline of whooping cough between 1930 and 1957 is predictive of a linear exponential decay characteristic of a general and progressive lessening in the volume and spread of infection among the susceptible population. With this pattern well established before 1957, there is no evidence that vaccination played a major role in the decline in incidence and mortality in the trend of events."5

...Thomas McKeown, professor of social medicine in the University of Birmingham Medical School between 1950 and 1978, is still regarded as a major social philosopher of medicine, and is known for his important works in epidemiology and the practice and purpose of medicine. His conclusion was also that diseases were declining well before medical interventions such as vaccinations came into standard use.

"The distinguished epidemiologist Thomas McKeown (1912-1988) maintained that reductions in deaths associated with infectious diseases (air-, water-, and food-borne diseases) cannot have been brought about by medical advances, since such diseases were declining long before effective means were available to combat them."6

Another author shows that disease and mortality was falling before the advent of vaccines or drug therapies:

"...In 1869 there were 716 deaths from typhus in London; by 1885 this had been reduced to 28; and at the beginning of the 20th century there was none. Similar declines could be given for other infectious diseases.

Tuberculosis began a remarkable disappearing act. Killing perhaps 500 out of every 100,000 Europeans in 1845, consumption slowly but continuously sank to 50 per 100,000 by 1950. Curative medicine played little part in that transition. The disappearance began before Koch discovered the tubercle bacillus.

By the time antibiotics entered the picture, TB in cities such as New York had fallen to eleventh place in the death lists. And the mortality graphs for most of Europe's fatal crowd diseases all dived before antibiotics had been marketed. Whooping cough killed 1400 children out of every million in 1850, but one hundred years later whooping deaths were less than 10 per million.

Scarlet fever behaved in the same way. Measles, typhus, pneumonia, dysentery and polio all share similar histories. Their retreat had a dramatic impact on the European population. By 1900 civilization had lost its biological population check: infectious disease.

After centuries of hostile encounters, humans and microbes found a new adjustment with little interference from drugs or vaccines. In some cases the microbe became less virulent (measles and diphtheria) or the human host more resistant (tuberculosis)."7

In the view of this, how can the statements made by the CDC on how "thanks to vaccines" diseases are a thing of the past be correct?

Back in 1924 Mark Twain was quoted as saying, "There are three kinds of lies — lies, damned lies, and statistics." When Mark Twain made this statement, his point was that numbers could be manipulated by the unscrupulous to misrepresent facts, to justify a particular bias, or fulfill a particular agenda.

It is an unhappy fact of modern life that anyone with an idea can support that idea with statistics. The less the public knows about the source of the statistics, the more possible it is to have misinformation posing as scientific results.

Simple statements such as "in the 1920s, over 10,000 people a year died from diphtheria," although accurate are very misleading. Providing a piece of historical fact without any real context and mixing it with statements on how vaccines helped cure these diseases leads the reader to erroneously conclude that vaccines were instrumental in the massive declines of deaths from these diseases.

The CDC's statements on vaccines only provide a few facts and then draw a conclusion on this limited information. To understand the role of vaccines, we must use the raw information and analyze it over a long period of time.

Please be sure and go to the site below and view all the graphs that support the evidence cited above.


[1] Morman, E.T., "Childhood's Deadly Scourge: The Campaign to Control Diphtheria in New York City, 1880-1930", The Journal of the American Medical Association, April 12, 2000 Vol. 283, p. 1889

[2] Vital Statistics of the United States 1937 Part I, U.S. Department of the Census, 1939, p. 11

[3] "Zinc, diarrhea, and pneumonia (editorial)", The Journal of Pediatrics, December 1999, Vol. 135, No. 6, p. 663

[4] Greene, Velvl W., PhD, MPH, "Personal hygiene and life expectancy improvements since 1850: Historic and epidemiologic associations", American Journal of Infection Control (AJIC), August 2001, Vol. 29, No. 4, pp. 203-206

[5] Steward, Gordon T., "Vaccination Against Whooping-Cough Efficacy Versus Risks", The Lancet, January 29, 1977, pp. 234-237

[6] Porter, Roy, "The Greatest Benefit to Mankind", Harper Collins Publishers, 1997, p. 426

[7] Porter, Roy, "The Greatest Benefit to Mankind", Harper Collins Publishers, 1997, p. 427

World Health Organization (WHO) Moves Forward in Secrecy with Forced Vaccination and Population Reduction Agenda

by Jane Burgermeister <>
July 21, 2009

World Health Organization (WHO) Moves Forward in Secrecy with Forced Vaccination and Population Reduction Agenda (July 26, 2009)

Forward courtesy of Clipper <>


Original title: WHO moves forward in secrecy to accomplish forced vaccination and population agenda

Global Research, July 21, 2009

The WHO has refused to release the Minutes of a key meeting of an advisory vaccine group – packed with executives from Baxter, Novartis and Sanofi – that recommended compulsory vaccinations in the USA, Europe and other countries against the artificial H1N1 “swine flu” virus this autumn.

