I wonder how women divide their time with looking pretty and playing MMO's.
I feel like you're implying that less sandwiches are being made in kitchens across the world and kindly remind you how America reacts to such Communism.
also, to not ONLY troll >.>... lolguitarhero, oh and blue hair \o\ I tried to eat my camera phone D: p.s. I miss that shirt in the first pic ; ; Don't break the code (guy peeing) (empty stall) (guy peeing) (empty stall) (guy peeing) Sadly, only guys understood it lol XD
Sorry for the horribly idiotic question, I'm really bad at this kind of stuff...That being said, if I have pictures on my desktop that I want to put on here, how do I do it? I dont understand the sample stuff at the bottom of the page here :P Again, I apologize...
Sorry for the horribly idiotic question, I'm really bad at this kind of stuff...That being said, if I have pictures on my desktop that I want to put on here, how do I do it? I dont understand the sample stuff at the bottom of the page here :P Again, I apologize...
make an account
upload pics
use the [img tags and post linkie (they have it set up if you scroll over the picture)
Thought someone was bound to start this! Though most of us dont play on same servers, can still be nice to see who you talkin with on these forums! I'll start us off I guess. Pimpin my suit http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w315/bleach59/Mememememee001copy2-1.jpg This one more recent, few weeks ago. http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w315/bleach59/PA150548.jpg