Here's a sweet picture of me when I drank a liter of vodka way too fast.
[Note: I'm the person everyone is bowing to. Notice the lit candle on my *** cheek]
Aptly Titled: Shrine to Alcohol
well heres a another one i didnt drink anything my friend just told me to duck tape my pocket closed because we were leaving for a concert... and from there i got sack tapped and then wrapped up /sigh got back up got sack tapped again and thats why im on the floor with a long john silvers hat blind fold lol
And this other picture is Tommy Chong and me at a book signing he was doing back in 2006 I think. Crappy quality as it was taken from a Verizon Razor cell phone.
Thought someone was bound to start this! Though most of us dont play on same servers, can still be nice to see who you talkin with on these forums! I'll start us off I guess. Pimpin my suit This one more recent, few weeks ago.