In an email this morning, a WHO spokesperson claimed there are no Minutes of the meeting that took place on July 7th in which guidelines on the need for worldwide vaccinations that WH0 adopted this Monday were formulated and in which Baxter and other pharma executives participated.

Under the International Health Regulations, WHO guidelines have a binding character on all of WHO’s 194 signatory countries in the event of a pandemic emergency of the kind anticipated this autumn when the second more lethal wave of the H1N1 virus — which is bioengineered to resemble the Spanish flu virus — emerges.

In short: WHO has the authority to force everyone in those 194 countries to take a vaccine this fall at gunpoint, impose quarantines and restrict travel.

There is verifiable, clear and unambiguous proof that WHO supplied the live bird flu virus to Baxter’s subsidiary in Austria, which was used by Baxter to manufacture 72 kilos of vaccine material in Febuary.

Baxter subsequently sent this material out to 16 labs in four countries under a false label designating the contaminated product as vaccine material, so nearly triggering a global pandemic.

Because Baxter must adhere to strict biosafety level 3 regulations when handling a dangerus virus such as the bird flu virus, the production and distribution of so much pandemic material cannot have been an accident but must have been done by Baxter with criminal intent.

The Austrian police are now investigating after I filed criminal charges in April.

It is increasingly clear that WHO and Baxter are just elements in a much bigger criminal organisation that is moving forward in a synchronised and coordinated way to fulfil the “elite” agenda of global population reduction in the coming months and years while putting in place a global government of which WHO will be an arm.

WHO, a UN agency, appears to play a key role in coordinating the activities of labs, vaccine companies and governments to achieve the goal of population reduction and political and economic take over of North America and Europe:

- First, WHO gives funds, support and cover to labs such as the CDC to bioprospect for pathogens, bioengineer them to make them more deadly, and also patent them.

- Second, WHO gives those same deadly bioengineered pathogens to companies such as Baxter in Austria, so that Baxter could use those viruses to deliberately, systematically contaminate vaccine material. If the contamination of the 72 kilos had not been detection on time by a lab technician in the Czech Republic, millions of people would have caught the “bird flu” from the injections.

- Third, in the event of a pandemic, WHO orders a compulsory vaccines for all 194 countries, following “recommendations” by an advisory vaccine group on which executives of Baxter also sit.

- Fourth, WHO awards Baxter, Novartis, Sanofi and other companies lucrative contracts to supply those vaccines.

Furthermore, WHO acquires new global authority on an unseen scale in the event of a pandemic.

Under special pandemic plans enacted around the world including the USA, in 2005, national governments are to be dissolved in the event of a pandemic emergency and replaced by special crisis committees, which take charge of the health and security infrastructure of a country, and which are answerable to the WHO and EU in Europe and to the WHO and UN in North America.

If the Model Emergency Health Powers Act is implemented on the instructions of WHI, it will be a criminal offence for Americans to refuse the vaccine. Police are allowed to use deadly force against “criminal” suspects.

Through their control of these special pandemic crisis committees with the power to enact legislation to be set up most countries, the WHO, UN and EU become the de facto government of a large part of the world.

Mass murder and death will also bring economic collapse and disruption, starvation and wars – and these events will lead to a further population reduction.

To sum up: WHO helps create, distribute and then release the deadly pandemic virus, and this pandemic virus allows WHO to assume control of governments in North America and Europe and also order forced vaccination on populations by the very same companies that have distributed and released the deadly viruses in the first place and all under under the pretext of protecting populations from a pandemic they have created.

The corporate mainstream media owned by the same “elite” group which funds WHO is systematically concealing from the general public the nature of the real danger of these H1N1 jabs by withholding from them key information concerning the interrelated activities of this group of organisations for their mutual profit.

As a result, most people still believe that the H1N1 virus is a natural swine flu when even WHO has officially dropped the term “swine” in tactic acknowledgement of its artificial origin.

Most people still believe the vaccine companies can deliver a cure when the vaccine companies are preparing a lethal series of shots containg live attenuated virus, toxic metals and other poisons.

The two-dose H1N1 shots are designed to disable the immune system and then load that system with a live virus in a process that mirrors the one described in two of WHO’s 1972 memoranda where the technical means for turning vaccines into killers is outlined.

The Strecker Memorandum also reveals that WHO has been actively searching for ways to weaken the immune system.

The best protection against the H1N1 virus that has now been released and that will inevtiably become more lethal as it mutates in autumn is colloidal silver and also vitamins to strengthen the immune system, face masks and other such measures.

However, none of the governments in North America or Europe have stocked up on colloidal silver or announced sensible health measures to contain the coming lethal wave.

Instead, there are growing signs, they will use the panic to terrify people into taking the toxic vaccines which are sure to cause injury or damage because of the presence of heavy metals alone.

This mass vaccination will moreover alllow ever more lethal strains to emerge and also provide a cover for a release of bird flu virus or other pathogens.

This is why steps need to be taken now to stop the mass vaccinations anticipated in autumn by taking legal action to block the distribution of vaccines and/or laws allowing govenrments to force people to take vaccinations.

An investigation into this international corporate crime syndicate has to be conducted in every country because it has its tentacles in every country, and to try to initiate this in the USA, I filed charges with the FBI against WHO and the UN among other defendants in June. I included President Obama among the defendants because I believe the time has come to identify and isolate the core members of this international corporate criminal group which has annexed high government office in the USA, and put them in prison once and for all, and there are reports that Obama has direct financial links with Baxter that need to be investigated by law enforcement.

There is evidence the Austrian Health Minister and other officials have been helping Baxter to cover its tracks.

Also, there is clear evidence that elements of the Austrian media are involved in actively spreading lies and misinformation to lull people into a false sense of security concerning Baxter’s manufacture and distribution of pandemic material in Austria this February.

Vital is for individuals and local authorities need to take effective measures to protect against the coming lethal wave of the H1N1 virus to minimise its impact.


Also, Facts and sources please.
Posts: 63
By Phyrexius 2011-01-01 14:46:11
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Shiva.Flionheart said:
Phyrexius said:
Asura.Bartimaeus said:
Regarding Vaccines and Phyrexius:

Although I'm all for people who want to believe in "conspiracy theories', and find a lot of them rather benign, these "vaccines are bad, don't give them to your children" types of things are so completely irresponsible whether in the normal realm of things or even on the fringe.

Believe what you want Phyrexius, but please stop promoting ***that's going to, and has hurt people while calling others idiots for not following you.

Use your goddamn head.

Sorry, didn't mean to inject any sort of normalcy here, but it's just derp.

Really is that so? Explain why I personally know 3 people that have died within days of getting Flu shot. Mind you the Baxter/Bayer company that made the shots was created under Hitler's NAZI Germany. Eugenics is EVIL, HELLO WAKE UP, Eugenics is EVIL!

I myself am a victim of vaccines, my father a victim of vaccines, a good friend of mine too. She's so messed up from vaccines that she bruises extremely easy after the Marines gave her a botched batch of Anthrax vaccinations.

Apparently you don't know that humans are being tested on and MILLIONS have died at the same hands you're trying to cover up for. You're a disgusting vile example of how EVIL Humans can be.

So are you saying my family/friends and myself are liars? I SAY *** YOU AND YOUR HERD MENTALITY ***!

Funny how someone can TOTALLY change their minds on the Police State the instant they've fallen victim to it. Obviously you don't have any/enough balls to stand up to these evil Eugenecists.

Prove it with hard facts, not anecdotes.

Prove that Vaccines don't kill people. PROVE IT. Is it natural? NO! Then it's up to you *** NAZIs to prove that it helps. If it actually was "good" for you then it would NOT be forced on you. Are you that *** HELP I AM TRAPPED IN 2006 PLEASE SEND A TIME MACHINE to think that people with a Eugenics past that murdered MILLIONS of people are giving you vaccines for your "safety" LoL!!! What a TIN FOIL HAT WEARING CONSPIRACY THEORIST! Herd mentality think in here, it's quite Hilarious...
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 23653
By Shiva.Flionheart 2011-01-01 14:46:49
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Phyrexius said:
Shiva.Flionheart said:
Phyrexius said:
Asura.Bartimaeus said:
Regarding Vaccines and Phyrexius:

Although I'm all for people who want to believe in "conspiracy theories', and find a lot of them rather benign, these "vaccines are bad, don't give them to your children" types of things are so completely irresponsible whether in the normal realm of things or even on the fringe.

Believe what you want Phyrexius, but please stop promoting ***that's going to, and has hurt people while calling others idiots for not following you.

Use your goddamn head.

Sorry, didn't mean to inject any sort of normalcy here, but it's just derp.

Really is that so? Explain why I personally know 3 people that have died within days of getting Flu shot. Mind you the Baxter/Bayer company that made the shots was created under Hitler's NAZI Germany. Eugenics is EVIL, HELLO WAKE UP, Eugenics is EVIL!

I myself am a victim of vaccines, my father a victim of vaccines, a good friend of mine too. She's so messed up from vaccines that she bruises extremely easy after the Marines gave her a botched batch of Anthrax vaccinations.

Apparently you don't know that humans are being tested on and MILLIONS have died at the same hands you're trying to cover up for. You're a disgusting vile example of how EVIL Humans can be.

So are you saying my family/friends and myself are liars? I SAY *** YOU AND YOUR HERD MENTALITY ***!

Funny how someone can TOTALLY change their minds on the Police State the instant they've fallen victim to it. Obviously you don't have any/enough balls to stand up to these evil Eugenecists.

Prove it with hard facts, not anecdotes.

Prove that Vaccines don't kill people. PROVE IT. Is it natural? NO! Then it's up to you *** NAZIs to prove that it helps. If it actually was "good" for you then it would NOT be forced on you. Are you that *** HELP I AM TRAPPED IN 2006 PLEASE SEND A TIME MACHINE to think that people with a Eugenics past that murdered MILLIONS of people are giving you vaccines for your "safety" LoL!!! What a TIN FOIL HAT WEARING CONSPIRACY THEORIST! Herd mentality think in here, it's quite Hilarious...

Prove it with facts, not random incoherent diatribes.

Also the burden of proof is on you, broham.
Posts: 63
By Phyrexius 2011-01-01 14:49:01
Link | Quote | Reply
Shiva.Flionheart said:
Phyrexius said:
Shiva.Flionheart said:
Phyrexius said:
Asura.Bartimaeus said:
Regarding Vaccines and Phyrexius:

Although I'm all for people who want to believe in "conspiracy theories', and find a lot of them rather benign, these "vaccines are bad, don't give them to your children" types of things are so completely irresponsible whether in the normal realm of things or even on the fringe.

Believe what you want Phyrexius, but please stop promoting ***that's going to, and has hurt people while calling others idiots for not following you.

Use your goddamn head.

Sorry, didn't mean to inject any sort of normalcy here, but it's just derp.

Really is that so? Explain why I personally know 3 people that have died within days of getting Flu shot. Mind you the Baxter/Bayer company that made the shots was created under Hitler's NAZI Germany. Eugenics is EVIL, HELLO WAKE UP, Eugenics is EVIL!

I myself am a victim of vaccines, my father a victim of vaccines, a good friend of mine too. She's so messed up from vaccines that she bruises extremely easy after the Marines gave her a botched batch of Anthrax vaccinations.

Apparently you don't know that humans are being tested on and MILLIONS have died at the same hands you're trying to cover up for. You're a disgusting vile example of how EVIL Humans can be.

So are you saying my family/friends and myself are liars? I SAY *** YOU AND YOUR HERD MENTALITY ***!

Funny how someone can TOTALLY change their minds on the Police State the instant they've fallen victim to it. Obviously you don't have any/enough balls to stand up to these evil Eugenecists.

Prove it with hard facts, not anecdotes.

Prove that Vaccines don't kill people. PROVE IT. Is it natural? NO! Then it's up to you *** NAZIs to prove that it helps. If it actually was "good" for you then it would NOT be forced on you. Are you that *** HELP I AM TRAPPED IN 2006 PLEASE SEND A TIME MACHINE to think that people with a Eugenics past that murdered MILLIONS of people are giving you vaccines for your "safety" LoL!!! What a TIN FOIL HAT WEARING CONSPIRACY THEORIST! Herd mentality think in here, it's quite Hilarious...

Prove it with facts, not random incoherent diatribes.

Also the burden of proof is on you, broham.

Sorry but the burden of proof is on you. You're a *** idiot to think children are born with vaccines needles sticking out their arms.
Posts: 1217
By Luz 2011-01-01 14:51:09
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How is THIS not flamecore'd yet?
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 23653
By Shiva.Flionheart 2011-01-01 14:52:55
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Phyrexius said:
Shiva.Flionheart said:
Phyrexius said:
Shiva.Flionheart said:
Phyrexius said:
Asura.Bartimaeus said:
Regarding Vaccines and Phyrexius:

Although I'm all for people who want to believe in "conspiracy theories', and find a lot of them rather benign, these "vaccines are bad, don't give them to your children" types of things are so completely irresponsible whether in the normal realm of things or even on the fringe.

Believe what you want Phyrexius, but please stop promoting ***that's going to, and has hurt people while calling others idiots for not following you.

Use your goddamn head.

Sorry, didn't mean to inject any sort of normalcy here, but it's just derp.

Really is that so? Explain why I personally know 3 people that have died within days of getting Flu shot. Mind you the Baxter/Bayer company that made the shots was created under Hitler's NAZI Germany. Eugenics is EVIL, HELLO WAKE UP, Eugenics is EVIL!

I myself am a victim of vaccines, my father a victim of vaccines, a good friend of mine too. She's so messed up from vaccines that she bruises extremely easy after the Marines gave her a botched batch of Anthrax vaccinations.

Apparently you don't know that humans are being tested on and MILLIONS have died at the same hands you're trying to cover up for. You're a disgusting vile example of how EVIL Humans can be.

So are you saying my family/friends and myself are liars? I SAY *** YOU AND YOUR HERD MENTALITY ***!

Funny how someone can TOTALLY change their minds on the Police State the instant they've fallen victim to it. Obviously you don't have any/enough balls to stand up to these evil Eugenecists.

Prove it with hard facts, not anecdotes.

Prove that Vaccines don't kill people. PROVE IT. Is it natural? NO! Then it's up to you *** NAZIs to prove that it helps. If it actually was "good" for you then it would NOT be forced on you. Are you that *** HELP I AM TRAPPED IN 2006 PLEASE SEND A TIME MACHINE to think that people with a Eugenics past that murdered MILLIONS of people are giving you vaccines for your "safety" LoL!!! What a TIN FOIL HAT WEARING CONSPIRACY THEORIST! Herd mentality think in here, it's quite Hilarious...

Prove it with facts, not random incoherent diatribes.

Also the burden of proof is on you, broham.

Sorry but the burden of proof is on you. You're a *** idiot to think children are born with vaccines needles sticking out their arms.

Burden of proof. (Because I know you think hyperlinks are part of a conspiracy I'll point out the passage you need to understand)

"When debating any issue, there is an implicit burden of proof on him or her making a claim."

You're making the claim that vaccines cause autism, and any other verbal diarrhoea you've spilled, so give proof in the form of hard fact.

Also I know you're a sock puppet, And I will eventually work out for who.

If you continuously flame without factual evidence I'll just assume you're going to pop the "lol I troll u" defence somewhere down the line.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1323
By Fenrir.Mankey 2011-01-01 14:54:49
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dundundun !
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 23653
By Shiva.Flionheart 2011-01-01 14:55:51
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I'd assume he/she does everything natural.

*** hippies I swear to god.
Posts: 63
By Phyrexius 2011-01-01 14:58:20
Link | Quote | Reply
Shiva.Flionheart said:
Phyrexius said:
Shiva.Flionheart said:
Phyrexius said:
Shiva.Flionheart said:
Phyrexius said:
Asura.Bartimaeus said:
Regarding Vaccines and Phyrexius:

Although I'm all for people who want to believe in "conspiracy theories', and find a lot of them rather benign, these "vaccines are bad, don't give them to your children" types of things are so completely irresponsible whether in the normal realm of things or even on the fringe.

Believe what you want Phyrexius, but please stop promoting ***that's going to, and has hurt people while calling others idiots for not following you.

Use your goddamn head.

Sorry, didn't mean to inject any sort of normalcy here, but it's just derp.

Really is that so? Explain why I personally know 3 people that have died within days of getting Flu shot. Mind you the Baxter/Bayer company that made the shots was created under Hitler's NAZI Germany. Eugenics is EVIL, HELLO WAKE UP, Eugenics is EVIL!

I myself am a victim of vaccines, my father a victim of vaccines, a good friend of mine too. She's so messed up from vaccines that she bruises extremely easy after the Marines gave her a botched batch of Anthrax vaccinations.

Apparently you don't know that humans are being tested on and MILLIONS have died at the same hands you're trying to cover up for. You're a disgusting vile example of how EVIL Humans can be.

So are you saying my family/friends and myself are liars? I SAY *** YOU AND YOUR HERD MENTALITY ***!

Funny how someone can TOTALLY change their minds on the Police State the instant they've fallen victim to it. Obviously you don't have any/enough balls to stand up to these evil Eugenecists.

Prove it with hard facts, not anecdotes.

Prove that Vaccines don't kill people. PROVE IT. Is it natural? NO! Then it's up to you *** NAZIs to prove that it helps. If it actually was "good" for you then it would NOT be forced on you. Are you that *** HELP I AM TRAPPED IN 2006 PLEASE SEND A TIME MACHINE to think that people with a Eugenics past that murdered MILLIONS of people are giving you vaccines for your "safety" LoL!!! What a TIN FOIL HAT WEARING CONSPIRACY THEORIST! Herd mentality think in here, it's quite Hilarious...

Prove it with facts, not random incoherent diatribes.

Also the burden of proof is on you, broham.

Sorry but the burden of proof is on you. You're a *** idiot to think children are born with vaccines needles sticking out their arms.

Burden of proof. (Because I know you think hyperlinks are part of a conspiracy I'll point out the passage you need to understand)

"When debating any issue, there is an implicit burden of proof on him or her making a claim."

You're making the claim that vaccines cause autism, and any other verbal diarrhoea you've spilled, so give proof in the form of hard fact.

Also I know you're a sock puppet, And I will eventually work out for who.

If you continuously flame without factual evidence I'll just assume you're going to pop the "lol I troll u" defence somewhere down the line.

You know I don't even read any NAZI Propaganda. Yes REAL NAZI PROPAGANDA is what it is, FROM THE 4TH REICH. Yes, True NAZI Propaganda. NAZIsm did NOT die with Hitler, Operation Paperclip and various other declassified lolGovernment documents prove this.

You're making the claim that vaccines help humanity. PROVE IT! You make the claim that vaccines helped get rid of Polio...PROVE IT! You claim Vaccines are good, PROVE IT!

*** YOU and your "forcing" me, family, friends or anyone else to partake in your Worshiping of slaughtering innocent people around the World.

I'm off to work, go *** yourself you piece of ***, hate speech spreading NAZI.
Posts: 1217
By Luz 2011-01-01 14:59:08
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Fenrir.Mankey said:
dundundun !
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 14155
By Valefor.Slipispsycho 2011-01-01 15:00:51
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Shiva.Flionheart said:
I'd assume he/she does everything natural.

*** hippies I swear to god.
Is it just me, or is he starting to sound like Deathcue?
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 23653
By Shiva.Flionheart 2011-01-01 15:01:39
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Phyrexius said:
Shiva.Flionheart said:
Phyrexius said:
Shiva.Flionheart said:
Phyrexius said:
Shiva.Flionheart said:
Phyrexius said:
Asura.Bartimaeus said:
Regarding Vaccines and Phyrexius:

Although I'm all for people who want to believe in "conspiracy theories', and find a lot of them rather benign, these "vaccines are bad, don't give them to your children" types of things are so completely irresponsible whether in the normal realm of things or even on the fringe.

Believe what you want Phyrexius, but please stop promoting ***that's going to, and has hurt people while calling others idiots for not following you.

Use your goddamn head.

Sorry, didn't mean to inject any sort of normalcy here, but it's just derp.

Really is that so? Explain why I personally know 3 people that have died within days of getting Flu shot. Mind you the Baxter/Bayer company that made the shots was created under Hitler's NAZI Germany. Eugenics is EVIL, HELLO WAKE UP, Eugenics is EVIL!

I myself am a victim of vaccines, my father a victim of vaccines, a good friend of mine too. She's so messed up from vaccines that she bruises extremely easy after the Marines gave her a botched batch of Anthrax vaccinations.

Apparently you don't know that humans are being tested on and MILLIONS have died at the same hands you're trying to cover up for. You're a disgusting vile example of how EVIL Humans can be.

So are you saying my family/friends and myself are liars? I SAY *** YOU AND YOUR HERD MENTALITY ***!

Funny how someone can TOTALLY change their minds on the Police State the instant they've fallen victim to it. Obviously you don't have any/enough balls to stand up to these evil Eugenecists.

Prove it with hard facts, not anecdotes.

Prove that Vaccines don't kill people. PROVE IT. Is it natural? NO! Then it's up to you *** NAZIs to prove that it helps. If it actually was "good" for you then it would NOT be forced on you. Are you that *** HELP I AM TRAPPED IN 2006 PLEASE SEND A TIME MACHINE to think that people with a Eugenics past that murdered MILLIONS of people are giving you vaccines for your "safety" LoL!!! What a TIN FOIL HAT WEARING CONSPIRACY THEORIST! Herd mentality think in here, it's quite Hilarious...

Prove it with facts, not random incoherent diatribes.

Also the burden of proof is on you, broham.

Sorry but the burden of proof is on you. You're a *** idiot to think children are born with vaccines needles sticking out their arms.

Burden of proof. (Because I know you think hyperlinks are part of a conspiracy I'll point out the passage you need to understand)

"When debating any issue, there is an implicit burden of proof on him or her making a claim."

You're making the claim that vaccines cause autism, and any other verbal diarrhoea you've spilled, so give proof in the form of hard fact.

Also I know you're a sock puppet, And I will eventually work out for who.

If you continuously flame without factual evidence I'll just assume you're going to pop the "lol I troll u" defence somewhere down the line.

You know I don't even read any NAZI Propaganda. Yes REAL NAZI PROPAGANDA is what it is, FROM THE 4TH REICH. Yes, True NAZI Propaganda. NAZIsm did NOT die with Hitler, Operation Paperclip and various other declassified lolGovernment documents prove this.

You're making the claim that vaccines help humanity. PROVE IT! You make the claim that vaccines helped get rid of Polio...PROVE IT! You claim Vaccines are good, PROVE IT!

*** YOU and your "forcing" me, family, friends or anyone else to partake in your Worshiping of slaughtering innocent people around the World.

I'm off to work, go *** yourself you piece of ***, hate speech spreading NAZI.

I've never claimed any of those. I suggest you re-read my posts.

You're the one making the claims that you are failing to back up with facts or sources.

You're just spewing verbal diarrhoea by calling anyone who disagrees with you a Nazi. You obviously understand very little about the points you preach about, and this is hilarious to me.

Also nice duck out that you have work, we all know that's a lie.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 23653
By Shiva.Flionheart 2011-01-01 15:02:13
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Valefor.Slipispsycho said:
Shiva.Flionheart said:
I'd assume he/she does everything natural.

*** hippies I swear to god.
Is it just me, or is he starting to sound like Deathcue?

Could be, he's about as dim.
Server: Ragnarok
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user: Anye
Posts: 5449
By Ragnarok.Anye 2011-01-01 15:02:27
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Due to my diabetes, I've been taking the flu vaccine ever since I was six. Had two vaccines this year, in fact--Flu shot, and the whooping cough shot.

Haven't died.

Also, I deal with the paperwork regarding who's taken their vaccines at this hospital, and who hasn't. I haven't seen many dead ones yet, thank God.

Also, Phy? You're setting off the profanity alarms in my head, even after my coffee fix. Try not to be so vulgar in your next few posts, k?
Posts: 1217
By Luz 2011-01-01 15:02:53
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Phyrexius said:
Shiva.Flionheart said:
Phyrexius said:
Shiva.Flionheart said:
Phyrexius said:
Shiva.Flionheart said:
Phyrexius said:
Asura.Bartimaeus said:
Regarding Vaccines and Phyrexius:

Although I'm all for people who want to believe in "conspiracy theories', and find a lot of them rather benign, these "vaccines are bad, don't give them to your children" types of things are so completely irresponsible whether in the normal realm of things or even on the fringe.

Believe what you want Phyrexius, but please stop promoting ***that's going to, and has hurt people while calling others idiots for not following you.

Use your goddamn head.

Sorry, didn't mean to inject any sort of normalcy here, but it's just derp.

Really is that so? Explain why I personally know 3 people that have died within days of getting Flu shot. Mind you the Baxter/Bayer company that made the shots was created under Hitler's NAZI Germany. Eugenics is EVIL, HELLO WAKE UP, Eugenics is EVIL!

I myself am a victim of vaccines, my father a victim of vaccines, a good friend of mine too. She's so messed up from vaccines that she bruises extremely easy after the Marines gave her a botched batch of Anthrax vaccinations.

Apparently you don't know that humans are being tested on and MILLIONS have died at the same hands you're trying to cover up for. You're a disgusting vile example of how EVIL Humans can be.

So are you saying my family/friends and myself are liars? I SAY *** YOU AND YOUR HERD MENTALITY ***!

Funny how someone can TOTALLY change their minds on the Police State the instant they've fallen victim to it. Obviously you don't have any/enough balls to stand up to these evil Eugenecists.

Prove it with hard facts, not anecdotes.

Prove that Vaccines don't kill people. PROVE IT. Is it natural? NO! Then it's up to you *** NAZIs to prove that it helps. If it actually was "good" for you then it would NOT be forced on you. Are you that *** HELP I AM TRAPPED IN 2006 PLEASE SEND A TIME MACHINE to think that people with a Eugenics past that murdered MILLIONS of people are giving you vaccines for your "safety" LoL!!! What a TIN FOIL HAT WEARING CONSPIRACY THEORIST! Herd mentality think in here, it's quite Hilarious...

Prove it with facts, not random incoherent diatribes.

Also the burden of proof is on you, broham.

Sorry but the burden of proof is on you. You're a *** idiot to think children are born with vaccines needles sticking out their arms.

Burden of proof. (Because I know you think hyperlinks are part of a conspiracy I'll point out the passage you need to understand)

"When debating any issue, there is an implicit burden of proof on him or her making a claim."

You're making the claim that vaccines cause autism, and any other verbal diarrhoea you've spilled, so give proof in the form of hard fact.

Also I know you're a sock puppet, And I will eventually work out for who.

If you continuously flame without factual evidence I'll just assume you're going to pop the "lol I troll u" defence somewhere down the line.

You know I don't even read any NAZI Propaganda. Yes REAL NAZI PROPAGANDA is what it is, FROM THE 4TH REICH. Yes, True NAZI Propaganda. NAZIsm did NOT die with Hitler, Operation Paperclip and various other declassified lolGovernment documents prove this.

You're making the claim that vaccines help humanity. PROVE IT! You make the claim that vaccines helped get rid of Polio...PROVE IT! You claim Vaccines are good, PROVE IT!

*** YOU and your "forcing" me, family, friends or anyone else to partake in your Worshiping of slaughtering innocent people around the World.

I'm off to work, go *** yourself you piece of ***, hate speech spreading NAZI.
Yes, that's what the government wants you to do. Be a good little Nazi and pay your taxes :D
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 14155
By Valefor.Slipispsycho 2011-01-01 15:03:10
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Shiva.Flionheart said:
Valefor.Slipispsycho said:
Shiva.Flionheart said:
I'd assume he/she does everything natural.

*** hippies I swear to god.
Is it just me, or is he starting to sound like Deathcue?

Could be, he's about as dim.
He likes to capitalize, where as Deathcue uses quotation marks, but <_< other than that, they seem eerily similar.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 23653
By Shiva.Flionheart 2011-01-01 15:04:21
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Ragnarok.Anye said:
Due to my diabetes, I've been taking the flu vaccine ever since I was six.

Had two vaccines this year, in fact--Flu shot, and the whooping cough shot.

Haven't died.

Also, I deal with the paperwork regarding who's taken their vaccines at this hospital, and who hasn't. I haven't seen many dead ones yet, thank God.

Didn't you know that diabetes was Nazi germs? If you have diabetes then clearly you're a Nazi.
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
Posts: 516
By Siren.Flunklesnarkin 2011-01-01 15:27:30
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glad this thread hasn't died ^^

since the topic still seems to be conspiracy theories here are a few of the more "scary" ones ;p

The earth is growing o_O

The jesse ventura conspiracy :O!!

Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 14155
By Valefor.Slipispsycho 2011-01-01 16:06:21
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Siren.Flunklesnarkin said:

Are you *** serious?? I'm so not watching the whole video, so if he actually addresses this, let me know how..

Where the flying *** does this guy think all the extra matter is coming from to make the world grow? Matter isn't spontaneously generated, even life doesn't just come from no where, it consumes water and food to continue growing. The only source for new matter is from comets and asteroids and the like, even the asteroid that wiped out the dinosaurs is NOTHING when you compare it to the material already present on the Earth when it hit, not to mention the fact that such a large impact actually throws dust and stone beyond the Earth's atmosphere and into space never to return again or the fact that small asteroids burn up before ever hitting the ground.

What a crock of ***.

As for Jesse Ventura, I watch the show occasionally, it's interesting enough when nothing else is on.. Some of what he actually finds is rightfully disturbing, but his full blown conspiracy theories are highly unlikely at best.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Domz
Posts: 631
By Asura.Domz 2011-01-01 16:26:15
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i am continually amazed at the amount of obviously mental people that somehow end up on these rather quiet forums.

and lol at the person calling everyone sheep that is himself a sheep for following some wackjobs online blog.
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